Sour cream chicken - the best recipes. How to cook chicken in sour cream.


Chicken in sour cream - a dish so wonderful that many housewives include it in the New Year's menu.

Its main advantages are:

• Availability of all ingredients included in the dish and ease of preparation.
• This dish has an amazing feature: it is perfectly perceived both in cold and in hot form. Moreover, if you have to warm it up, it does not lose its taste.
• Chicken in sour cream can rightfully be considered a dietary dish. It is available to children and those who are forced to follow a strict diet.
• This dish can be easily satiated, while at the same time it is moderately oily. Such qualities are very important at the festive table. After all, it is customary to drink alcohol during the holidays, and products that have the indicated characteristics will neutralize the negative effects of alcohol on the body.
• The imagination of each housewife will tell her other reasons for why this wonderful dish is present on the festive table.

Chicken in sour cream - cooking utensils

This article is devoted to different methods of cooking chicken in sour cream. The presented recipes do not differ so much in the ingredients used as in the preparation method. It turns out that a simple and favorite dish can be prepared not only in the oven, in a stewpan or in a cauldron, but also in a slow cooker or in a microwave. Whatever way the hostess chooses, using these recipes, she will get a tasty and tender chicken.

As for cooking chicken in the oven, it is better to put the cooking foil on the entire surface of a clean and dry pan. With this preparation, the chicken will be more tender and juicier.

Using a stewpan, you need to give preference to deep capacity. So it will be easier to control the cooking process.

A cauldron is traditionally chosen with thick walls so that the dish warms up gradually. However, the hostess who uses the cauldron is well acquainted with the wonderful qualities of this cookware.

In the microwave oven, as well as in the multicooker, special dishes are used.

Chicken in sour cream - preparation of products

The chicken to be used in the recipe can be cooked whole or chopped. You can give preference to its individual parts, such as breast, legs, hips. It all depends on the personal preferences of who will eat this dish. You can use chicken in any form if you follow the simple rules for its qualities: it must be young (up to a year), well-fed and cleanly washed. Soup chicken is not suitable for this dish, because even sour cream is not able to make it really soft.

Speaking of sour cream. It is not only tasty, but also useful, as it updates the intestinal microflora and helps to normalize digestion. Please note that we are talking about sour cream! This is a product made from cream and sourdough. What is prepared from skimmed milk powder, mixed with palm oil, a thickener and a stabilizer - this is not sour cream. And this is not allowed.

Recipe 1: Sour Cream Chicken Cooked in a Multicooker


A slow cooker is a modern miracle of technology, which, look at it, will replace a stove just like a stove that once replaced a Russian stove. Cooking in it is not only simple, but very fast and interesting.


Chicken drumsticks or other parts of the chicken - 700 grams, 2 medium onions, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 2 medium bay leaves, black pepper, salt and vegetable oil.

Cooking method

The slow cooker should be turned on for 40 minutes by setting the "Baking" mode. Pour the vegetable oil into the multi-pan and heat it for eight minutes. Onion cut into half rings. Put salted and pepper pieces of chicken in a multicooker. For fifteen minutes, fry them on one side. Gently turn the chicken pieces on the other side, fill the onion, close the lid and continue cooking until the signal. Add bay leaf and sour cream to the resulting dish. Mix thoroughly and cook according to the program "Milk porridge" before the signal.

Recipe 2: Chicken in sour cream, cooked in a cauldron


This dish can be the most beloved in the family. After all, it literally melts in your mouth. The resulting sauce can be poured over the side dish. It is perfect for buckwheat, rice, and mashed potatoes.


Chicken carcass, 2 onions, 1 medium carrot, 3 tbsp. sour cream, 2 medium bay leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, dill or parsley, vegetable oil, zira, black pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Cut the chicken into pieces, salt and pepper. Let it stand in this form for half an hour, during which time it absorbs the right amount of salt. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron, lightly fry chicken pieces in it. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the cauldron and simmer the chicken for fifteen minutes. Add peeled and chopped onions. Finely chop the clean carrots or grate them and then add to the dish. Simmer for another fifteen minutes, closing the cauldron with a lid. Next, add finely chopped garlic, zira, bay leaf, sour cream to the dish. Simmer another fifteen minutes. At the very end of the process, remove the lavrushka, add finely chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 3: Chicken in sour cream, cooked in a saucepan


This recipe belongs to the mistresses of the whole world, because it is cooked everywhere. It is easy to realize for women and men. To do something wrong is simply impossible.


One chicken, vegetable oil, bay leaf, sour cream, flour, salt, ground red pepper and onions - all to taste.

Cooking method

Fried sliced ​​chicken in vegetable oil on both sides. We shift them to the stewpan. In the fat remaining in the pan, fry the onions, which are finely chopped beforehand. We lay the golden onion on top of the chicken and pour it with fats that remained in the pan. In a stewpan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and put on fire, closing the lid. Stew for 20-25 minutes. Mix flour and sour cream. Flour is needed so that sour cream is thicker. If it is already so thick, then you can do without flour. Salt and pepper the chicken, add sour cream and bay leaf. Stew for another 20 minutes, then discard the lavrushka. Everything, the dish is ready.

Recipe 4: Oven-Cooked Chicken in Sour Cream


A chicken and side dish are cooked at the same time. Cooking this dish is very simple. You don’t even have to cut the chicken into pieces.


One chicken weighing 1.8-2 kg, 200 grams of sour cream, 1 tsp. with a slide of red ground pepper, 2.5 tsp salt.
Potatoes, mayonnaise, fresh chopped greens (onions, dill).

Cooking method

Open the chicken along the breast. Wash, dry with a napkin and rub with salt (half a teaspoon). Add the rest of the salt and pepper to sour cream. Coat the chicken with the mixture. We lay the chicken on the foil, previously laid on a baking sheet. Around it we have peeled potatoes, which are salted, spread with mayonnaise and sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs. The pan moves into the oven. Chicken is cooked for about an hour at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. You can check the readiness by piercing the potatoes with a toothpick. If it is already ready, the chicken was baked.

Recipe 5: Microwave Sour Cream Chicken


A completely modern way of cooking. Not too long, but very tasty.


Four skinless chicken breast fillet, 340 grams of sour cream, 20 grams of hard cheese, 80 grams of dry white wine, 60 ml of chicken stock, pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Boil the chicken until half cooked. We get the fillet from the broth and dry it with a napkin. In a microwave container, mix sour cream, grated cheese, salt, pepper and wine. We put there the chicken fillet, cut into pieces. We cook by covering the container with a lid in full power mode for 10-15 minutes, and then five minutes in low power mode. Everything.

Chicken in sour cream - useful tips from experienced chefs

If spices are not indicated in the chicken recipe in sour cream, you can safely add curry or coriander. From garlic, chicken always tastes better.

Sour cream can exfoliate if hot bird is poured with cold sour cream. It is better to remove the sour cream from the refrigerator in advance, let it warm, and then warm it in a frying pan before adding it to the chicken. Heat, but do not boil!


Natalia 44 09/14/2016
God, how much water! You could get by with five lines. When to cook. If you read all this !?

wika 02/24/2016
thanks for the simple recipe. Now the chicken is preparing, what happens - I will unsubscribe.


Watch the video: Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas - Cheesy and Creamy Delicious - by Rockin Robin (June 2024).