Home masks for density and fast hair growth


Regardless of the length and type of hair, curls require regular and careful care. To add hair density and give it a natural glow, you need to properly take care of them and pamper natural masks. Many natural ingredients and foods have a rich and unique composition that, if used properly, will add curls to the density.

Causes of hair loss

To determine the problem, it is necessary to conduct a simple test. First of all, carefully study the hair that has fallen out and if there is no dark shade on its tip, there is no cause for concern. If there is a bag, then another simple experiment will be required. To do this, you will need not to wash your hair for three days, after that pull the bunch of hair growing on the top of your head and temples. If every time you do this test, you still have 5 or more hairs in your hand, then you have certain pathologies. Before embarking on a restorative and restorative course, it is required to identify the cause of the loss.

Causes of hair loss and thinning:

  • excessive exercise;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • polluted environment;
  • allergic reaction;
  • use of improper shampoo and conditioner;
  • insufficient daily hair care;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of iron;
  • weak immune system;
  • reaction to long-term medication;
  • infectious pathologies of the scalp;
  • poor blood circulation in the skin of the head;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • exposure to high and low temperatures.

The best masks for hair density

To cure the hair and return them a beautiful and healthy look, the girls turn for help to popular recipes. Homemade masks, prepared on the basis of natural and natural ingredients, help to restore damaged hair structure after poor-quality dyeing, bleaching, etc. Also, the use of certain ingredients in the composition of the masks contribute to the rapid growth of hair, while giving the curls density and volume.

Types of masks for hair density, cooked at home:

  • Nutritious. In these mixtures contain a large amount of vitamins that provide the scalp with the necessary number of follicles. In addition, nutritional masks have a high percentage of fatty acids. In this regard, they are not suitable for daily use, as the curls will become heavy and will get fat faster;
  • Warming up They help with abundant hair loss, are also an excellent growth stimulant. Masks warm the scalp, thereby improving blood microcirculation. Due to the active blood flow, the follicles are activated, increasing the rate of hair growth. However, warming masks should be used with extreme caution, since non-compliance with dosages can lead to skin burns;
  • Recovery. This type of masks will help get rid of split ends, and also strengthens and nourishes the structure of dry and brittle hair. As a rule, the ingredients used in recovery masks are rich in vitamins of group B. With regular use of masks, the hair will become soft and docile, will provide them with shine and density;
  • Caring. These masks are used as prevention, to maintain a beautiful and healthy look. They are designed to nourish, moisturize and protect the scalp and hair from the aggressive effects of the environment. Apply once a week. Masks make the strands soft and easy to comb. Serve as an excellent addition to daily hair care;
  • Strengthening. After an active recovery course, it is recommended to make mixtures with a reinforcing effect. They will help prevent hair loss, prevent the cross section of the tips, make the curls soft and improve the color of the strands.
Regular use of masks: before and after the course of therapy

In the manufacture and application of masks for hair density, it is necessary to follow certain precautions. Masks are used no more frequently than indicated in the recipe, and the concentration of ingredients cannot be increased. It is especially important to follow the instructions if ground mustard and red pepper, brandy and other aggressive ingredients are included in the mask. Excessive use of masks at the end of the course can lead to drying of the hair and instead of thick and bulky curls, they will become thin, dry and brittle.

It is important not to keep the mask on the hair and scalp longer than the time specified in the recipe. This can cause a backlash and lead to abundant loss. To achieve a positive effect, you need to know how to properly apply homemade masks. To begin, make a light massage of the head, and when applying a therapeutic agent, perform circular movements. Massage activates dormant bulbs, due to the improved blood flow, the hair becomes more voluminous.

As a rule, the results of home masks are noticeable after 2 procedures. To add hair density and increase the growth rate, you need to spend approximately 20 sessions. Then a break in one and a half to two months is made, and if desired, it is possible to repeat the course of therapy.

Burdock oil

Burdock mask is suitable for any type of hair. The composition of the oil includes components that regulate the amount of hair falling out and improve their appearance. To prepare a classic mask will need 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, preheated in a water bath. Apply the product first on the scalp, then the comb is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Then wrap the hair with a warm scarf and fix it. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes. The mask with burdock oil is rinsed with ordinary shampoo.

Mask for thick hair with burdock oil and yolk:

  • 2 tbsp. burdock oil;
  • one fresh chicken yolk.

The oil is slightly heated in a water bath (do not use a microwave for this purpose). In a separate bowl, whisk whisk the yolk. Pour the heated oil to the yolk, mix them thoroughly. Mask is applied to the scalp, while massaging it in a circular motion. To achieve a positive result, the mask is held on the head for 60 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rinse with shampoo. The frequency of the treatment procedure - no more than 1 time per week.

Regular use of burdock mask accelerates hair growth, makes them thicker, helps with hair loss, and is also an excellent prophylactic agent for strengthening the structure of hairs.

With egg

Masks based on chicken eggs are designed to increase blood flow to the hair follicles. In addition, the tool not only adds density to the curls, but also stimulates the growth of new hairs, improves their condition, giving volume and natural shine.

To make a chicken egg mask, you need to separate the yolk of two eggs. Then mix the yolks with one tablespoon of ground red pepper. Also, instead of pepper, you can use the infusion of alcohol. Massage the product into the skin of the head. Then wrap your hair with cling film and wrap a warm towel. The procedure lasts at least 45 minutes, then the product is thoroughly washed with boiled water. Wash your hair with shampoo, preferably children.

With kefir

The mask, prepared on the basis of kefir, not only adds thickness to the curls, it makes the hair soft and manageable, and also returns a natural glow. For the preparation of the recipe will need 200 ml of fatty yogurt. Add 1 tsp to it. henna and a little pulp of rye bread. Stir all ingredients, let it brew for 5-7 minutes under a closed lid. Next, apply the product on the scalp, then spread over the entire length of the hair.

Before applying the kefir mask, the hair must be washed and dried thoroughly, but not overdry.

Keep the mask must be within 30-35 minutes, wrapped his head with a film and a warm towel. A rinse is recommended for flushing. For its preparation you will need to add one small spoonful of apple cider vinegar to a liter of warm water.

Girls with light-colored hair should refuse to add henna to the mask to prevent discoloration of the curls.

With honey and brandy

High quality cognac is an excellent hair growth stimulant. First of all, cognac is an excellent warming agent, thereby contributing to better blood circulation. As a result, the follicles get enough nutrients. In addition, masks based on brandy enhance the effect of other ingredients.

To make a skate based mask you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of good brandy;
  • 1 tsp natural honey;
  • one yolk.

Dissolve honey in cognac, then add yolk. Heat the prepared product in a water bath. Next you need to apply the tool on the parting, spreading evenly over the strands. You can use a comb, but it is better to do it with your hands, since this will increase the blood circulation of the vessels. Put on the shower cap or wrap your head with cling film and wrap it with a warm towel to keep warm. Hold for 60 minutes.

Wash off with warm water using shampoo. Then it is recommended to rinse with cool water, adding vinegar or lemon juice in proportion - a teaspoon per liter of water. Herbal extracts of sage, rosemary, chamomile and nettle can be used as a balm. To add curls of density, it will be sufficient to make such a mask once a week for 3 months.

With yeast

Homemade yeast-based hair mask for any type of hair. It nourishes the skin of the head, thereby increasing the density of hairs, providing a healing effect and giving shine to the curls.

In advance, you need to cook herbal decoction, you can use the crushed raw nettle, burdock or chamomile. Add one tablespoon of dry yeast and one yolk to it. Next, mix the ingredients and let the mask brew in a warm place for 40 minutes. At the final stage, 2 tablespoons is added. burdock oil.

To add hair density, the mask must be processed the entire length of hair, starting from the roots. The duration of the procedure is 45 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

For cooking yeast mask for the growth and thickness of hair with chamomile yeast in a briquette, dry or tableted, will do. You will need:

  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • fresh yolk:
  • 3 filter packs of dry chamomile.

Dissolve the specified amount of yeast in a liter of water and let it stand in a warm place for about an hour. At this time, make an infusion of chamomile flowers and mix with yeast and add the beaten yolk. Spread the mask evenly over the strands, warm it up and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse your head with shampoo.

With mustard

A very effective folk remedy for the growth and thickness of hair is a mustard mask. Suitable for owners of dry and brittle hair. One tablespoon of dry mustard powder dissolved in any essential oil. When stirring the mixture should get a thick consistency. Next, you need to put a mask on the scalp and leave for 40 minutes. Cover your head with a shower cap, then wrap a towel. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

To make the hair softer and more docile after the mask, you can add a drop of olive, burdock or sea buckthorn oil to the shampoo when washing the mixture.

Another recipe for a mustard mask, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. mustard powder;
  • 2 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil;
  • 2 tsp. sugar sand;
  • one yolk.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Heat the mask on the water bath so that the sugar is completely dissolved. It will enhance the burning properties of mustard powder. Apply the mixture to the roots and massage into the skin with massage movements.

Before using the mustard mask, do not wash your hair for 2 or 3 days.

Next, put on the shower cap and warm with a towel. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo and apply conditioner on the ends of the hair. For oily hair, you will need to perform the procedure once every five days. For normal type - 1 time in 7 days. For dry hair type - once every 10 days.

With castor oil

Stimulating the skin of the head with castor oil is considered one of the easiest ways to get thicker hair. Due to the high viscosity of the oil, it covers the hair with a film that protects them from falling out. The composition of castor oil is unique in that it contains a lot of vitamin E and fatty acids, contributing to the rapid growth of hair.

The steps for preparing a mask for castor oil hair density are:

  • heat the mixture of castor and coconut oil in equal proportions;
  • apply a warm mixture to the scalp and then spread over the entire length;
  • wrap your hair with a towel dipped in warm water;
  • for 60 minutes, let your hair soak in a mask, then wash your hair with shampoo;
  • To achieve the desired thickness, use this mask once a week for a month.

With gelatin

The homemade mask for thin hair with the help of gelatin actively saturates the strands with useful substances that make the hair elastic and thick, giving it a natural volume.

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin in 3 tbsp. warm water. After it swells, add half a tablespoon of hair balsam to the composition. Stir and apply to the strands. Unlike other masks, the product made from gelatin cannot be applied on the skin of the head and hair roots. Cover with a shower cap and heat the mask with air from a hairdryer. Let the mask stand for 40 minutes and rinse with boiled water.

With avocado

Ripe avocado also helps to increase the thickness of the hair, moisturizes them and adds volume. Avocado fruits are rich in proteins and vitamins of groups A, D, E and B6, ascorbic acid, magnesium, glycine, copper and iron. It promotes the treatment of damaged hair and stimulates their growth.

To prepare the mask pound one ripe avocado and banana until mashed. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. l olive oil. The mask is rubbed with massage circular motions into the scalp, then the comb is distributed through the hair. Keep the avocado mask under the film and a warm towel for half an hour.

To prepare nourishing mask for hair density, shake up 2 tbsp. wheat germ oil and a half crushed avocado. Depending on the length of the hair, the proportions can be increased or decreased. Apply the mask to clean and slightly damp hair for 30-35 minutes. Put on a shower cap and warm up. Rinse hair well with warm water.

With vitamins B6 and B12

This mask is based on the pharmaceutical vitamins B6 and B12. These ingredients are perfectly combined with different aroma oils - castor, camphor, as well as linden tincture, garlic and aloe juice. Mix three ampoules of vitamin B6 and B12. Add one whipped yolk and a spoonful of shampoo, mix.

Apply a mask for the density of hair in the first place on the roots, and then distributed over the entire length of the curls. The mask is washed off after 60 minutes, without the use of shampoo. Repeat this procedure once a week for 3 months.


Watch the video: Receding Hairlines and Baldness : How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally (July 2024).