Italian "guest" arugula: useful properties of the plant. Uniqueness of arugula and contraindications for women and men


Many people are familiar with such a spicy plant, like arugula, thanks to the culinary, where grass is the main ingredient in popular dishes.

Each part of the plant has found its application: flowers and leaves are used in cooking and traditional medicine, oil is extracted from seeds.

Features of arugula composition and beneficial properties of grass

The composition of arugula is saturated with a mass of useful elements, among which:

• vitamins A, E, C, B, K;

• macrocells: magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus;

• trace elements: zinc, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium;

• pantothenic and folic acid;

• choline;

• tocopherol;

• phylloquinone;

• proteins fats carbohydrates;

• ash, water and fiber;

• fatty acid;

• essential oils;

• sugar.

Among the beneficial properties and positive effects of rucola are the following:

  • the provision of sedative, lactogonous, diuretic, disinfecting and expectorant effects on the body;

  • a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and the immune system;

  • participation in the treatment of colds;

  • normalization of blood glucose and cholesterol;

  • decrease in high blood pressure;

  • a decrease in the likelihood of the appearance and development of low-grade tumors;

  • effective disposal of natural and mechanical imperfections of the skin, such as age spots, scars, freckles, corns, bruises, wounds and polyps;

  • restoration and prevention of male potency;

  • normalization of metabolism;

  • stimulates tissue regeneration at the cellular level and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

  • beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system;

  • increases the level of low hemoglobin of blood;

  • reduces the amount of deposited salts in the joints, thereby improving their condition;

  • tones the body, acting as a natural energy tool;

  • strengthens hair and nails, improves their condition and appearance.

Harm of rucola and contraindications

Still, by its nature, arugula is grass. Just like any other plant, arugula may have contraindications for allergy sufferers and those who have not previously suffered from this disease. Various allergic manifestations are the first and main disadvantage of rucola.

Due to the saturation of the composition with phytoncides, getting into the body, rucola can provoke the appearance of a rash on the skin, swelling of body parts, nausea and even diarrhea. People who are allergic to radishes or turnips should not eat rucola due to the appearance of a similar reaction of the body, as well as to similar vegetables.

Refuse to eat spices should be for those people who have discovered diseases such as:

• gout;

• renal failure and hepatic pathology;

• problems with increased acidity of the stomach;

• diseases of the autoimmune system;

• afflicting the pathways of the removal of bile from the body.

Even if there are no previous contraindications, arugula can be harmful if it sprouts in ecologically polluted places. It is all about the specific nature of the plant, due to which arugula absorbs all heavy metals and their salts through the soil. They, accumulating in the body, can cause poisoning.

In case of individual intolerance to the individual components, rucola should also not be introduced into the diet. Has arugula contraindications and if only one of its smell or appearance causes the body to reject the reaction. Despite its rich and healing composition, the grass will not bring benefits to the body in this case.

Home use arugula and contraindications

In addition to nutritional value, what other arugula has useful properties?

1. It has an anti-cancer effect on the body. Therefore, the plant should be consumed more often for the prevention of oncology.

2. Suitable for the treatment of colds, SARS and the destruction of viral pathogens of infections. Being an ingredient in medications, rucola makes it capable of enhancing the body's immunity and defenses.

3. Arugula leaves are used to destroy corns, remove freckles, get rid of acne and heal external skin lesions in the form of wounds, cuts. On the basis of the plant, bactericidal soap and cream are made to moisturize and maintain the optimal ph-balance of the skin.

4. The plant is suitable for organisms suffering from vitamin deficiency, anemia, general ailments and loss of strength. With arugula, you can defeat stressful conditions and get out of depression.

5. Arugula is actively used in cooking. You should take note of such an ingredient for salads, if only because the regular use of the plant, even in small quantities, helps to improve overall health.

6. Arugula is shown to nursing mothers, as it stimulates milk production in women during this period of their life.

7. Being a dietary product, rucola is ideal for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. The fiber that makes up the plant makes a dietary product that supplies the body with everything and the necessary nutrients and necessary substances and gives a feeling of fullness.

Arugula Recipes: Benefits of Home Remedies

The uniqueness of the plant lies in the ability to use almost all parts of arugula to treat various diseases.

  • For external use, as well as the healing of burns, purulent wounds, getting rid of lichen, oil or plant juice is usually used. Oil has a milder effect, so it has become more widespread.

  • To get rid of problems with potency, men need to take arugula inside a teaspoon regularly three times a day. Another treatment option is to prepare such a remedy: take 100 g of arugula leaves and grind them with honey and black pepper, taken in equal proportions of 10 g. Men are recommended to take such a composition 1 teaspoon 1 time per day.

  • From arugula, you can make tincture, which can relieve diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract, as well as problems with the genitourinary system. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 20 g of rucola leaves with boiling water in the amount of 1 liter and let the mixture brew for about 5 hours.

  • Arugula is an ingredient in many recipes and is widely distributed in this area.

Arugula: beneficial properties for men and women

1. For men.

The biochemical composition of rucola salad is recommended for men to combat erectile dysfunction. Arugula can act as a natural aphrodisiac that does not harm the body and the consequences of its use. The recipe for a simple dish of shrimp and arugula will help to maintain male health and maintain sexual energy for a long time.

2. For women.

The beautiful half of humanity has long allocated in rucola the ability to perfectly care for the skin of the body. Therefore, the plant is often included in the compositions used in cosmetic procedures for the whole body.

For the rehabilitation of hair, getting rid of bald patches, the healing oil of the plant is used.

Also, women excrete rucola as an excellent dietary plant. It can be included in the menu of many diets to stabilize weight.


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