December 14: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 14

Liquidator Day of the Chernobyl NPP

A large number of specialists participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident. On December 14, an act was passed on the delivery of all protective structures over the destroyed 4 power unit. The sarcophagus was commissioned a few days earlier. In 2006, the decree of the President of Ukraine on December 14 officially became a memorable day for the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. On this day, its heroic participants are honored who, as soon as possible, at the cost of their own health defended the world from the spread of radiation. The recognition of this day as an official memorial day once again reminds the world of the threat of radiation, and the status of liquidators, many of which need constant expensive treatment. A certificate of liquidators in 1986 received only 5,000 people. In the creation of the sarcophagus was attended by much more people (about 650 thousand) half of them are residents of Ukraine.

Naumov day

In Russia, from ancient times, this day was called "wise." It was believed that St. Nahum could "bring to mind", that is, teach something, or wise up. Previously, on that day, children came to the teacher. Since training was inextricably linked with punishments by rods, the mother mourned the difficulties facing her child and wailed, seeing off to the teacher. On the first day, the children bowed to the teacher three times, and he "awarded" the students with three symbolic blows. Parents brought to the teacher a loaf of bread and salt, wrapped in a towel, inside the bundle put the tuition fee. Sometimes classes were paid for with products - chickens, eggs, milk, bread. The main principle of the old school was unquestioning obedience.

Safar (Beginning of the second month of the Muslim calendar)

After the main month of the Muslim calendar, Muharram comes Safar. The fall season has a symbolic yellow color, and Safar is associated with falling leaves and deserted streets, deserted by Mecca. The entire Muslim calendar is based on the lunar cycle, it was first introduced into use in 638 by the close ally of the Prophet Muhammad, the second caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab. It was he who made great efforts in the field of rationalization of rather controversial systems of calculating time.

Day of victims of the Latin tragedy in Abkhazia

The war of 1992-93 in Abkhazia brought numerous casualties. The Georgian-Abkhaz conflict caused the death of 84 people, including 35 children and 8 pregnant women. In the city of Gudauta, the remains of the victims of the Latas tragedy - a plane shot down on December 14, 1992 on a charity flight, are buried. A memorial to the victims of the tragedy was erected in Gudauta; mourning rallies and laying of wreaths and flowers are held there that day. A memorial has also been erected at the take-off site in Tkuarchal.

Folk calendar December 14

Memory of the Holy Prophet Nahum

In Galilee in the 7th century BC there lived a prophet who wrote a book of prophecies. Its spelling dates back to 663 BC. e. The once powerful Assyrian state with its capital in Nineveh fell under the blows of enemies, as the inhabitants were mired in sins. Nahum predicted this fall and considered it a just retribution for sins. In Russia, Naum is revered as the patron of education. On this day, sayings related to study are recalled: “The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet” and they pray to Saint Naum: “the prophet Naum sharpens the mind.”

Memorable Historical Events December 14

December 14, 1542 - Mary Stuart declared Queen of France

The young queen was only six days old at that time. A few months later, an official ceremony took place. In 1943, a pro-British government was formed, many exiles returned to the country. Under the Greenwich Treaty, Mary was to marry the son of the king of England. Subsequently, Mary abdicated in favor of her one-year-old son. The life of Mary Stuart ended sadly - she was imprisoned and later publicly executed.

December 14, 1893 Upper shopping malls opened in the center of Moscow, later renamed GUM

The opening of the complex was attended by Moscow Governor Sergey Romanov and Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna. The construction of the building is based on a pseudo-Russian style. In the gigantic longitudinal passages there are more than a thousand stores. Sixteen-meter spans are glazed in an arched manner, in addition there were three large halls. Externally, the building was finished with Finnish granite and Tarusa marble. Currently, the state is not the owner of GUM, the malls are owned by the Russian company Bosco di Ciliegi, which sells luxury goods. The largest shopping complex in Europe is considered an architectural monument of federal significance.

December 14, 1911 Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole

Amudsen walked towards this victory for several years, postponing the expedition indefinitely. Initially, Amudsen was going to conquer the North Pole, but his expedition did not take place due to the American ahead of him Frederick Cook. The first achievement was the opening of the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. In 1910, the famous expedition began towards Antarctica. She went to the South Pole on dog sledding. On December 14, the Amudsen expedition flag was hoisted over the North Pole, exactly one month before the arrival of another researcher Robert Scott.

December 14, 1947 - the beginning of monetary reform and the abolition of food cards

The food card system introduced at the beginning of the war worked for 6 years in the country. In 1947, a monetary reform was carried out. New bills have been put into effect, ten times reducing the face value of previous banknotes. The prices of essential goods were repeatedly demonstratively reduced and government loans were converted. The gold content of the ruble remained the same, so people quickly felt the positive impact of the reform.

December 14 were born:

Nostradamus (1503 - 1566 years), the great prophet

Michel de Notrdam is from Provence. Among his hobbies were medicine, art, astrology. The plague epidemic claimed the lives of his family members - his wife and children. Nostradamus works as a doctor, saving the lives of people across the country. A prophetic gift appeared in him in Italy. In his second marriage, six more children are born to him. Prophetic visions visit him constantly, he establishes an almanac of predictions. His fans were famous people, including the Queen of France Catherine de Medici. He became her court physician and astrologer.

Ranbir Raj Kapoor (1924 - 188 years), the "king" of the Indian screen

Starting from the age of 6, the whole life of Raj Kapoor has been associated with Indian cinema. As a child, he performed at his father’s theater. He went through all stages of the study of mastery in cinema, working as an actor, director and graphic designer. His first film as a director and actor allowed to open his own studio. The film "Tramp" became a real triumph, having received the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Then he became the best director in India, and also received a crystal globe at the Karlovy Vary festival. His studio has become one of the leading in the country, films triumphantly marched across the screens of the whole world and continue to be interesting and fascinating.

Quiet (Tyuge) Brahe (1546-1601), the famous Danish astronomer

Astronomy has become his vocation. He himself performs many drawings for astronomical instruments, makes the famous star globe. He wrote several books on astronomy, the first - "On a new star", brought him world fame and a place as a teacher at the university. He created a catalog of 1000 stars, using a special observatory on the island presented to him by King Frederick 2.

Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (1792-1862), princess, cultural figure of Russia

In 1825, a salon for famous writers was formed in her house. He was visited by Miscavige, Baratynsky, Venevitinov, and also Pushkin. She was a member of the circle "Society of Russian History and Antiquities." It was Zinaida Volkonskaya who sent the wives of the Decembrists to Siberia. Volkonskaya spent the last years of her life in Italy. It is known that she was connected with friendly relations with N.V. Gogol.

Nikolai Fedorovich Shcherbina (1821-1869), Russian poet

All his works describe ancient Greek scenes. Nikolai Shcherbina was brought up in a family with Greek roots, life and legends of this people were absorbed, as they say, with mother's milk. His first poem "Sappho" was written at the age of 13 years. The readers' success was also a collection of Greek poems, as well as his other poems. Interestingly, based on the verse “After the Battle”, the famous Russian song “The Sea Spreads Wide” was written.

George VI (1895-1952 years), the British king

George V became king not only of Britain, but also the supreme ruler of Canada, Australia, Great Britain, South Africa, India and Ireland. Later, he also became Commander of the Armed Forces of Britain and Canada. He was Fleet Admiral, Marshal of the Royal and Australian Air Force. George VI was an active opponent of fascism, during the war he was in France and Africa, in Normandy, together with his troops. His daughter Elizabeth is the queen of England today.

Name day on December 14th:

On this day, Dmitry, Naum, Porfiry celebrate their name day.


Watch the video: December Daily! Days 1-14 using Simple Stories Claus and Co (June 2024).