Cleaning the house where there is a baby


Purely where they do not litter - this rule is true absolutely always and for many housewives it is the basis of successful cleaning in the house. Indeed, if you clean once thoroughly and maintain cleanliness, laying things in place on time and walking through the rooms with a vacuum cleaner, the house will always be clean and tidy.

But with the birth of a baby, the situation changes dramatically, and even in the most tidy apartments, chaos often begins to reign. The child not only requires the attention and time of the mother, but also by itself often becomes a source of garbage and dirt. In the first months it is porridge, which the baby spit out on the curtains or milk burnt on the carpet. Later - painted wallpapers and doors, plasticine and watercolor on the carpet, toys and scraps of colored paper are literally everywhere.

Of course, you cannot put up with a mess, and mothers, trying to cope with the dirt as quickly and efficiently as possible, use cleaning and detergents. But are they safe for the baby and other household members? Will the pursuit of cleanliness cause a child’s illness?

Sterile - not always good

First of all, I would like to warn mothers from excessive zeal and cleaning. Scientists have proven that attempts to create a literally sterile atmosphere in a house where a small child grows up are dangerous: the immune system, which is formed in the first two or three years of a child’s life, and without contact with a sufficient number of bacteria, is literally “untrained” not ready to withstand pathogens. But you can’t live permanently in sterility - already when the baby just goes for a walk, a huge amount of bacteria from the air, from sand, grass falls on him.

Even more microbes have to be contacted when the child goes to kindergarten and then to school. It is not surprising that the baby eventually becomes ill. Sterility is necessary in the operating room, but not in the children's room. Living in “greenhouse conditions” at home will inevitably come sideways later. If the baby is healthy, it is enough to carry out wet cleaning in the nursery three times a week. More often it is necessary to clean only if the baby gets sick with infectious, respiratory diseases or suffers from bronchial asthma.

Hidden Danger - Allergy

Another danger that parents often forget about is the high probability of allergic reactions to many modern household chemicals.

Yes, their composition is designed to minimize the cost of effort and time for cleaning. Yes, it is very convenient, especially for a busy mother with a baby in her arms. But each additional component in the detergent is another potential allergen that can significantly damage the health of even an adult, not to mention a small child.

What substances are especially dangerous?

  • Surfactants - It is they that help to cope with fat on tissues and surfaces. But, gradually accumulating in the body, they can cause allergies and malfunctions of the immune system.
  • Chlorides. Chlorine has a powerful disinfecting effect, but its excess can cause severe poisoning, skin diseases, cardiovascular system, and even cancer processes.
  • Phosphates. They react with surfactants and quickly penetrate into the human body, exerting a destructive effect on cells.
  • Fragrances, dyes, stabilizers and many other “excipients” for the production of household chemicals are used mostly safe. But with an excess of such components, they can also cause poisoning and allergies.

What to do? Switching to lemon and soda, firstly, is ineffective in terms of the expenditure of time and energy, because in this case you will have to scrub the room for hours, depriving the baby and household of their attention at that time. Secondly, the same lemon is one of the strongest allergens, and it is simply dangerous to use it to clean the room of a small child. It is better to arm yourself with a special Universal detergent for cleaning the room and baby accessories COTICO Baby - soft, hypoallergenic, safe for crumbs from the first not in life. The product is made to high standards of Israeli cosmetics, does not contain phosphates and chlorides and is kosher, which is confirmed by a special sign on the label.

Properly selected detergent will allow you to quickly and without harm to the baby to clean the nursery, clean furniture and baby accessories, and soon the crumb room will shine clean!



Watch the video: Sweet Adorable Baby Cleaning The House (July 2024).