Slimming cabbage: advantages and disadvantages of using the product for weight loss. How to eat slimming cabbage, recipes


Excess weight leads a person to exhausting diets and even starvation. However, you need to understand that you can get rid of subcutaneous fat without causing stress to your body. Slimming cabbage is an ideal option. Calorie content per 100 grams is 20 Kcal. There are many methods of weight loss using white cabbage, everyone selects the most suitable option for himself.

The benefits of using cabbage for weight loss

Cabbage contains in its composition a large amount of nutrients and vitamins, which favorably affect the human body. This product establishes digestive processes and metabolism, helps fat convert into energy, so that excess weight is not deposited.

Slimming cabbage has both its advantages and disadvantages. Before using this product for weight loss, you must familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons.

The benefits of cabbage for weight loss

1. Helps to increase immunity, a person will not feel weak and tired.

2. Helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds, removes excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body.

3. The composition contains phosphorus and other nutrients that strengthen the skeletal system.

4. The digestion process is normalized.

5. Improves the appearance of nails, hair and skin, due to the presence of vitamin A.

What are the disadvantages of losing weight on cabbage

Despite the fact that cabbage is considered one of the best dietary products, there are also disadvantages of its use for weight loss.

Disadvantages of Using Cabbage for Weight Loss

1. The effect of "boomerang". If at the end of the diet a person returns to his usual way of life, does not monitor his diet and go in for sports, the lost kilos will return back.

2. Since cabbage contains a lot of fiber, its excessive consumption can lead to bloating.

3. You can not adhere to a cabbage diet for a long time, the body will not have enough nutrients for normal work.

Slimming Cabbage: Fat Burning Soup

Cabbage soup is ideal for getting rid of hated kilos. The main advantage of the weight loss technique is that the dish has a very low calorie content, while normalizing the digestion process and gives a feeling of fullness.

There are no strict restrictions in portions. Cabbage soup can be eaten in any quantity. In addition, it is prepared quite quickly and does not require special culinary skills.

The following ingredients will be needed:

• carrots - 1 piece;

• cabbage - 1 average head of cabbage;

• celery - 1 bunch;

• tomatoes - 5-6 pieces peeled;

• onion - 2 heads.

All of these ingredients should be washed well with warm water, put in a saucepan and cook until cooked. An important rule is that salt cannot be added. So that the cabbage soup does not seem fresh, you can add garlic, pepper or even cinnamon.

The principle of diet is very simple. During the week, only cabbage soup is allowed. For a change in one day, you can afford 150 grams of boiled fish. The day after the end of the diet, you need to clean the body well - eat only boiled rice without salt.

Sauerkraut for weight loss

Sauerkraut for weight loss has its advantages. This diet is short-term, designed for 4 days. The menu at the same time is constructed in such a way that a person diversifies his diet. The result is minus 2-3 kilograms.

Sample day menu

1. Breakfast - you can citrus fruits and cottage cheese. Mixing them or using them individually is everyone’s individual business. Of citrus fruits, grapefruit and orange are preferred.

2. Lunch - stewed sauerkraut. The allowable portion is 200-300 grams, not more.

3. Dinner - a salad made from sauerkraut. You can add cucumbers and tomatoes to it, salt is forbidden, but you can add pepper.

The presented diet should be followed all 4 days. The diet is tolerated easily, since hunger is not felt. In addition, intestinal motility improves and stool normalizes.

The classic version of the diet for 10 days

The classic version of the weight loss system ensures that a person will lose at least 6 kg in 10 days. It is worth noting that the final result depends on the initial weight. Sometimes in 10 days it takes 10 kg.

Cabbage for weight loss is very convenient - it quickly gives a feeling of fullness, while it is very pleasant to taste. The classic version of the diet implies the same menu all 10 days. If you need to lose an impressive amount of excess weight, while cleaning the digestive tract is the best way.

Sample day menu

1. Morning. This is not the case when you need to consume more calories for breakfast. In the morning, the cabbage diet is hungry. Only green tea without sugar or still water with lemon is allowed.

2. Lunch. 150 grams of a salad of fresh white cabbage and carrots, 100 grams of boiled fish or chicken fillet. It is advisable to season the salad with olive oil, as it is characterized by a lower energy value than vegetable.

3. Dinner. 200 grams of coleslaw, only now instead of carrots, 1 green apple and 1 boiled egg are added there.

4. For 1.5 hours before going to bed, it is advisable to drink 200 ml of kefir fat content of 1%. It favorably affects the work of the digestive tract

The duration of the diet should be no more than 10 days. Then a break is made. The next time you can eat a cabbage diet in 2-3 months, so that the body does not experience stress.

The basic principles of building a diet

Before using cabbage for weight loss, you need to familiarize yourself with all the principles of building your diet. There are some rules that must be taken into account, otherwise the method of losing weight will not bring any result.

Cabbage for weight loss: principles and rules of building a diet

1. If a person chose a mono-diet on cabbage, you can not stick to it for longer than 7 days. The body lacks nutrients, it will cause a feeling of weakness, severe headaches and nausea.

2. Cabbage for weight loss must be prepared without salt and other spices. Only pepper and dill greens are allowed. When preparing a salad, vegetable oil is replaced with olive oil.

3. To avoid ailments during the diet, it is strongly recommended to drink pharmacy vitamin complexes to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

4. It is recommended to supplement the diet with minimal physical activity. If it is not possible to attend training in a fitness club, you can do exercises at home in the morning.

5. During the day, you must drink a sufficient amount of clean still water - at least 2 liters. Green tea is also allowed (without sugar), you can add a little ginger root and a slice of lemon to it.

6. Confectionery, smoked sausages and semi-finished products are strictly prohibited. It is also necessary to refuse fried foods.

7. It is allowed to drink a glass of kefir before bedtime in order to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and intestinal motility. In addition, kefir calms the stomach and allows you to not experience hunger. You can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

Adhering to these simple principles and rules, you can achieve a truly amazing result. The main thing is to set a clear goal and tune in to losing weight.

How to get out of a diet

The biggest fear of losing weight is that lost kilograms can come back. This is quite possible, because many immediately after the diet literally “pounce” on sweets, semi-finished products, fried fatty dishes. It is absolutely impossible to do this.

You need to go out of the diet correctly. After 10 days of using cabbage for weight loss, the stomach narrowed a little and got used to certain portions. All new products at the end of the diet are introduced into the diet gradually and in small quantities.

It is recommended to adhere to the rule - do not eat later than 2 hours before going to bed. It is necessary that the stomach has time to digest food.

Slimming cabbage is effective, tasty, healthy and affordable. Such a diet has practically no contraindications, but it is better to consult with your doctor first in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Watch the video: 5 Side Effects Of Cabbage That You Should Know (July 2024).