How to read a conspiracy on the beauty and attractiveness of the full moon?


Every person who ever lived on Earth is beautiful in its own way. However, there is nothing in the world more fragile and short-lived than beauty. The heyday of physical attractiveness - youth - passes quickly, and behind it, maturity and old age are sneaking.

But is it possible to prevent wilting and preserve beauty through conspiracy? How to prepare for the full moon ritual? What conspiracies to preserve beauty and attractiveness exist? How effective are they?
Let's talk about this in the article.

What are the plots of beauty and attractiveness?

To preserve the beauty and youth there are many recipes of traditional medicine. In particular, it is decoctions from drinking and washing from the collection of medicinal herbs, such as sage, linden, nettle and chamomile. However, our ancestors not only enjoyed the benefits of nature to maintain external attractiveness, but also appealed to her powers.

A great number of Christian and pagan rituals and plots aimed at preserving beauty and attractiveness have reached our times. Most of them are aimed at reading during the full moon. The most famous and effective conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness are:

  • Night rites at the full moon. The phase of the full moon is not just considered the most favorable for magical mysteries. During this period, all natural forces of nature reach their apogee;
  • On the growing moon. The most favorable period for unity with nature.
  • On the water. The element of water is the metaphysical guardian of female attractiveness. Therefore, women who want to preserve beauty and prolong their youth should appeal to the mercy of the expanses of water. Reading the water is also recommended during the full moon phase;
  • Before bedtime. Conspiracies before bedtime during the full moon are among the most effective for the reason that, falling asleep, the person is on the border of the worlds - the obvious and the otherworldly. Biofield sleeping person is open to magical effects.

Important!You should not resort to the rituals of black magic and try to get the beauty and attractiveness, taking them from others - especially in the phase of the full moon. The effect of such a spell is temporary, and after the inflicted evil will return in triple size. If the conjurer wants to preserve beauty and youth for a long time, his lot is white magic and her pure conspiracies that do not harm anyone.

How to prepare to read the conspiracy of the full moon?

Any ritual at the full moon requires advance preparation. Unlike black rites, the white sacrament is performed in a good mood, without negative emotions and thoughts. Therefore, the rite itself is preceded by the so-called "Cleansing Week" - the week during which the future spellcaster must:

  • Stick to the cleansing post. This means that a week before reading the conspiracy, animal products should be temporarily excluded from your diet;
  • Attend church services. If necessary, you can confess, take communion, repent and undergo the rite of exorcism (exorcism);
  • Join nature, walk alone in protected areas. Birchwood, fir forests and flowing water bodies have especially positive energy.

Also, before reading the plot for attractiveness and beauty, one should psychologically tune for the best result. Meditation and breathing techniques will help to relax, as well as yoga classes.

At full moon

Experienced white magicians and adherents of esoteric practices recommend a plot on beauty and attractiveness to read the full moon on the water. You must first prepare a container with water (best of all, if a silver cross was insisted on it the day before), a mirror and a candle. The plot should be read in clear weather - it is important that during the reading the disc of the moon is not hidden behind the clouds.

The ritual itself is performed as follows:

  • The sorcerer sits by the mirror, with her back to the moon;
  • A candle is lit;
  • Capacity with water is located in front of a rise;
  • The conjuring woman extends her arms above the water, palms down, and reads the following plot:

"As the water is pure,
So pure are my thoughts.
As the flowers do not fade, they are filled with dew,
So my beauty will not wither, caressed with water.
How forever beautiful is the face of Mother Moon,
How white it is full of light,
So my face will not go down forever and ever!

Conspired water must be left on the windowsill to feed it with moonlight and energy. In the morning, this water should wash the face and neck.

Another effective ritual of beauty is the ablution of the moon. A woman should go to the open window, put her face under the moon's rays and say:

"How clean is the moonlight -

So I have no more beautiful.

As the moon is round and white -

So I'm cute and sweet.

Let it be as I am told! ”

After reading the plot, the window should not be closed. A woman needs to sleep on this night with the window open and so that the light of the full moon falls on her face.

To the rising moon

White magic also practiced conspiracies on the growing moon for beauty and attractiveness. These include the rite performed at dawn, late spring or early summer. Sacrament looks like this:

  • The sorcerer takes a little salt, a chunk of fresh bread and a glass of water and leaves the house;
  • Before dawn, you must have time to go out on a flowering meadow;
  • Vorozheya goes to meet the sun, alternately sprinkling salt, crumbling bread and pouring out water, saying:

"The sun wakes up red,
Above me now the sky is clear.
I stand under it - young,
The sun is shining to me - I do not like it.
Give me the sun, give me the red
Light pure serene.
So that the blood in me was hot
Yes face - fresh
Brighter - little eyes.
As I throw the salt into the grain - so my grief-bitter disappeared;
As the little bread of the birdie bites all the bread, so will the bitter old age disappear;
As I shed pure water, then my beauty shall shine again! ";

It is necessary to wait for the full sunrise, after which the woman can safely return home.

On the water

The conspiracy to water on beauty can be read not only in the full moon. Also, the water element is especially favorable to the fair sex on the night of Ivan Kupala. At the time of the ritual ablutions characteristic of this holiday, the girl should read the following conspiracy:

"Oh you goy ebi gods formidable!
Twice the river, any-Danushka!
I bow to you
In your hands I am cleared!
Wash away, Bozhichi, dirt yes bitter,
Yes that face shone pure youth
May my beauty be your name!
I charge you with this song!
flow away, water. Leak out,
you take my summer with you! "

This conspiracy to the beauty and attractiveness of reading the water quickly should not be. On the contrary, the spell reads smoothly, in a singing tone. The level of the effect of the spell depends on diction and confidence of the spell. It does not cause harm, because it refers to the white readings. However, in the case of an incorrect or uncertain, as well as too fast reading of the plot, it may not give the desired effect.

Before bedtime

According to the existing esoteric practices, a conspiracy to read at bedtime for women is useful both from the point of view of white magic and according to the principles of applied psychology. Tuning into thoughts of harmony and beauty, a woman literally blooms. One of the most effective conspiracies about beauty before bedtime is the following Christian prayer (read at full moon):

"I will leave the house in the morning, go to the church near me. I will put on a silver cross, cover my head with a lace scarf. I will see the face of the Virgin Mary, I will fall to it with a prayer. that your grace is on me and your seal is on my forehead. Whoever sees me will turn back, for I will be beautiful to your glory, Most Holy Theotokos. I will be young in body, and young in heart. In the name of Christ our Savior, forever and ever, Amen! "

After reading the prayer, the woman can go to bed in peace. In the morning she should go to church, put a candle in favor of the health of her friends and enemies, and pray to the Virgin Mary.


Watch the video: Spell to Become Attractive AFEASY BEGINNERManifest SELF LOVE&CONFIDENCE (July 2024).