Non-developing pregnancy


Sometimes things do not go as they would like. A fertilized egg successfully made its way through the fallopian tubes and entrenched in the uterus. However, at some point, the embryo stops developing, and the pregnancy freezes. Why is this happening? The causes of an undeveloped pregnancy can be different:

  • Severe malformations of the embryo, incompatible with its further development. In these cases, the forces of nature itself take effect - the baby is not viable and leaves the body of the mother, who has yet to become pregnant with healthy offspring.
  • Maternal infection during pregnancy. During the period of gestation, the mother’s immune defense weakens so that the new organism is not recognized as an enemy and is attacked by antibodies. Therefore, viral diseases become extremely dangerous - rubella can lead to severe malformations of the fetus, and cytomegalovirus - to termination of pregnancy. Even a flu virus, which a healthy person can easily cope with during pregnancy, can be extremely dangerous for the fetus.
  • Genetic disorders. A “defective” gene transmitted from either parent can cause a pregnancy to fade.
  • Problems in the endocrine system of women. The onset of pregnancy is accompanied by the intensive production of special hormones responsible for the functioning of the placenta. An undetected progesterone deficiency prevents the placenta from providing the fetus with the necessary nutrition and oxygen. Under the supervision of a doctor, a normal level of hormones is maintained medically, which allows women with endocrine diseases to endure the baby.

How to check that pregnancy is developing normally?

Almost the entire first half of pregnancy, it is impossible to trace the baby’s movements, having felt movements, due to the light weight of the fetus. To find out that everything is in order with the baby, and the pregnancy is developing normally, it is possible only with the next ultrasound examination. Normally, the future mother does not have an ultrasound procedure so often - at the beginning of pregnancy to listen to the fetal heartbeat, during screenings and before childbirth. Therefore, before the movements begin, it will be necessary to check whether everything is in order with the baby by indirect signs:

  • Early cessation of toxicosis. The begun nausea that accompanies almost every pregnancy, is gaining strength from 6-7 weeks of waiting and torments women until the end of the first trimester. For someone, toxicosis is easier, for someone it is very difficult. But if you noted that as soon as you started, severe nausea suddenly receded suddenly, you should definitely inform your doctor about it.
  • Chest changes. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the mammary glands of the expectant mother begin to change, preparing to feed the baby. The breast enlarges, becomes full and heavy, and the nipples become sensitive to the cold. In the future, areola pigmentation will change, and colostrum will appear in the chest. Fallen breasts and the disappearance of pregnancy-specific sensitivities are an alarming sign.
  • Blood discharge, poor health, chills, the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen or fever should also not be ignored. Sometimes an undeveloped fetus leaves the uterine cavity, but in some cases it remains inside, bearing the danger of infection.

Suspicions in the first half of pregnancy are checked by a blood test for the level of the hCG hormone. Normally, up to 9-11 weeks, it is constantly increasing. With an undeveloped pregnancy, hCG growth stops. This analysis, coupled with an ultrasound scan, helps to check your pregnancy.

Although the first trimester is recognized as the most dangerous for the development of the embryo, pregnancy fading is possible at a later date. That is why from the moment the fetal movements become tangible, a woman should carefully listen to the baby’s kicks. Uniform movements will tell mom that the baby is all right, but too intense movements may indicate that the fetus is uncomfortable. The disappearance of movements for a long period is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. Until 34 weeks, the fetus moves very actively. The intensity of body movements decreases slightly only closer to childbirth, but this is only due to the lack of free space for somersaults and somersaults, the baby's vital activity is still felt by the woman.


yu 11/18/2016
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Watch the video: Ultrasound of Normal and Abnormal early pregnancy (July 2024).