26 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 26 weeks of gestation.


At the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, the baby has already developed its individual sleep and wakefulness regimen. He periodically rests, gaining new strength, which he then briskly spends during training in his mother’s tummy. The kid actively moves, tumbles, pushes, kicks and even sometimes jumps. You can even trace the child’s reaction to loud music, bright light, or other external stimuli. This period of pregnancy is one of the most fascinating periods for learning about the addictions and characteristics of your child. Already you can determine his taste preferences and factors that can calm him or vice versa stir up.

Child Development at Week 26

The weight of the child reaches nine hundred grams, and the height is twenty-five centimeters. It is constantly growing and developing. The fetus at this time is already a full-fledged little man, all of whose vital systems are fully formed. Even a baby’s dream, like an adult’s, is divided into fast and slow phases. Surely many women have already managed to listen to how a baby heart beats. The frequency of his strokes is 120-160 beats in one minute.

The kid already has its own and unique facial features. While his body is still quite thin, but it is gradually overgrown with fat so that by the end of the term the baby looks like a cute puffer. It is likely that he can already distinguish the voices of relatives and close people and unmistakably single out the most important among them - the mother's voice. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible, talking with the baby, stroking the stomach and saying that your child is the best and long-awaited.

Changes in the female body at week 26

At the indicated week of pregnancy, the female abdomen significantly increases in size, because according to the growth of the child, the uterus is stretched and the placenta grows. Some pregnant women during the baby's movements begin to feel pain in the hypochondrium and lower abdomen. In addition, pain in the back is sometimes disturbing, and nose and gum bleeding often occurs.

Due to the accumulation of fluid in the body, a frequent companion of pregnant women is swelling of the legs and arms. In addition, at this stage, seizures of the limbs may occur, caused by a lack of calcium and an excess of phosphorus in the mother's body. In order for these unpleasant symptoms to disappear, you need to enrich your diet with calcium-containing dishes and limit the use of those foods that contain phosphates. It is very important to observe the correct mode of work and rest. For a period of twenty-six weeks, pregnant women need a full sleep, at least eight hours a day, regular walks in the fresh air and moderate exercise.

Dangerous symptoms

Attention should be paid to the feeling of constant heaviness in the lower abdomen, it may indicate isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is characterized by a gradual and premature opening of the cervical canal of the cervix. Its incomplete closure creates favorable conditions for the penetration of infections into the uterus, which often lead to premature discharge of amniotic fluid and the onset of premature labor. The cause of late pregnancy toxicosis may be excessive weight gain, high blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the kidneys. This condition can pose a serious threat to the health and life of the child, and require immediate medical attention.

A sign of infections in the genital tract are purulent, mucous and curdled discharge. The appearance of leucorrhoea requires additional study of the microflora of the female vagina, analysis of smears and blood. Intrauterine infection of the fetus poses a great danger to him and can lead to a delay in development and growth, and in more severe cases, even to his death. The cause of bloody discharge from the vagina may be placental abruption or its presentation. Such bleeding sometimes takes on alarming proportions, so it is necessary to lie down and urgently call a doctor.

Analyzes and examinations at this stage

At the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, a woman will need to visit a gynecologist once again, who will take standard measurements of blood pressure, note an increase in weight, measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the bottom of the uterus, and also listen to the fetal heartbeat. Before a visit to the doctor, you will need to do a routine urinalysis, and according to existing indications, a blood test to determine the sugar level. In the case of multiple pregnancy at this time, the expectant mother will need to prepare all the necessary documents for registration of maternity leave.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Musya 06/09/2016
And we love spicy potatoes with some water, a phantom and ice cream, a real woman))) doesn’t sleep only on the left side on the right side, she’s happy when our daddy is around, when he strokes and kisses us, rock music)))) with the names of the dispute too Pelageya and my Sophia, and when our dad asks “Pelageya how are you?” Or “give mom a little transdechka” she starts to dance very much)))) I can’t wait for my daughter to september

RitTa 03/29/2016
And we choose names, the baby doesn’t show the gender, therefore we are considering both male and female options. I like Varenka and Timur, and my husband - Diana and Seva. How we will agree - I do not know :)))

Smorodina 03/29/2016
Thanks to the article, it’s 100% ready for week 26. I recognize my baby’s preferences: she likes pears, cheerful dance music and the fresh air of the park where I walk.

Dina 03/29/2016
I will have a boy and another boy. My main task is to reach the end of the term. Now I’m making out the decree, I will walk and relax more.

Asya 03/29/2016
I am gaining too much weight, I would have to stop, but I want to eat like that. That's it: from Monday I enrolled in the pool and persuade myself to eat less flour especially!


Watch the video: 26 Weeks Pregnant - Fetal Development & What To Expect (July 2024).