Cirrhosis in men: first symptoms. Methods of treating liver cirrhosis in men


Liver cirrhosis is a serious disease in which there is an extensive lesion of this organ and massive death of its tissues. As a result, the affected parts of the organ form scars, which leads to a decrease in liver function. Consider in more detail the signs of liver cirrhosis in men, as well as the causes and treatment of this disease.

Causes of liver cirrhosis in men

The following causes of liver cirrhosis in men are distinguished:

1. Damage to the liver by viral hepatitis. This factor causes liver cirrhosis in 30% of all cases. Especially dangerous are hepatitis C, B and D.

2. Long-term alcohol dependence, in which a person will constantly drink hard liquor. In this state, a heavy load will be placed on the liver. Moreover, the negative effect of toxins on the liver plays an important role in this.

3. All kinds of failures in the immune system of men can contribute to the development of so-called autoimmune hepatitis and cirrhosis, which is accompanied by damage to the bile ducts.

4. Venous congestion in the liver.

5. Some diseases of the biliary tract (gallstone disease).

6. Some hereditary diseases transmitted genetically.

7. Long-term treatment with potent drugs.

8. The defeat of the body by chemicals with a strong toxic effect. It can be poisons, poisonous mushrooms, etc.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the so-called cryptogenic cirrhosis. The reasons for its development have not yet been elucidated. It is believed that infectious diseases, starvation and syphilis can give an impetus to its appearance.

Moreover, it should be noted that several of the above factors (hepatitis and alcoholism, bile duct diseases and starvation, etc.) increase the risk of developing liver cirrhosis at once.

Cirrhosis in men: the first symptoms and signs

It is not always possible to detect liver cirrhosis on the basis of signs of the disease, because in 20% of all cases, the pathology proceeds without any symptoms and does not manifest itself at all. Despite this, in all other cases, a person will be able to understand that he is sick, because the signs of cirrhosis will be "on the face."

Such features of the course and the first signs of cirrhosis of the liver in men are distinguished:

1. Frequent feeling of bitterness in the mouth and dry mouth.

2. Great thirst.

3. Problems with stool, which manifest themselves as diarrhea, frequent flatulence. In this state, the food will not be completely digested and assimilated.

4. A person can become irritable, prone to depressive states. Also, the patient will begin to suffer constant fatigue, loss of working capacity.

5. Some varieties of cirrhosis manifest themselves as jaundice in the early stages.

6. Frequent pain in the right hypochondrium. The pain will be especially pronounced after physical exertion, drinking alcohol and eating fatty foods.

In addition, additional signs of cirrhosis of the liver in men are identified, which occur as the disease develops:

1. Pain in the right side, which will intensify, and acquire the character of colic. Also in this state, a person can feel heaviness in the side.

2. Rapid weight loss. Sometimes the patient is greatly depleted, up to anorexia.

3. Atrophy of the muscles and a decrease in their tone. At the same time, it is difficult for the patient to perform even minor physical exertion.

4. Itching and burning of the skin.

5. Severe weakness and nausea. Also often there is vomiting with blood.

6. Appearance on the skin of a yellowish tint.

7. Varicose veins on the stomach.

8. Swelling of the tongue.

9. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

10. Acquisition of a gray shade by the face.

11. The protrusion of the abdomen forward, while the limbs will be thin.

12. Enlargement of the spleen.

13. Epistaxis.

In addition, there are often problems with sleep and impaired concentration.

Cirrhosis in men: treatment

Many patients, after establishing a diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver, are wondering whether this disease is treated at all. Unfortunately, today medicine cannot completely save a person from cirrhosis. She is able to only slightly improve body functions and slow down the organ damage process.

The only effective method of treating cirrhosis is a liver transplant, but it is not suitable for all patients, and such an operation is very expensive and rare.

Despite this, patients should not lose hope of a cure, especially if the disease was detected in the early stages. In this case, therapy has every chance of being successful, so a person will live for more than one year.

Traditional therapy for cirrhosis is selected individually for each individual patient, depending on the cause of the disease, symptoms, and general neglect of the disease.

Drug treatment of cirrhosis in men involves the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

1. The appointment of choleretic drugs, if cirrhosis is accompanied by congestion in the biliary tract.

2. In case of viral hepatitis that caused cirrhosis, antiviral drugs (interferon group) should be used.

3. To activate immunity, immunomodulatory drugs may be prescribed.

4. Enzyme preparations are used to normalize digestion.

5. For severe pain, analgesics are prescribed.

6. Antiemetics may be prescribed for nausea.

7. Antioxidants are used to reduce toxic effects on the liver.

8. Various hepatoprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation in the liver.

9. Be sure to use vitamin preparations.

During treatment, the patient must adhere to the following medical advice:

1. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol completely.

2. Observe diet food (table number 5). At the same time, the patient is forbidden all fatty, spicy, salty, smoked and sour. The basis of the diet should be simple dishes of vegetables, fruits, cereals, soups and dairy products. From sausages, fatty cheeses, salted fish and fatty meat should be abandoned.

The patient needs to eat at least five times a day. At the same time, the portions should not be large. From drinks you can drink water, green tea, a decoction of dried fruits and rose hips.

3. Exercise and stress should be limited.

4. It is necessary to stop taking those drugs that caused cirrhosis of the liver (if they became the root cause of the disease).

5. In serious condition, the patient is shown bed rest and compulsory hospitalization.

In the event that conservative drug therapy did not help the patient, he may need a donor organ transplant. In this case, the liver is withdrawn from the deceased person. Further, the organ is checked, and if it is suitable, then transplantation is performed.

Prevention of cirrhosis in men

Prevention of cirrhosis of the liver in men provides for the following medical recommendations:

1. Obligatory vaccination for hepatitis B. Unfortunately, there are no vaccines for other types of hepatitis yet, so a man should be extremely careful (have safe sexual intercourse, check his partner for sexually transmitted diseases).

2. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

3. Timely treatment of those diseases that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

4. Personal hygiene and the use of personalized personal care products (razors, scissors, trimmers, towels, etc.). Also, you should not give these accessories to anyone, even close people.

5. Compliance with a diet that will not contain fried and fatty foods.

6. Every year you need to undergo a follow-up examination with a hepatologist and other specialists. When the first signs of cirrhosis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the same time, it is better to play it safe than to launch a disease.

7. Do not self-medicate with potent drugs, since in addition to cirrhosis, they can cause no less dangerous consequences.

8. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.

9. If hepatitis is detected, a full course of treatment should be taken.


Watch the video: From Cirrhosis to a Hepatitis C Cure. William's Story (July 2024).