Chamomile: useful properties and contraindications. How to brew a camomile and use its beneficial properties


Since ancient times, medicinal chamomile has been used in folk medicine as an effective means of healing from various ailments.

Tea and decoctions of chamomile flowers have powerful healing properties.

Useful properties of chamomile

It is not by chance that scientists call the chamomile, the beneficial properties of which are used in traditional medicine, a unique plant. The fact is that the fragrant yellow-white baskets contain a special essential oil with a wide range of healing properties.

In addition, chamomile has a lot of flavonoids and fatty acids, there is choline (choleretic substance), coumarins (anticoagulant substances), salicylic acid, and minerals. The soothing properties of chamomile tea are known. However, the beneficial properties of chamomile sedative effect are not limited to:

• chamomile relieves colds, reduces fever, treats sore throat;

• helps the body in the fight against viral infections;

• heals gastric and duodenal ulcers, stops fermentation and gas formation, relieves stomach cramps and inflammatory processes;

• restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract

• used as a powerful choleretic agent;

• helps with headaches and stomachaches;

• reduces blood sugar.

Chamomile is used as a natural safe antiseptic. Chamomile practically has no contraindications, although you should not abuse a fragrant drink.

Useful properties of chamomile for women and children

The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties of decoctions of pharmacy chamomile are widely used in gynecology. In acute and chronic inflammation of the appendages and other organs of the female genital area, douching and baths with chamomile decoction are used. A good effect is given by vaginal tampons saturated with healing fluid.

Tea with chamomile will help ease the condition during menstrual cleansing days. It relieves abdominal pain, irritability, discomfort, insomnia. In addition, chamomile in the complex therapy of hormonal disorders helps to restore or normalize the menstrual cycle.

In the climacteric period, chamomile tea helps to transfer hot flashes, loss of strength, decreased performance. Helps to get rid of depression, normalizes hormonal levels. The absence of contraindications for chamomile makes it an almost indispensable universal tool for quick help to family members.

The beneficial properties of chamomile allow it to be used to treat children. Babies drink chamomile tea when their teeth are cut. The broth relieves pain, soothes, and kids can easily endure difficult days.

Chamomile tea helps with increased gas formation in infants, intestinal upset. With a difficult stool, you can make enemas from chamomile decoction, which are completely safe for the child's body. However, first you need to make sure that constipation is not a consequence of a serious illness that requires surgical intervention.

Infant conjunctivitis, which almost every young mother faces, is treated, including with the help of a safe herbal decoction of chamomile.

How to brew and use chamomile for medicinal purposes

External use of pharmacy chamomile is possible in the form of infusions and decoctions. In fact, the difference between them is small, the whole thing is concentration. The infusion is prepared most simply: a tablespoon of dried raw materials must be brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted under the lid for about half an hour. Strained infusion can be used as you like.

Making chamomile broth is also very simple. Dried flowers are poured with boiling water in the same proportion, increasing the amount of raw materials by half (that is, two tablespoons of dried grass will need half a liter of boiling water). Put the dishes with chamomile on a slow fire and after boiling the water for a second time, rinse under the lid for no more than five minutes. After half an hour, filter the infused thick infusion and also use it.

Chamomile tea is the same infusion that is customary to drink with honey. In order for the bee delicacy to give all its benefits, you need to drink chamomile tea with bite or add honey not in a hot, but in a warm drink. With a cold, you need to drink 2-3 cups a day. It is important not to exceed the recommended dose of tea. Of all the contraindications, chamomile most often refers to an overdose.

As an anti-inflammatory agent, chamomile is especially popular for colds. To relieve a sharp sore throat, rinse with infusion of flowers. Even serious diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis can be treated. The procedure is repeated at least 4-5 times a day.

To make the effect stronger, you can add a third of a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of liquid. In addition, for rinsing, you can prepare an infusion of a mixture of chamomile and sage, mixing herbs in equal proportions.

A good effect is given by steam inhalation over a hot broth of chamomile. With a runny nose, cough, sore throat, the procedure will bring noticeable relief if carried out correctly and breathe for at least 15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add honey and soda to the broth (a tablespoon of each component). However, hot inhalation over steam is only possible if there is no temperature. The duration of the procedure for the child is no more than five minutes.

The beneficial properties of chamomile can be used to get rid of stomach pains and intestinal cramps, treat gastritis and peptic ulcers. With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of chamomile and dried mint, taken in equal proportions. Brew a tablespoon of mint and chamomile tea in a bowl of boiling water, strain after half an hour. Drink half a cup three times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

If you suffer from migraine-like pains, you can try to stop them with chamomile tea. However, there is another option for using the beneficial properties of chamomile to get rid of pain. It is necessary to grind the dried flowers into powder and eat 1-2 hours after eating in the amount of 1-2 grams.

Outwardly, chamomile can be used as a compress. Broth plants are impregnated with tissue and applied to the affected or painful place. This compress helps in the presence of rheumatic pain, swelling, bruises. A good effect was noted in the treatment of burns, acne.

Chamomile: contraindications for the use of plants

Chamomile tea (infusion, decoction) is so safe that it can be given even to the smallest children. There are actually very few contraindications for chamomile:

• individual intolerance;

• allergy.

Moreover, chamomile has the ability to reduce the manifestations of allergies, therefore, it itself causes atypical reactions extremely rarely. Meanwhile, gynecologists do not recommend getting involved in chamomile tea during pregnancy. A drink can raise the level of estrogen produced by the ovaries, which is undesirable during the gestation period. Any hormonal disorder can provoke a complication and even termination of pregnancy.

Do not use inside any herbal remedies, including decoctions of chamomile, during breastfeeding. It is not known how the body of the newborn will react. There are still contraindications to chamomile in terms of a possible allergy, and this also needs to be taken into account.

An overdose of any drug can be dangerous. Chamomile is one of the potent herbal remedies, so moderation in the use of aromatic tea should be mandatory. Otherwise, the body will respond with nausea, headache, increased or decreased pressure, and disorders of the nervous system.


Watch the video: Chamomile Benefits Antioxidant Anti Inflammatory and Anti Cancer (July 2024).