Passive lifestyle and malnutrition contribute to kidney disease


American scientists in the course of research found that high-calorie foods and inactive lifestyles can cause serious damage to the kidneys.

The experiment was attended by over 80 thousand middle-aged women, and the main attention was paid to their lifestyle and diet.

The data obtained were analyzed for a number of significant parameters, including body mass index. It was found that an active lifestyle reduces the risk of kidney stones by thirty percent.

According to the head of the experiment, even a few hours of leisurely walks or gardening will be enough to prevent kidney disease.

The authors of the study also found that consumption of more than 2.2 thousand calories per day by almost forty percent increase the likelihood of kidney stones. Obesity and overweight are also dangerous factors.


Anna 12/14/2016
Again, everything is relative. I have a very active dad, he is involved in sports, he monitors nutrition. And recently, pain, an attack, kidney stones. You never know


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