39 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 39 weeks of gestation.


Pregnant rows by week 39 significantly thinned. And this means that many future mothers have already become real mothers. Congratulations to them! For those who continue the pregnant marathon, we want to wish a speedy and successful delivery. Your baby is developed, his organs are formed, he is completely ready for an independent life, he simply does not dare to take the first step.

Changes in the body at 39 weeks of gestation

The last 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are not much different from the 38th. Therefore, the changes occurring during this period can be summarized:

- in an enlarged breast appears colostrum - yellow drops. The first days after birth, the baby will feed on colostrum until real milk appears in her mother’s chest;

- The growth of the placenta stops and its aging begins. She fulfilled her destiny. The kid has grown, now her functions are systematically fading away. The weight gain and growth of the child during this period slows down, and nutrients are mainly enough to support the vital activity of the fetus;

- the stomach will not increase anymore;

- the amount of amniotic fluid decreased. But there were enough of them left so that the baby was under reliable protection and gently amortized during shocks and sudden movements;

- your birth weight will decrease by a couple of kilograms due to the removal of excess fluid from the body (due to hormonal changes - a decreasing level of progesterone and increasing estrogen);

- the amount of vaginal discharge will increase, so you should not be scared of this. Normally, they are light or yellowish in color. If the discharge is curdled, foaming or green in color, and even with an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of an STD or other infections, and must be treated before giving birth;

- a harbinger of an early birth may be the passage of the mucous plug. Cork it is called conditionally, it is more like a lump of thick mucus cream or light brown in color, possibly with red streaks. This means that in the coming period, labor will begin. She can go out at once in one piece or leave in small portions for several days. Therefore, this process for some pregnant women goes unnoticed.

The condition of the fetus at 39 weeks of gestation

Active-motor activity of the crumbs decreased. He quieted down in a tightly enclosed space, recalling sadly those beautiful times when he could freely somersault and make somersaults. And there was enough room for a run. For this period, 10 shocks or kicks in 12 hours is the norm.

The height of the child is about 50-52 cm with a weight of 3200-3350g. These are average values, it is not necessary that your baby will fit into these parameters. It can be more miniature, or, conversely, a larger fortress.

The liver and kidneys are ready to function independently, but nevertheless, the first years of a child’s life will continue to develop. The baby’s intestines are filled with original feces (meconium). These deposits were formed by ingestion of amniotic fluid and their further digestion. The intestines will get rid of meconium in the first minutes after the birth of the baby.

The child has excellent eyesight, he reacts to light and darkness, knows how to focus his eyes on closely located objects. During feeding, he will examine you with curiosity.

Possible sensations at 39 weeks of gestation

Sensations during this period, women experience a variety of, often not quite pleasant. The closer the hour X, the more intensively the body prepares for the approaching birth. The uterus is training with such zeal, as if on the nose of the Olympic Games. Therefore, training fights are becoming more tangible and can wake you up at night.

If you are tormented by heartburn, after lowering the abdomen, it will pass. It will be easy for you to breathe, an excellent appetite will reappear. Therefore, make sure that you do not overeat, and the stomach is hard and the excess body fat is worthless to you.

Your emotional state in this period is far from Nordic and calm. You easily get out of balance and find it difficult to hold back emotions. You can burst into tears, and after a minute laugh, yell at your husband, and then suffer remorse. Explain your condition to loved ones, let them understand you and not be offended.

Medical observation at 39 weeks of gestation

At the appointment, the doctor must check the frequency of the heartbeat of the baby to make sure that everything is in order with the child. Can check the readiness of the cervix for childbirth, as well as make an ultrasound. Sometimes, in order to play it safe, it is better to once again look at the monitor how the baby is behaving, note his presentation and check if the fetus is entangled with an umbilical cord. If the abdomen has already lowered, and the fetus has remained in the pelvic (gluteal) presentation, before birth it will not change its position.

General recommendations

For the convenience of calculating the duration of the contractions themselves and the gaps between them, you can use the on-line counter-counting programs. Finding them on the Internet is not difficult. During the start of the bout, you need to press the Start button, when the bout releases, press Stop. And so for a certain time you should press the buttons. The program will automatically calculate the intervals between contractions and their duration. So it will be easier for you to navigate, and to distinguish real fights from training.

Remember to take daily walks. The child needs oxygen more than ever: the placenta is aging and does not deliver enough nutrients and oxygen.

If you drive, in the last weeks of pregnancy it is better not to drive. Even if you are an experienced driver, you do not need extra stress. You yourself know that it is enough on the roads. And with a huge belly, it’s not very convenient to sit in the driver’s seat. Better use a taxi or public transport.

In the later stages, the back often hurts. Do not load it, take another rest and lie down, and so as not to be bored, turn on the film or cartoons. If at night you are not allowed to get enough workouts or uncomfortable postures, find time to sleep during the day. To help yourself relax and distract, take a warm bath with fragrant foam. And move household chores indefinitely. You now have a period when you can do anything, enjoy it.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Evelina 04/06/2016
Ah, these training fights ... I didn’t know at all that this happened. On the recommendation in the article, I found a program for fights - their counting, etc. Very comfortably. And how nervous I was - I did not expect from myself. I'm trying to cope with irritability, but it doesn’t work out very well.

Evelina 04/06/2016
Ah, these training fights ... I didn’t know at all that this happened. On the recommendation in the article, I found a program for fights - their counting, etc. Very comfortably. And how nervous I was - I did not expect from myself. I'm trying to cope with irritability, but it doesn’t work out very well.

Julia 04/06/2016
Give birth soon !! Soon my little baby will be born! I already think about how difficult it is for mothers to give their daughters to their mothers!))) But what? I'm getting ready. We found a wonderful doctor who will take birth, all the excitement disappeared.

Polina 04/06/2016
I went to see a doctor - they said that everything was in order. I am very glad that I have a late pregnancy and anything can happen ... Not everyone will decide on this. By the way, after reading young mothers, I realized that I feel just fine! Only fatigue ... But it is tolerable.

Eva 04/06/2016
Cool name - training fights!)) I generally train to the fullest! Even sometimes I think that I’m already going to give birth. And giving birth is so scary, girls !!! And most importantly, you can’t refuse this process))


Watch the video: Normal Fetal Movement and Growth. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).