How to properly care for facial skin in adolescence?


The adolescent period is accompanied by the active work of the hormonal system of the human body. In addition to changes in behavior and character, implying a psychological aspect, external transformations take place. The figure acquires adult forms, which later will be preserved.

Teenage skin features

Puberty in boys begins at age 14, in girls at 12. Sex hormones and growth hormones begin to be released into the blood of a child’s body in large numbers. The pores on the skin become larger., which contributes to the secretion of sebum, making the teen face fat. Cells of the stratum corneum are exfoliated, further defects that have arisen depend on how strongly the processes with the mass of dead cells will occur.

Occurrence black spots, acne, blackheads bypass the side of the unit. Most teenagers have to go through this, but the main thing to remember is that these are natural processes and there is nothing wrong with them. Cosmetic products will not completely relieve acne before puberty is complete, but will help to improve the appearance of the skin and normalize metabolic processes. Teens need to care for their skin, regardless of their gender.

Rules for the care of teenage skin

For a start, adolescents should not neglect the basic rules of hygiene.

Wash twice a day using an anti-inflammatory foam or gel. In this age period it will be more useful to wash with warm boiled water.

Do not forget to wipe the skin with tonic and light herbal infusions. Eliminate junk food from the diet, worry less, stress affects health and appearance. Touch your face as rarely as possible and in no case squeeze acne. Get used to the successive procedures for skin care: cleaning, moisturizing, nutrition, protection.

The subtleties of care for teenage skin depend on its type.

Oily skin care

In adolescents with this type of skin, acne and other inflammations on the face most often appear, because the sebaceous glands function faster. Dust gets into enlarged pores, mixing with fat. From here skin problems arise. We advise you to use gel for washing with chamomile or calendula components that relieve inflammation, tighten pores and reduce sebum production.

The composition of the funds should not include alcohol, it enhances the work of the sebaceous glands. Acne gels are goodEffaclar fromLa roche-posay andPure System Yves Rocher.We also recommend using oil for oily and combination skin. Lotus Oil Face Treatment from Clarins. Cream will save from acne and acneHimalaya Herbals.

From the budget option, you can buy in a pharmacy a 2% salicylic acid solution and treat skin inflammations with them 2 times a day. To carry out the procedure no more than 5 days. If a teenage girl wants to use cosmetics, then you should choose one with the word "non-comedogenic", which does not clog the skin of the face.

Dry skin care

Dry skin in adolescents is rare, but it happens that the cells are too isolated from the outer layer of the skin. The pores are small, decreased sweating and sebaceous excretions. Dull skin flakes and itches, so instead of foam, we recommend washing with milk.

Hot bath and simple soap dry the skin of the face, so use only warm water and special soft products. After a shower, apply mineral oil or lotion without alcohol and fragrances that increase moisture, nourish and soften the skin. Cosmetology provides a wide selection of good products for any skin type. We advise you to use milk for cleansing with a bio-damask rose from Logona or milk fromWeleda.

Combination Skin Care

In adolescents with combination skin, a dry and oily area is pronounced. Sebaceous glands accumulate in the T-zone - forehead, nose, chin. Often, acne and acne appear on the face. You need to wash 2-3 times a day, using products that do not contain alcohol. Apply the foam or gel with massaging movements, paying more attention to the oily area of ​​the skin.

Can use cleansing mousseClarifying Foaming Cleanser from Elizabeth Arden.Do not forget about the importance of tonic for the skin. Good tonic Secretkey "Rose", or cheaper optionGarnier Skin Naturals.There is also a matting elixir to narrow the pores. "Bamboo" Erborian, which can be applied to individual areas of the skin of the face.

Normal skin care

In normal skin type, a teenager rarely has acne and a rash. Care for adolescent skin of this type is easier to provide, no additional funds are needed, it is better to postpone the use of tonic and creams until adolescence.

You can safely buy foam products, wash it easier and do not harm, for example, gel for washing "Shine control" Clean & Clear.Moisturizers choose with a light texture and composition, this will be enough to nourish the skin. Suitable for normal skin tonicThe Oil Absorbing Tonic from La Mer.

Problem skin care

Care for the problem skin of a teenager requires more thorough cleansing, matting and prevention of acne. Use an acid-based gel and then a lotion with a small amount of alcohol.

Cosmetics choose noncomedogennye and light texture. In their composition should be: salicylic, glycolic and fruit acids, zinc and copper salts, anti-inflammatory ingredients. For example, gelPure system from Yves Rocher lotionStopproblemor complex meansEFFACLAR DUO + ​​LaRoche-Posay for faceIf acne does not go away for a long time, then the teenager should be taken to a beautician who will conduct proper procedures in the salon and prescribe medications.

How to choose cosmetics?

The girls will not aggravate the situation if they start using decorative cosmetics, while not forgetting to wash it off the skin when they arrive home. It is better to buy teenage cosmetics that do not clog pores and will not carry the infection. This is a significant stage in the life of each girl, in the choice of which the mother or close relative should take part.

Criteria for choosing cosmetics for a teenager:

  • Determine skin type. Identify problems that need to be addressed: acne, shine, peeling;
  • Having identified the shortcomings, it is necessary to begin the search for suitable teen cosmetics. Examine the ratings and determine for yourself several brands with satisfactory quality and value;
  • Be attentive to the composition. Minerals and organic substances are good for the skin and do not cause allergic reactions;
  • From cosmetics makeup enough gel, tonic and cream;
  • Choose decorative cosmetics, on the package of which there is an inscription “non-comedogenic”, it will allow pores to breathe;
  • Apply a tester to the skin of the wrist. If after a day the product does not cause irritation, then buy it and apply it on your face;
  • If the effect of using the product is gone, change it. This means that the skin is accustomed to the product, and it no longer fulfills its purpose;
  • Be sure to wash off makeup before going to bed, and it is better immediately upon arrival home. Cosmetics - this is heaviness for the skin of the face, of which components it was not;
  • Always keep track of the expiration date.

Homemade masks for teens

Masks for the face - one of the first effective tools that have long been used. They need to be applied no more than twice a week, while they significantly improve the condition of teenage skin, soothe and nourish it. Not only purchased masks are good, but also homemade.

For oily skin:

  • Cucumber. You can attach chopped vegetable rings to the skin of the face. The second way is to rub cucumber, mix with lemon juice and apply on face. Keep no longer than 20 minutes. Eliminates redness and irritation.
  • Mask of honey and chamomile against acne. Melt five tablespoons of honey and four chamomile flowers in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain the solution through cheesecloth. When the mask is cool, apply on face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. The mixture is kept in the refrigerator for about a month.

For dry skin:

  • From grapefruit, honey and yolk against flaking. 1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and yolk. Apply to cleansed face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with barely warm water.
  • With yeast. Restores moisture balance, against flaking skin, nourishing. 20 grams of yeast diluted with hot green tea and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add 5 milliliters of grape oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply with a brush, without going to the eyes and mouth. After 10-15 minutes wash off. Apply 4-5 times a month.

For normal:

  • With aloe. Cleansing from black points. Peel one sheet and grind in a blender with a spoonful of lemon juice. Beat protein and mix with aloe. Mask wash off after 15 minutes.
  • With porridge Hercules. 1 tablespoon of cereal pour hot boiled water. Swollen gruel applied to the face for 20 minutes.

For the problem:

  • From protein and lemon. Tightens pores and eliminates acne. Beat egg white, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, mix. Apply to clean skin, after drying, repeat the procedure a few more times. Rinse with warm water and spread over the face with a moisturizer.
  • From aloe and honey. Eliminates pus, nourishes. Cut 2 leaves of the plant and leave in the fridge for 2 weeks. Squeeze the juice out of them and mix with melted honey. Juice and honey should be an equal amount. Apply for 15 minutes.

For combined:

  • Gelatin and activated carbon. It disinfects pores and removes dirt and greasy fat from them. 1 teaspoon of gelatin mix with water 1: 3. When it swells up, add one crushed tablet of activated charcoal to it. Apply to inflammation and wait 30 minutes. Mask to do 1-2 times a week.
  • From oatmeal and aloe. Removes redness and cleanses the skin of the face. A handful of oatmeal pour hot water. Wait until they swell and cool, add half a teaspoon of aloe juice. Massaging movements rubbing into teenage skin, evenly distributing. Wait 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Homemade masks are easy to manufacture and effective in practice. In a month, a noticeable result will be visible. Follow the tips described in this article and by the age of 20 you will have gorgeous, smooth skin.


Watch the video: Teenage Skin Care Tips. What To Do And Not To Do for Teen Skin. WishtrendTV (July 2024).