Zucchini cake - the best recipes. How to cook zucchini cake correctly and tasty.


Zucchini cake - general principles and methods of preparation

We are used to the fact that cake is something grandiose, sweet-airy-calorie, festive and hearty dessert. However, this concept can mean a completely different thing - a multilayer whole dish, multi-colored, elegantly decorated.

There are unsweetened varieties of cake. For their preparation, meat, liver, vegetables, mushrooms are used - in general, a variety of products. At the same time, an optionally beautiful unsweetened product must be high-calorie - you can use the most unexpected products, for example, a light and affordable diet squash. Why not? A cake from a vegetable marrow is the most suitable if the soul asks for something original, tasty and nutritious, but not threatening our figure with extra pounds. Moreover, the zucchini season is in full swing.

If you show a little imagination, you can decorate it so that there is no doubt - this is a real cake. And the most interesting is also a product very necessary for health. Zucchini boasts a wonderful selection of its beneficial properties. Indeed, from whatever direction you look - the qualities simply amaze him. An inconspicuous vegetable with a pronounced sweet taste gives potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium. Without them, as you know, the heart, brain, liver and muscles cannot exist. He is a real regulator and purifier of the body, tirelessly "working" on the normalization of water-salt metabolism in the body, cholesterol, purifying the blood and removing radionuclides.

Since the 16th century, since he came to our continent, the mistresses of Europe came up with several dozen dishes from it. And before that, the Iroquois American Indians considered zucchini to be their main staple food, along with pumpkin, beans, and corn.

In Indian gardens, these plants grew together. Probably, the Indians as well as we loved squash caviar, which is both a sauce and a snack. Undoubtedly, the zucchini snack cake is tasty and healthy, the role of the dough in it is played by the fried or baked zucchini, and the role of the cream is garlic sauce. As decoration, you can use colored vegetables and herbs, it will be very beautiful.

Zucchini cake - product preparation

Zucchini and squash are pumpkin varieties. It is best to use them unripe. Fruits 20-25 cm long are used together with the peel. If the zucchini is overripe, it already has large seeds, they need to be cut. The youngest fruits can be eaten raw, but fully ripened almost never eaten. As a sauce, we use mayonnaise. Of course, the best way is to get homemade sauce according to original recipes. In extreme cases, you can choose a lower-calorie mayonnaise, although it is not so tasty.

Zucchini cake - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Zucchini Cake with Mushrooms

Zucchini does not have its own pronounced taste, and therefore can easily be combined with any products. Zucchini and mushrooms are a wonderful combination familiar to us from other dishes. A beautifully decorated dish will delight us on a holiday and just cheer up for a family dinner.

Ingredients: zucchini (2 pcs.), Onions (2 pcs.), Mushrooms (400 grams), eggs (2 pcs.), Potato starch (3-4 tbsp.spoons), a little flour, salt, pepper, mayonnaise (half a small packs).
Cooking method

Grate zucchini on a coarse grater, add eggs and starch, salt and pepper. Add as much flour, approximately as a fritters. Mix. Fry zucchini pancakes for the whole size of the pan.

Filling: we cut mushrooms and onions, fry in oil until golden brown. Prepare mayonnaise - squeeze the garlic and mix. We form our cake: we spread the squash pancakes with mayonnaise with garlic flavor and spread the filling on top. Garnish with a sprig of parsley and drops of mayonnaise.

Recipe 2: Zucchini Egg Cake with Bell Pepper

This recipe cannot be called too easy - sharp taste, too soft consistency. Cakes are tender and moist.

Ingredients: zucchini (700-800 grams), bell pepper (1 pc), baking powder for dough (1 l), flour (1 cup), starch (2 tablespoons), vegetable oil (5-6 tablespoons), salt ( half a teaspoon).

For the sauce: garlic, eggs (3 pcs), mayonnaise (250 grams), salt.

Cooking method

Young zucchini grate, (if zucchini begin to ripen, they should be cleaned). Salt and leave for 15 minutes (so that he starts the juice). Add oil, vegetable oil, chopped bell pepper, starch, salt and herbs. Gradually add the flour to make the dough almost thick. We fry the cakes in this way: pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat and spread three tablespoons of the dough, level it and give it an even shape. For 30 minutes, leave the gluten of the flour swollen from the juice. If there is too much juice, add about another spoonful of flour. Fry under a closed lid for about 10 minutes, turn over, another five minutes - and the cake is ready. In the same way, we cook all the cakes as it turns out. Add oil to the pan for each cake. Filling: mix garlic and mayonnaise, lay layers with chopped eggs and herbs, coat with mayonnaise. We decorate the top with flowers from stripes and circles of bell pepper (yellow, orange or red) and eggs, greens. It turns out a fabulously beautiful cake.

Recipe 3: Zucchini Cake with Tomatoes Suluguni Cheese

Incredibly delicious cake is obtained, in which the main emphasis is on a combination of zucchini and tomatoes. Sweet and sour notes of tomato and a little sweet zucchini. How many of us do not know this mouth-watering taste? And now add the Suluguni cheese - the minimum of expended manpower and resources - we get a gourmet dish.

Ingredients: zucchini is better than young medium-sized (2-3 pcs.), tomatoes (3-4 pcs.), cucumbers (2 pcs.), flour (0.5-1 tbsp.), eggs - 2 pcs., salt, parsley and basil, garlic, suluguni100 gr. mayonnaise, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Zucchini grated on a fine grater, select the juice, add the eggs, salt, flour, soda, mix until the lumps disappear. A softer dough will be obtained if the amount of flour is minimal. To make the cakes easily fry when frying, take a small diameter frying pan. After turning, it is better to bake the dough under the lid. Finely rub the cheese and squeeze the garlic, mix with mayonnaise.

We form a cake: grease the cakes with “cream”, put on each layer circles of tomatoes and cucumbers. In the upper layer we give the appearance of a real cake with the help of circles of cucumber, tomato and herbs.

Recipe 4: Zucchini Cake with Meat

This very hearty dish will appeal to everyone - both children and adults. The ingredients can be varied, add mushrooms instead of cheese, add a little eggplant, etc. It looks very attractive because of the original way of forming. - slices of zucchini are stacked sideways, the cake is ribbed, in the form of a cake.

Ingredients: 2 zucchini, onions (2 pcs.), 500 grams of minced minced meat, tomatoes (1-2), salt, vegetable oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, pepper, carrot (1 pc.), Rice (100 g).

Zucchini cut into slices, lightly fry and lay in the cake pan sideways in the form of a flower. Between them put the minced meat mixed with frying and rice, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese. Sent to the oven for 30 minutes. Cool the hot cake, turn it over onto a large plate, decorate with ketchup and dill.

Zucchini cake - tips from experienced chefs

- Mayonnaise can be successfully replaced with sour cream. To cook it this way: squeeze out a lot of garlic and mix with salt, sour cream and finely chopped dill. It should be thick. When forming a cake, allow the cake to cool completely, and only then coat with impregnation from sour cream. Do not forget to leave a little regular sour cream to decorate the top cake with droplets.

- Specialists nutritionists argue that squash diets are the future. This product per day can be eaten up to one and a half kilograms without problems. Since pumpkin fellow perfectly removes fluid from the body, it helps ladies cope with cellulite - a terrible orange peel.


Inesochka Mosiychuk 07/03/2016
schiro dyakuyu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) useful recipes !!!!!!!!!! :))


Watch the video: Courgette Zucchini Cake Recipe (June 2024).