Potatoes with mushrooms - the best recipes. How to cook potatoes with mushrooms correctly and tasty.


Potato with mushrooms - general principles and methods of preparation

Traditionally, potatoes are the staple food in our country, there are many ways to cook it. Even if you just fry it in the most classic way, mushrooms come to mind ... Forest miracle - mushrooms are associated with autumn, smelling of moisture forest, the rays of the sun breaking through the crowns of trees, good mood. Of course, in order to collect mushrooms, you need to understand them well, but you can also protect yourself - because in stores today you can buy fresh mushrooms grown in greenhouse conditions. For fairly common dishes with mushroom potatoes, champignons are quite suitable, although you can take any others to your taste. The most important rule - "There are not many mushrooms!" Potato with mushrooms means a large number of mushrooms.

Potato with mushrooms - preparation of products

Preparing potatoes is easy enough - which of us will not be able to peel, wash and cut into pieces. But mushrooms need to be paid much more attention. With a sharp knife, preferably stainless steel, cut out all softened and darkened places. Old mushrooms can have a tubular hat - we will remove the exfoliated places, sticky legs. Russula, late and granular oils need to be cleaned hats. Mushrooms cannot be soaked and washed for a long time, especially those that are used for frying. The exception is bitter or salted mushrooms, which are soaked to improve the taste for several hours, and those in which there is a lot of sand (morels, stitches, colorful blackberries) are washed longer. even under running water to keep all the sand behind. Be sure to let the water drain. Porcini mushrooms, saffron mushrooms or champignons are eaten along with the legs.

Potatoes with mushrooms - preparation of dishes

To prepare dishes from potatoes and mushrooms, in almost every recipe you will need to separately fry mushrooms and potatoes, so it would be nice to have two frying pans at once. It is best to take tall heavy pans and fryers with high sides. To mix the ingredients you will need a deep salad bowl. Mushrooms are usually boiled in an enameled pan.
Potatoes with mushrooms - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Potato with mushrooms in the oven.

This wonderful dish with aromatic herbs and garlic has a very tasty and satisfying combination, it can be served independently or as a side dish. For baking, we use cream of 10% fat and any of the mushrooms available. Sour cream can be diluted with water and used instead of cream.


1. For cooking, take 1 kg of potatoes, mushrooms (0.5 kg), 1 large onion, cream (500 ml), 1 teaspoon of marjoram and Provence herbs, salt, pepper, a little flour.

Cooking method

Cut the peeled potatoes into small pieces. Cut mushrooms and onions. For frying mushrooms, it is better to cut onions in large half rings so that it does not sink to the bottom of the pan and does not burn out ahead of time. Fry the mushrooms with onions in a frying pan in vegetable oil and add 2 tablespoons of flour, fry them all together. We spread on a deep baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil, potatoes, on top we spread potatoes with mushrooms and onions. Pour cream mixed with Provencal herbs and marjoram, salt, pepper and put in the oven. We bake until the potatoes are ready on low heat, we insist the finished dish a little under the lid.
Done! It looks great, it smells appetizing, but it tastes like ... try it, don’t be disappointed!

Recipe 2 Potatoes with mushrooms under cheese.

Fans of potatoes with mushrooms with a "cheese" soul will really like the recipe for potatoes with mushrooms baked under cheese. Since all the ingredients are fried separately, in order for the cheese to find a golden crust and be soft at the same time, take quite a bit of mayonnaise (2-3 tablespoons).


Potato 1 kg, cheese 150 grams, mushrooms 600 grams, mayonnaise 2 tablespoons, onion or two, vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

We cut the potatoes into small cubes, warm them thoroughly with a pan of butter until a characteristic haze appears, put the potatoes and fry them until they are evenly browned, salted and periodically turned over with a spatula. Boil the mushrooms. Cut the peeled onions in half rings and separately fry the same until golden brown, add the boiled mushrooms and fry them all together. We spread potatoes, mushrooms with onions in a baking sheet, three hard cheese on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes. You can add garlic and herbs. Tasty and fast, and most importantly, at home.

Recipe 3: Potato with mushrooms in pots

Variety in the daily menu can be made using ceramic pots. This is one of the simplest dishes, which cooks quickly and is eaten instantly.


Potatoes 1 kg, champignons 600 gr., Onions (2 pcs.), Carrots 1-2 pcs., Sour cream (or mayonnaise) 300 gr.

Cooking method

We cut the potatoes into cubes, separately fry the mushrooms with onions and carrots. We put everything in a separate container so that it can be mixed. Salt, pepper to taste, mix and arrange in pots. Pour mayonnaise or sour cream on top. Bake for 20 minutes, until the potatoes are ready. Open the pots, pour over sour cream or mayonnaise again. Cover and let stand in a hot oven. Some housewives like to make a lid out of regular yeast dough. This must be done beforehand, if you are not sorry to spend 30-40 minutes for this, until the dough comes up, then pinch off the pieces of dough, form lids and cover them with pots. Cooking takes about an hour.
Bon Appetit!


Novice culinary 03/14/2016
Cooked according to the recipe number 2. Allowed to add a little garlic.
Mmm ... Yummy! I believed in myself) Thanks for the recipe!

Threat. With an electric oven, you probably need to cook without ventilation, otherwise the cheese crunches a little.


Watch the video: Cast Iron Roasted Potatoes, Onions, and Mushrooms Recipe (July 2024).