Female opinion: the more children, the better!


Children are our happiness and our future. They give meaning to the whole of human existence and give us the joy of fatherhood and motherhood. A family without children is not complete, no matter who says it. The Women's Opinion portal conducted a sociological survey, the purpose of which was to find out how many children Russians want to have ...

Only 15.3% of respondents want to have one child. To the question “why?” They answer in different ways: Someone believes that it is better to have one child, but to put his whole life in him, “so that he has her even better” than his parents. “There are almost no examples in my environment that parents of two or more children love them all equally: either they love the older one more, or the last one, or the girl. Not being sure that I will be treated the same, I don’t want to injure the future offspring,” one of respondents. Although there are also opinions that egoists often grow out of one child in a family, but how a child grows up depends entirely on his parents.

Nevertheless, the majority of the reasons for the reluctance to have more than one child in the family calls financial insolvency. Another, no less serious reason is the state of health of the expectant mother. For many Russians today, giving birth without fatal consequences for their health is problematic.

Although there are also such opinions: "I have one with my parents, and I never thought that it could be otherwise." “I love comfort too much and don’t like sitting at home to go through maternity leave and maternity leave more than once,” and this is also a reason for those who believe that there should be only one child in the family.

More than half of the respondents (51.4%) want to have two children. “I remember my childhood, I always dreamed of a brother or sister, but, alas. I myself have already given birth to one, we are thinking about the second, but later”; “A daughter already exists. Now it’s up to the boy,” traditionally parents dream of heterosexual children. But all of them, without exception, will be glad of the fact that their child was born healthy. And this is the main point.

21.6% of voters are not against three children in a family, but the financial question arises here: "Children are too expensive now. And, our Russia, which, we should be proud of, is not in a hurry to help us with this" . There is such a rare but noble opinion: “I want to give birth to two. And I want to adopt one more. I don’t know why I have such a desire. I have it from youth. And now I work with children from the boarding school, so the desire has increased even more,” - and such an opinion can only be applauded ...

Despite all the economic crises, global cataclysms and other problems, our women continue to dream of a large, friendly family with many children: “Three are already there, we are thinking about more,” 11.7% of respondents answered. It’s terrible to be a lonely person in this world, that’s why a woman wants to create a reliable and strong family for her children, so that “they always have someone to turn to in difficult times, so that they can share their joys and sorrows with them, that they always be with each other and for each other. I hope we succeed "...

The survey involved 2660 women aged 20-45 from 128 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Why are more men and women choosing a life without kids? (July 2024).