October 25: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Not many people know that the first customs charter in Russia appeared no less, but 359 years ago. Since October 25, October 25 remains a significant day in the history of Russian customs. On this day, three and a half centuries ago, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree on the collection of customs duties in Moscow and other Russian cities. Russian modern customs has proven that it works in accordance with international standards. In 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree on the celebration of this day. Today, the work of customs authorities is complicated by the terrorist threat, and therefore the most serious demands are made. The development of new technologies in customs control, the implementation of modernization programs for information systems, the transition to electronic declaration forms and electronic digital signatures make a huge contribution to improving the work of customs departments.

The Muslim rite of pilgrimage to Mecca is held with the sacrifice of sacrificial lambs. On this day in the Mina Valley near Mecca 10 day 12 months (this year starting from October 25) for three to four days become the center of the holiday. However, the Qur'an prescribes that all Muslims celebrate on this day, wherever they are. The mythological significance of this act is reminiscent of the sacrifice of his son Isaac by Patriarch Ibrahim. The Almighty left the Son to Ibrahim and replaced the offering with a lamb. The celebration begins early in the morning, preparing for prayer and the prayer itself. Smartly dressed, perfumed with incense, people listen to Mullah's sermon and pray for the dead. Then perform the sacrificial rite. A ritual treat is prepared and distributed to everyone, including the poor and hungry. Also on this day give gifts to loved ones.

After the collapse of the USSR, the current constitution of the Republic of Lithuania was adopted. The Supreme Council of the country canceled the then Constitution of the USSR on the territory of the newly formed State of Lithuania. Initially, the Provisional Law was adopted, based on the Laws in force in the country until 1938. Subsequently, in 1996, amendments were introduced containing the preamble and the final sections.

In Russia there is a commemorative award - the badge "Honored Worker of the cable industry." It is presented on October 25 to those who have made a great contribution to the development of the cable industry. Outstanding workers and employees are noted for the introduction of new technologies, increasing the importance of cable products. The cable is so firmly in everyday life that many do not even think about what it really is. Several conductors enclosed in a sheath are hermetically sealed with reliable covers. Electric energy is transmitted over a distance using different types of cable. Huge branches of industry and production are established thanks to the cable industry, starting from the supply of electricity to houses, ending with the equipment of ships, spacecraft, and working machines. On October 25, 1879, the construction of the cable manufacturing plant by Mr. C. Siemens in Germany was first started. Currently, approximately 350 enterprises producing cable products operate in Russia.

In patriarchal Belarus, the work of the miller was considered very honorable, since in the village you can’t do without a mill, especially in the autumn season, when the harvested grain had to be processed into flour. In order to have fresh loaves on the tables, it was necessary to please the miller. Since the lines for grinding were long, the process itself took a considerable time. By October 25, the time came for the miller to take a short break, since for the first time the flour was ground. In Belarus, so rich in rivers and lakes, water mills were built, as a rule. The main active labor force in this case was water. For a long time tales and legends gathered around the mysterious mill power. The millers were credited with witching charms, they feared the sorcerers who lived among the millstones, who turned the mills when there was no wind. In Belarusian culture there is a folk dance "Millers" and folk games called "Mlyn".

Andron Stargazer

During the reign of Emperor Diolectian, while persecuting Christians, three martyrs were brutally executed: Prov, Tarah and Andronic. They were only asked about the name that their parents gave them, but they answered their name given at baptism. Torture became more and more sophisticated, and, finally, they were thrown to be eaten by wild animals. Even the predators did not touch the Christian martyrs.

Saint Andron is revered as a wise stargazer, on this day you can watch the starry sky until midnight, if there are many stars, peas will be born in the new crop. Frost is portended by bright stars, the thaw is dim. If the stars blink - you should expect a change in weather. Falling stars predict wind and dry weather. On the table at that time was barley porridge of a new crop or millet with oatmeal. Children were treated to porridge with jam, and adults cooked it with lard.

October 25, 1854 in Balaklava, a battle occurred that changed the course of the Crimean War (1853-1856)

The Crimean War was fought by that time for the second year, Russia was at war with the combined forces of Turkey, France and Great Britain. 15 km from Sevastopol is the port of Balaclava, it was the base of the British fleet. Russian troops significantly prevailed in forces only in this battle, commanded by the fleet, General Pavel Liprandi. The detachment contained 16 thousand people. The British cavalry was led by Count Lucan. During the battle, due to errors in the command of the British fleet, about 1,000 people died, the losses of the Russian side were 600 people. The English camp was defeated, but the Russian troops still could not achieve an unconditional victory. However, historically, victory was achieved - the enemy refused to storm Sevastopol.

October 25, 1922 - end of the civil war in Russia

The last battles in the Far East took place in severe February frosts. The defense of the White Army was broken during three days of attacks in 35 degree frost. For six months, under the cover of the Japanese army, a lull lasted. The last major battle of the Civil War was a coastal operation in October 1922, it ended on October 25 with the defeat of the White Army and the capture of Vladivostok, along with the remnants of the Japanese army.

October 25, 1971 - Taiwan expelled from the UN

In 1945, Taiwan broke away from China and introduced its delegation to the UN, which for almost two decades represented it in the organization of the world community. The Beijing government was opposed when, in 1990, Taiwan again tried to return to the UN. China is quickly gaining strength in the United States and even in Russia. There are two dozen states in favor of Taipei, to which Taiwan provides assistance.

October 25, 1990 - the program "Field of Miracles" was broadcast on the air

The first episode of the television game was hosted by Vladislav Listyev. The Russian analogue of the Wheel of Fortune program in the processing of Vlad Listyev’s author’s project attracted the attention of the public and became a truly folk game for several decades. To get to the game is simple - just send to the game your own compiled crossword puzzle. The name "Field of Miracles" - the area from Pinocchio's fairy tale fits perfectly into the concept of the program. The warm soulful atmosphere of the program and its leader Lenin Yakubovich, which has been indispensable for over 21 years, have enjoyed popular fame and love.

October 25, 1762 - Catherine II issued the Manifesto - to populate the sparsely populated areas of Russia by foreigners.

Inviting foreigners to populate the sparsely populated Russian lands, Catherine had high goals - to educate the nation by transferring the experience of a more educated and developed Europe. To restore order in the state, to force society to comply with laws - these goals the empress set herself throughout the entire period of rule. For immigrants, privileges were announced that significantly increased the influx of foreigners. In 1776, Russia became the most populous country in Europe. It accounted for 20% of the total population of the continent.

Georges Bizet (1838 - 1875), French composer

Alexander César Leopold Bizet already at the age of 19 received the Roman Prize for the operetta "The Miraculous Doctor." His mandatory reporting work was the opera Don Procopio. In 1874, Bizet wrote his most famous opera, Carmen.

Annie Girardeau - (1931-2011), famous French actress

She first gained popularity after playing the role of Nadia in the film "Rocco and His Brothers" in 1960. She subsequently married a partner in this film. In the seventies, she became a real star in the world scene in French films. For the role of a peasant woman in the film based on the novel Les Miserables, she received the Cesar Award.

Johann Strauss (son, 1825-1899), Austrian composer

He became the real king of waltzes, and his “Viennese Waltz” forever entered the golden piggy bank of the best tunes of the world. His creative heritage is more than 500 pieces of music, most of which are waltzes. The most famous are “Tales of the Vienna Woods”, and “On the Beautiful Blue Danube” are extremely popular. His operettas of the 1880s “The Bat” and “Gypsy Baron” were very successful on the Russian stage in the late 19th century.

Tamara Semina (1938), famous Soviet actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Tamara Semina, a favorite of the public of the Soviet period, starred in 55 films. He continues to work in the theater and act in films in a wide range of roles.

Galina Vishnevskaya (1926) - People's Artist of the USSR, singer

Galina Pavlovna performed about 30 roles at the Bolshoi Theater. Her second husband was M. Rostropovich, who toured the world's greatest venues. She wrote the book "Galina", worked in the theater of the Moscow Art Theater in dramatic roles. Today in Moscow, under her leadership, the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center is working.

Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973), artist, sculptor, world-class graphic artist

The periods of his work are divided into "blue", "pink" and a new direction in painting called "cubism". He is famous not only for his paintings, but also for love affairs, as well as for his high creative energy - he did not stop working even after 80 years.

On October 25, name day holders of the following names can celebrate:

Alexander, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Bogdan, Denis, Ivan, Nikolai, Taras, Fedot.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).