Unique natural remedy: tea tree oil for acne. Acne Tea Tree Oil Use Methods


Since ancient times, the oldest phytotherapists used tea tree oil as a natural and effective antiseptic. The healing properties of natural oil are enough to care for skin and hair, nervous and other body systems, regulate metabolic processes and the body as a whole.

Useful properties of tea tree oil for acne: the versatility of skin products

Tea tree essential oil can have the following effects on the skin:

• antiseptic;

• antiviral;

• anti-inflammatory.

Due to the presence of such properties, tea tree ether is able to effectively fight against pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate fungi, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, pneumococci, gonococci and other pathogens of skin diseases. Useful properties of tea tree oil:

1. The cosmetic product is able to eliminate minor and large rashes on the skin, relieve itching, eliminate inflammation and irritation.

2. Wound healing properties can be used to repair damage after extruding acne or to accelerate their natural disappearance.

3. Acne and rashes as a consequence of insect bites or allergic reactions can also be eliminated with cosmetic oil. It quickly and effectively copes with the poison of insects, eliminates the external signs of bites, as well as discomfort and itching.

4. It is worth using tea tree ether in case of such skin problems: warts, herpes, eczema, herpes zoster, chickenpox, measles and others.

The mechanism of action of tea tree oil from acne: how cosmetic ester works

The composition of tea tree oil is saturated with useful components and organic substances, such as terpen-4-ol, cineole, alpha-pinene, limonene and others. Thanks to them, acne symptoms in the form of burning, dryness, tingling are significantly reduced. How does this happen?

1. When bacteria enter the skin, a modification of the structure of the dermis begins.

2. At the same time, the work of the sebaceous glands intensifies, pores get clogged, inflammation appears on the skin.

3. Such changes provoke the formation of acne, blackheads and acne, which, if improperly treated or if it is absent, can lead to further development of cysts and the appearance of nodules.

4. In a similar way, lesions of the viral and fungal type are capable of arising.

5. When applied to the skin of tea tree antiseptic oil in viruses, fungi and bacteria, there is no chance of the continued existence and spread of infections.

6. Oil gently cleanses pores and has a self-regulating effect on the skin.

7. The antihistamine properties that are endowed with the oil help relieve swelling in places where a bite or acne has formed, so after using the product, the deficiencies become less noticeable.

8. Found in tea tree oil and anti-aging effect. Active components stimulate cell regeneration, due to which noticeable scars and acne marks disappear.

9. Any bacteria that cause the appearance of acne sooner or later become resistant to the influence of antibiotics acting on this problem from the inside of the body. But they will not be able to counteract the action of cosmetic oil.

Rules for the use of tea tree oil for acne

The main advantage of tea tree oil as a cosmetic product is that when it is used, the skin does not lose its natural protection. In order for the use of ether to be effective, you must follow some rules:

• apply the product exclusively to the spots of pimple formation. The antibacterial ingredients in the composition are the best alternative to deep-acting synthetic chemistry. A small drop of oil penetrates deep into the skin, opening the pores and giving way to accumulated sebum, disinfects, dries acne and blackheads;

• to apply oil to the skin, it is necessary to drop a small amount on a cotton swab, napkin or disk, gently blot the problem areas with them and leave them on them for a while or even at night to reduce the size and severity of the inflammation;

• always apply oil on clean and dry skin;

• before use, it is necessary to verify the suitability of the product, as well as the naturalness of its composition - the oil must be 100% pure without impurities, ready-made cosmetics containing tea oil will not give the necessary effects;

• it will be much more convenient to use acne oil if you first place and store it in an empty bottle of lip gloss.

Ways to use acne tea tree oil at home

The use of pure oil may seem to many to be too harsh a way to deal with skin imperfections with aggressive effects. Therefore, you can use oil as the main ingredient in home remedies for a more gentle effect on the skin.

1. Natural mixture - it is necessary to mix the pulp from the aloe plant and a few drops of essential oil, and then apply the consistency to the problem areas with pimples. An alternative option for aloe can be honey, which also has wound healing and antibacterial properties.

2. Acne mask:

• Recipe 1: mix 4 drops of tea tree ether with green clay in powder, add water to make a paste. Such a mask should be applied evenly on the entire surface of the face and skin, hold for 20 minutes until the clay has completely dried.

• Recipe 2: mix 3 drops of tea tree oil, 1 tsp. jojoba oil and a well-sliced ​​half of tomato. In the process of mixing, a mashed-like consistency should be obtained, which is kept on problem areas for 10 minutes.

• Recipe 3: mix 50 g of yogurt and 5 font of oil, apply on the skin evenly for 15-20 minutes.

3. Scrub to cleanse the skin. To combat acne, a homemade scrub recipe is useful:

• tea tree oil - 10 drops;

• half a cup of sugar;

• 50-60 g of olive oil;

• 1 tsp honey.

All ingredients are available, they can easily be found in the kitchen cabinet of most housewives. The finished consistency must be rubbed into the skin for 3-4 minutes. Massage movements should be circular and accurate.

A home scrub according to this recipe for the skin of people suffering from severe acne will be rude and harsh. However, he copes with small and medium rashes perfectly.

The advantage of the scrub is that its constituent components are natural ingredients, which means it can be stored for a long time. The tool can be prepared in reserve and taken with you on trips or vacations.

4. Another way to soften the effect of oil on the skin is to add it to the daily cleanser. 2-5 drops per small bottle will be enough. When using the product, it is important to avoid contact with eyes.

5. To get rid of rashes and acne on other parts of the body, for example, back, chest, shoulders, you can drip a few drops of tea ether into the water before taking a bath. Such a bath will be not only healing, but also fragrant.

6. For owners of too sensitive and delicate skin, for which in its pure form a little tea tree is not suitable, it is worth considering options for the finished product. Manufacturers often include tea oil with its unsurpassed anti-inflammatory properties in its products. Very popular and effective are washing gels, moisturizers, scrubs based on a natural component.

Precautions and side effects of acne tea tree oil

The risk of side effects may occur when using a fake product. To avoid it, you must learn to distinguish the true aroma of a natural medicine. Real oil has a pleasant smell that refreshes a little, while a fake has a sugary sweet aroma. In the case of using a fake for the treatment of acne, the following effects may occur:

1. Allergic reactions - a natural product is not a strong and common allergen, unlike fake oil.

2. Chemical burns of skin areas - the concentration of a natural product is high enough to cause a skin burn, but applying a fake product can leave much more serious and deep damage.

3. Skin irritation - the chemical composition of the unknown components of a fake product can cause skin irritation, increased itching, increased rashes, swelling and redness.

To protect yourself when using this high-quality oil, several rules will help:

• it is necessary to avoid getting the product in the eyes on the mucous membranes of the body;

• do not use oil for internal use, the product is very toxic;

• Do not apply to charred or excessively dry skin with eczema or burns;

• before sun exposure, it is harmful to apply oil to the skin, the optimal time for the procedure is evening;

• in cases with sensitive skin, it is necessary to conduct an experiment in advance with application to the wrist.

In order to effectively, quickly and permanently get rid of a skin rash, it is necessary to use a comprehensive treatment: along with the use of tea tree oil, adjust the diet, eliminate negative external effects and give the skin more rest.


Watch the video: Hansa on Medicine: Lavender and Tea Tree Oil in Medicine (June 2024).