The meaning of the name Klim: what does the name mean, what character gives it? The origin and history of the name Klim, the fate of its owner


The thorough name Klim diligently made famous by many writers. Take at least Gorky Klim Samgin or Bulgakov Klim Chugunkin.

Heroes are ambiguous, but why? Because the name itself is this: Klim's character and fate are ambiguous. What does the name Klim mean and what to expect from its owner?

The meaning and origin of the name Klim

The short and full forms of this name are known. There is no question about the meaning of the name Klim. Scientists believe that the shorter word name comes from the long "Clement." Moreover, the origin and history of the name Klim are associated with the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece:

• the Greek word in translation into Russian means "vine";

• The Roman word Clemens is raised to a generic name, which translates as "milder," "soft."

The meaning of the name Klim can be raised to Christian traditions. Both Catholics and Orthodox worship the holy martyr Clement, who actively spread religion and suffered for the faith of Christ. What does the name Klim mean in the Orthodox tradition? Following the path of Christ, glorifying the mercy of God.

Language lives by its own laws, one of which is the desire for economy. Hence the truncation of the last syllable, which turned Clementius into Klim in everyday speech. The varieties of the name are varied: Germanic peoples (Germans, Danes, Swedes) speak Clemence, Italians - Clemente, French - Clement, Scots - Kliamin, Hungarians - Kelemen, Slav brothers (Poles, Romanians, Czechs) - Clement. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, it is Klim that is the usual form of name.

Klim: character of the owner

Little Klim is inquisitive, kind and calm. He doesn’t really like to pore over lessons, but thanks to his natural ingenuity, he copes with math problems very well. He feels comfortable in companies, but is not inclined to leadership.

In his youth, Klim becomes impetuous, restless and even unrestrained. He has a hot temperament, so Klim is in constant action. He is able at one glance to assess the situation, immediately make a decision and find a way out where another sees a blank wall.

He likes to argue, but does not like empty talk and does not say long monologues. If desired, can carry along. His liveliness, energy will be directed to people, and a well-delivered speech inspires confidence.

Klim Often acts to please his desires, not taking into account the desires of other people. If his personal interests are affected, he is ready to fight for them to the end, even if the enemy is obviously stronger. At the same time, he is quite prudent and even cunning, knows how to patiently achieve his goal.

Klim is an undoubted monogamous, and marriage, as a rule, protects him from many troubles. He loves when guests are in his house, but he himself does not like to visit anywhere. In the work collective and family, he is considered almost indispensable.

Klim: the fate of the owner

The nature and fate of Klim rarely depends on childhood circumstances. The name has its own power, and therefore its owners become extremely rare with alcoholics, even spent all their childhood in the company of a drunken father.

Klim is lucky; fate loves him. Even if she turns away for a moment, Klim has the patience to wait for favorable circumstances. Moreover, a person with this name makes himself and his fate.

Klim has a strong family, its head is a caring and loving spouse, father, son. He loves children (often girls), affectionate with them, although sometimes he can be demanding. Klim loves his wife, rarely cheats on her, and when a woman sympathizing with him appears on the horizon, she panics. He has no idea how to have a wife and a lover. At the same time, the wife will have to take into account his temper and jealousy.

Klim combines credulity and prudence. Due to the tendency to treat the world too openly, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations, from which he himself is chosen.

At home, Klim is prone to pedantry. He believes that every thing should have its own place and absolutely can not stand the creative mess. It is difficult for him to explain that he does not need to be a slave (slave) of everyday life - he simply will not understand. Klim in general is not distinguished by a deep mind, but rather by insight. In addition, he is a little deaf to emotions: he does not know how to deeply worry, rarely gets upset, almost never suffers.

Profession for Klim

Klim's responsibility makes him an excellent performer. Punctual and pedantic, he will certainly complete the work entrusted to him. Starting to build a career, Klim will move forward in mood: now systematically and delicately, then assertively. The process will drag on: the owners of this name make their careers slowly.

Despite the noble origin and history of the name Klim, the profession is simple and understandable for this person: agronomist, engineer, livestock breeder (little Klimka loves animals, can bother with them for hours). He will be very good as an athlete (if you have the patience), and in sports, personal high results, and in coaching.

Famous people named Klim:

• Clement Timiryazev - physiologist, naturalist, biologist;

• Klim Voroshilov - Marshal, twice Hero of the USSR;

• Clement Redko - Soviet artist of the early twentieth century;

• Clement Levychkin - Soviet diplomat;

• Clement Kvitka - Soviet musicologist-folklorist.

Name compatibility

In marriage, Klim needs a woman who is ready to put up with his shortcomings: temper, peremptory, jealousy and an increased love of order. He needs to choose a spouse for a long time, otherwise the marriage may fail.

The name Klim is well compatible with unusual, rare female names. Strong marriage is promised to girls named Anfisa, Lydia, Ada, Glafira, Lada, Nina, Leah, Mlada. Good relations develop with Natalya.

It will be difficult for Klima with Bronislava, Varara, Anna, Valentina, Margarita, Daria, Larisa.


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