Not pilaf single - rice cereals in a slow cooker are tasty and healthy! Rice porridge in a slow cooker - the best of many options


Rice is one of the most common side dishes. The malleable product goes well with meat, seafood, and sweet toppings. Honey, or dried apricots, pork and shrimp can equally make up the second half of the ingredients in rice cereal dishes.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

• Rice cereals in a slow cooker are prepared both in milk and in water. Milk is used pasteurized or homemade. There are recipes for baked milk.

• For cereals, it is best to take round-grain polished rice. It is pre-sorted, extracting from the cereal the remains of industrial waste, small pebbles and damaged grains. Then washed with cold water. Then they dry the cereal on a sieve or in a colander with small cells. For rice cereals that are not cooked in milk, rice is washed many times, achieving absolutely not clouded water, this is a prerequisite for obtaining a friable dish.

• Fresh fruits, honey, dried fruits or nuts are added to sweet dairy rice dishes. Often they are boiled with cocoa, which provides a chocolate flavor and a distinctive color. If desired, milk rice is flavored with vanilla or cinnamon.

• The taste of rice dishes cooked on water is formed by the added ingredients added to them. Such dishes are prepared with meat, poultry or seafood.

• Often rice is cooked in combination with other cereals, such as millet.

• For the preparation of dairy dishes, the main programs are used: "Milk porridge" or a more general option - "Porridge". When preparing a dish on water or meat broth, they first use programs that allow them to fry pieces of meat or seafood with vegetables - “Frying” or “Baking”. And after the cereal is poured into the bowl, the dish is brought to readiness on "Braising" or the "Croup" mode.

Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker with millet - "Friendship"


• half a glass of millet groats;

• five glasses of cow's milk;

• round grain rice - 0.5 tbsp .;

• 30 gr. "Peasant" oil;

• a spoon of refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Sort rice with millet and rinse both cereals well, pouring them into a single bowl.

2. Transfer the cereals to the cooking bowl with sugar and immediately add the chopped butter to them, add a little salt.

3. Add one cup of drinking water to the milk and pour the cereal with this mixture.

4. Start the slow cooker on the option "Milk porridge" and cook until the sound signal.

Rice porridge in the slow cooker - "Melon"


• one liter of baked milk;

• a glass of round-grain rice;

• a spoon of salt;

• two tablespoons of white refined sugar;

• 20 gr. sweet cream butter.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice several times and put it in the bowl.

2. Pour in the baked milk, add sugar and then salt, and immediately mix everything well.

3. Start the “Porridge” mode on the multicooker for one hour.

4. After the lapse of time, open the lid, put sliced ​​butter on the surface of the rice, and lower the lid again. Serve after a quarter hour.

Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker with nuts and dried fruits


• a glass of rice cereal;

• 100 gr. dried fruits;

• 50 gr. nuts (cores);

• two glasses of drinking water;

• 500 ml of cow's milk;

• 50 gr. frozen cream;

• 5 gr. salts;

• 1.5 tablespoons of liquid, fragrant honey.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly, in a large volume, rinse the rice cereal with water and put it on a sieve. To make the dish beautiful and crumbly, rinse the rice thoroughly.

2. If there are seeds in dried apricots and prunes, remove. Scald dried fruits with boiling water, dry and cut thinly into strips.

3. Put butter on the bottom of the cooking bowl. Lubricate the sides of the bowl to prevent milk from escaping. Milk will not rise above the level of the oil layer.

4. Put dried rice groats in the multicooker. Add dried fruit slices and salt. Pour the cereal with milk diluted with water, stir and immediately start the "Braising" program for half an hour.

5. Divide the finished dish into plates. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top and pour over honey.

Spicy rice porridge in a multicooker with seafood


• 460 gr. round-grain rice;

• a pound of seafood mix;

• 40 gr. olive oil;

• 100 gr. Kostroma, or similar cheese;

• filtered water;

• a small pinch of dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. At least a couple of hours, put the seafood out of the freezer in advance and thaw them in the air.

2. Rinse, several times changing water, rice, dry.

3. In a bowl greased with olive oil, on the "Fry", fry seafood for five minutes.

4. Then put the dried rice to the seafood. Add salt, pepper to your liking and sprinkle with basil.

5. Pour 1 liter of cold water and mix.

6. Turn on the "Extinguishing" option for half an hour. Cook with the lid down.

7. After finishing the given option, add to the shredded cheese and let the dish stand for 15 minutes.

Dietary meat rice porridge in a slow cooker with beef


• 400 gr. polished rice;

• a small piece of oil;

• 300 gr. lean beef;

• half a liter of lean meat broth.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed beef into large pieces. Put the meat in a bowl, fill with water, slightly salt and boil for an hour in the "Soup" mode. Do not forget to periodically remove the var formed on the surface of the broth.

2. Pour the broth into a separate container. Twist the boiled meat in a meat grinder.

3. With softened oil, grease the sides and bottom of the bowl. Pour washed rice into it ahead of time and pour in the broth. Salt carefully to taste, add the minced meat and the remaining oil, mix.

4. Set the appliance timer for 40 minutes and enable the "Cereals" option.

5. Such a gruel can be given as a complementary meal for a baby if, after cooking, beat it to a pasty consistency with a blender.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker with pork


• pork pulp - 800 gr.;

• one and a half glasses of high-quality rice groats;

• a small onion head;

• two tablespoons of lean, high-quality oil;

• a small leaf of lavrushka;

• medium carrot.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled carrots and onions into cubes, about a centimeter in size.

2. Wash the pork, gently blot and dry it, cut into small slightly oblong slices.

3. In the "Frying" mode in vegetable oil, fry the pieces of meat until lightly browned.

4. Add vegetables to the pork, stir and continue cooking for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to periodically stir the contents of the multicooker.

5. Then transfer the washed rice into the bowl and fill it with water. Its level should be 2 cm from the layer of rice.

6. Dip the lavrushka into the water, lightly add salt and turn the multicooker into the automatic "Croup" mode.

7. After complete execution of the program, turn on “Preheat” and let stand under the lid for 10 minutes.

Loose millet and rice porridge in a slow cooker with chicken


• half a glass of millet and rice;

• a pound of chilled chicken;

• large onion;

• Lavrushka - two leaves;

• four glasses of drinking purified water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse millet with hot water, cold rice cereal. Put both types of cereals in one sieve and leave in it.

2. Cut the chicken fillet into thin straws.

3. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater or chop with very fine straws. Finely chop, chop but not chop the onion.

4. On Baking, melt the butter and heat it for two minutes.

5. Put the chicken pieces in the bowl, pour the chopped vegetables and cook, systematically mixing, for about half an hour.

6. When the pieces of meat are well browned and the vegetables soften, slightly salt the dish. You can pepper a little to your taste, add a little other spices.

7. Add the dried cereals, fill in with cold filtered water and automatically cook "Buckwheat".

Rice porridge in a slow cooker with a chocolate flavor - "Children's"


• half a liter of a mixture of liquid cream with milk, or just homemade milk;

• 50 gr. Sahara;

• half a glass of rice, round-grain;

• one and a half tablespoons of cocoa (sugar free);

• two tablespoons of peasant oil.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the rice grits thoroughly and rinse under the tap. Then let it dry in a sieve.

2. Pour sugar in the multi-pan container, put the butter and cocoa powder. Add half a spoonful of salt and pour the cereal.

3. Pour in milk and stir immediately.

4. On the panel, select the automatic cooking mode "Milk porridge" and start the slow cooker.

5. Put the finished chocolate porridge into plates and put in each small piece of butter. On a cooled dish, you can rub chocolate through a coarse grater.

Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker with carrot and apple


• 100 gr. polished rice groats;

• pasteurized skim milk - 500 ml;

• large sweet apple;

• half a medium carrot;

• sugar;

• creamy unsalted butter - 50 gr.;

Cooking method:

1. Place washed and strained rice groats in the cooking bowl. Add a large straw from carrots, half a measure of butter and pour milk. Sweeten to your taste and be sure to add a little salt.

2. Shuffle and immediately turn on the multicooker on the option "Milk porridge".

3. Cut the peeled apple from seeds and peel into small cubes.

4. In a thick-walled pan over low heat, dissolve the remaining oil and put apple slices in it. Add a spoonful of sugar and simmer under the lid for five minutes.

5. 50 minutes after turning on the multi-pan, add the softened stewed apple to the porridge, mix thoroughly but carefully and wait until the program stops completely.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If salt is not specified in the milk porridge recipe, still add it very little. The taste of porridge will become more saturated.

• It is advisable to dilute homemade milk with water. This will avoid burning porridge and reduce its calorie content.

• Cocoa is best mixed with milk and only then added to the cereal.

• To thicken excessively fluid porridge, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes on heating with the lid closed.


Watch the video: TOP 5: Best Rice Cooker 2019 (July 2024).