Why do nits dream of interpreting different dream books: for luck or misfortune. Why dream nits on the head, bed, body


Nasty lice larvae in a dream are a good sign.

Pleasant events, usually associated with receiving money, are just around the corner. However, there are other interpretations of nits sleep.

Traditional interpretations of the nits dream

Much depends on the sensations during sleep and after waking up. If the dreamer is not experiencing fear, squeamishness, anger, then in real life he will be welcomed with good news related to work, or an improvement in material well-being. It is important not to miss your chance, it is quite real.

Why do nits dream, if after awakening the mood is bad? In this case, in reality one should expect some minor problems. One nit is interpreted as a minor nuisance: a quarrel, a cold, an annoying mistake. Several larvae or hordes of nits predict scandal, malice, breakdown, serious illness.

Accordingly, a pleasant dream about nits is treated in the same way: one nits dream for little money, several for big profits, many nits for real wealth.

Why dream nits on my head? To unpleasant events. Girls about to get married can part with their lover. Working people will find themselves in time trouble and experience all the charm of hassle. Particular caution after such a dream should be observed for those who work in hazardous work or plan an extreme trip. There is a risk of injury.

If you dreamed of nits on animal hair, this means inability to plan work and leisure. A lot of time is wasted, so you need to learn how to focus on the main thing, not spraying on the little things.

However, in general, to see nits in a dream is a favorable omen. But it can mean a long-awaited combination of circumstances, thanks to which it will be possible to fly up the career ladder, improve the financial situation and realize everything conceived.

Why dream nits on Freud's dream book

Freud's psychoanalysis seeks to identify repressed feelings through sexuality. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams in the dream book of the famous psychoanalyst has a characteristic orientation.

What do freud nits dream about? Sleep indicates that a person has an unresolved psychological problem that he does not accept or is not aware of. However, he subconsciously feels that something is not right in his life. A dream about nits betrays a repressed subconscious desire, which runs counter to the moral accepted in society.

If the nits scurry about over the body or over the clothes, the dreamer may have a quick sexual adventure, with which the period of long abstinence will end. However, if the larvae are in the hair, this means the presence of obsessive thoughts about something unpleasant, a hunch of troubles and sorrows.

Why dream nits on Miller’s dream book

In Miller's dream book a generally favorable interpretation of sleep on larvae of lice is given. Why dream nits on my head? Combing them - means getting in the near future an excellent profit, if other circumstances of sleep were favorable.

But if the sensations in a dream are far from joyful or pleasant, a streak of small monetary difficulties or personal turmoil may follow. Moreover, sleep can be a harbinger of severe trials: poverty, prison sentences, the destruction of plans.

At the stage of implementation of a plan, this may slow down progress somewhat, but the disaster will not end. The main thing is to make every effort to achieve your plan.

If the dreamer dreams of nits in the hair of another person, this means financial dependence on someone. Similarly, the interpretation of sleep, in which the sleeper pulls nits from someone else's hair. Dependence on a subconscious level is worrying, so you need to understand the relationship with a partner or boss.

If the dreamer removes the nits with a comb, he will have to recount the money soon. You should control your expenses so as not to remain at a loss.

Why dream nits on Longo's dream book

According to the interpretation of Longo's dream book, dreams about nits are real luck for a person. After such a dream, he will receive in the eyes of others the title of a favorite of fate. Everything will turn out, a streak of incredible luck will begin.

Why dream nits on my head? By promotion and gaining enviable wealth.

Why do nits dream about Loff's dream book

The dream about nits is interpreted positively in this dream book. If the dreamer sees larvae of lice on bedding or in bed, he should prepare for a fast romantic evening with his spouse or lover. A pleasant and completely unexpected surprise is possible.

Why dream nits from Hasse's dream book

The opposite meaning of dreams larvae of lice has a dream book Hasse. It is bad to see nits on yourself: this is a warning about the imminent change of fate for the worse.

If nits dream of another person, then in reality the dreamer will be fine. Good luck in business and insignificant, but pleasant cash receipts await him.

Why dream nits on Wang’s dream book

A positive interpretation of sleep about larvae of lice gives the dream book of the fortuneteller Vanga. If insects swarm in the head and fall on clothes, this predicts a good deal.

The dream that you have crushed the nits means financial luck, a happy resolution of financial difficulties, complete disposal of debts.

If the nits dreamed on the body, then the disease will be mild and pass without complications.

What do nits dream about in the dream book of Nostradamus

Nits in a dream is a good sign, says a dream book. Businessmen can count on financial stability. Everyone else should wait for the unexpected return of the old and already forgotten debt or the receipt of funds in another way.

Why dream nits on Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreams about nits on the head are interpreted positively, portend profits. But if the dreamer presses the nits, he risks losing this profit. After this, one should mobilize and continue to pursue the intended course. Under this condition, all the troubles will be minor and will not lead to financial problems.

If the dreamer poisons the nits, then in reality he will be able to improve his financial situation.

What do nits dream of in a modern dream book

Seeing nits on your head means following the right course toward your intended goal. We must continue in the same spirit, and success will certainly come. A dream indicates that a person has great prospects, and in order to achieve more, one must overcome indecision and timidity. If the dreamer is busy with some painstaking work, it will end very successfully in the near future.

Crush the nits - to career growth and career advancement, good news, successful actions or a wonderful find. The dreamer will be able to get rid of unnecessary troubles and completely concentrate on self-realization.

If the head is very itchy, but you can’t remove the nits, you should be prepared for some kind of loss. Perhaps the condemnation of others after the unworthy act of the dreamer. It is necessary to mobilize and steadfastly accept the painful lessons of fate. This will temper the character and make it stronger. Catching nits in your hair is a bad dream. It means that in reality the dreamer will commit an unworthy act and bitterly regret it later.

Why do nits dream on the bed? To a romantic date. Poisoning insects is a warning dream. The dreamer will be remorseful for an unseemly act, a feeling of hopelessness due to delays in improving his financial condition.

If in a dream a stranger combes nits out of his hair, then in reality there will be a situation when nothing will depend on the dreamer. All significant decisions for him will be made by someone else.

Dreams about nits, dreamed during a period of loss of strength and depression, pay attention to the human condition. He urgently needs to revise his schedule, pay more attention to health and rest, change his diet to a more sparing one. Although for a while you need to switch to something positive, find time to have fun and meet nice people.

If the atmosphere of sleep was painful, with clear indications of uncleanliness, dirt, then the dreamer will have a disease. After such a dream, you need to be careful, and if you already have symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor.

But catching all the nits from the head is a good sign. In reality, a sick person will be healed, but healthy, but experiencing difficulties in the financial, business or personal sphere, will get rid of all problems.


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