Nutrition for gastritis: advice from doctors. Everything you need to know about nutrition for gastritis: general principles and recipes


Gastritis is a violation of the gastric mucosa, leading to functional changes in the organ.

According to statistics, about 80% of people at least once in their life experienced the effect of the disease. In addition to proper treatment, it is necessary to maintain proper nutrition with gastritis.

General principles of nutrition

With gastritis, it is necessary to strive for a balanced diet, which will lead to a decrease in gastric secretion. When organizing it, you must adhere to the following principles:

1. Every day, drink 6 glasses of pure water;

2. The nutrition plan should include 6 meals every 3 hours;

3. Eat only warm food;

4. In no case do not eat instant food;

5. Thoroughly chew food;

6. Do not eat raw food, but give preference to steaming;

7. All products must be crushed, as it is forbidden to eat solid food;

8. The calorie intake of food is approximately 3000 calories;

It is worth noting that one proper nutrition for gastritis will not be enough. The therapeutic effect is manifested in conjunction with the elimination of the cause of its occurrence.

Allowed Products

  • Soups with cereals and vegetables on light broths without meat;
  • Cereals: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, as well as soups and cutlets cooked from them. Vermicelli and chopped pasta are allowed;
  • Milk and dairy products. These include cream, low-fat kefir, fresh cottage cheese and sour cream, as well as light cheese;
  • White and red fish;
  • Flour products and yesterday’s bread or crackers; Sweet pastries - dry cookies, baked pies with apple and cottage cheese;
  • Soft-boiled eggs or steam omelet;
  • Low-fat meats such as chicken, turkey, pork and young beef are allowed;
  • Shredded or ground vegetables and fruits. From vegetables you can eat: carrots, dill, potatoes, beets, young zucchini.
  • Allowed sweet fruits and berries enriched with fiber;
  • Lightly brewed tea and coffee with cream, cocoa, jelly and stewed fruit.

All products allowed for use with gastritis should be boiled or baked. A good helper for the period of such nutrition will be a double boiler, it will preserve all the useful properties of food, but also not harm the stomach.

Prohibited Products

With what foods you can include in your diet for gastritis, everything became clear, but what is not recommended?

  • Fatty and fried meat, poultry and fish;
  • Carbonated drinks, strong coffee and kvass, alcohol;
  • Fast food; fast food;
  • Meat broths;
  • Butter bread, puff pastry products;
  • Peas, beans, beans, lentils, millet, barley and large pasta;
  • Sweets, chocolate, ice cream;
  • Unripe and sour fruits;
  • Tomatoes, garlic, onions, sorrel, cucumbers, white cabbage;
  • Fried or hard-boiled eggs;
  • Pickles, jams, vegetable snacks, sauerkraut, canned food, mushrooms;
  • Mustard, horseradish, mayonnaise, ketchup;

All these products lead to increased secretion of gastric juice, which only exacerbates the healing process.

Nutrition for acute gastritis

In the acute course of the disease, it is necessary to give the stomach a rest. For this, you should not eat or drink during the day. With a strong appetite, you can drink a little boiled or purified water.

The next day it is allowed to introduce light liquid foods: soups, milk porridges, mashed vegetables, chicken and fish, drink weak tea, a decoction of chamomile and jelly. It is better to refrain from adding salt and sugar to ready meals.

After 2 days, you can gradually add solid food, meat broths, milk, oatmeal, rice and semolina porridge, steamed omelette, compote. When the condition improves, it is allowed to eat lean meat, bread, but not fresh, preferably in the form of crackers.

When the body returns to normal, and the pain ceases to bother, you can return to your usual diet, but gradually.

During the period of recovery of the stomach, it is worth abandoning alcoholic, carbonated drinks, fatty meat and fish, chips, instant products, fast food, pizza, milk and sour-milk products. In general, no gastric secretion products. It is necessary to eat in small portions, the food should be extremely warm.

Nutrition for chronic gastritis

When gastritis has a chronic form, then there is no point in a one-time improvement in the condition of the stomach. But to launch and eat everything that catches your eye is also impossible. For this, an approximate diet was developed for gastritis for a week:


07:00: omelet;

10:00: fruit jelly;

13:00: chicken soup with vermicelli, fruit cocktail;

16:00: a glass of broth of wild rose;

19:00: chicken meatballs and mashed potatoes, compote;

22:00: a glass of kefir;


07:00: cottage cheese, oatmeal, weak coffee with cream;

10:00: baked apple;

13:00: ear, vegetable stew, compote;

16:00: dry cookies, raspberry decoction;

19:00: boiled beef, vegetables, weak tea;

22:00: a glass of milk;


07:00: millet porridge, cookies, weak tea;

10:00: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit compote;

13:00: chicken puree soup, cottage cheese casserole, weak tea;

16:00: baked peaches;

19:00: salmon with rice, rosehip broth;

22:00: a glass of kefir;


07:00: rice porridge, coffee with cream;

10:00: fruit jelly;

13:00: vegetable soup, boiled chicken and rice, compote;

16:00: an unprofitable bun, jelly;

19:00: vegetable pudding, chicken cutlets, weak tea;

22:00: a glass of weak tea;


07:00: buckwheat with milk, soft-boiled egg, weak tea;

10:00 cottage cheese casserole, kissel;

13:00: rice soup, mashed potatoes with gravy, coffee with cream;

16:00: compote, inedible bun;

19:00: meatloaf, pasta, compote;

22:00: a glass of kefir;


07:00: steamed omelet, rice porridge, coffee with cream;

10:00: fruit jelly, cookies;

13:00: chicken in cream, rice, weak tea;

16:00: fruit cocktail;

19:00: chicken soup with vermicelli, vegetables, compote;

22:00: a glass of kefir;


07:00: oatmeal, inedible bun, coffee with cream;

10:00: cottage cheese casserole;

13:00: meatball soup, compote;

16:00: fruit jelly;

19:00: vegetable stew, mashed potatoes, compote;

22:00: a glass of milk;

Thus, even nutrition for gastritis should be varied in order to enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and

trace elements, and also do not cause disorders due to the rejection of your favorite foods.

Cooking Examples

Vegetable Pudding. The composition of vegetables can be anything. For example, a delicious pudding is obtained from potatoes (300g.), Cabbage (200g.) And

carrots (300 gr.). Vegetables must be washed, peeled and finely chopped. In a pan with vegetables, add milk and simmer until tender, then pour semolina (100 g.) And simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Then add the yolks, mix, pour the whipped proteins into the resulting mass. Put the pudding into a baking dish, grated with cheese on top. Bake until cooked;

Apple jelly. 200 g are used per serving. apples, peeled and chopped into 8 parts. The apple slices are boiled until soft and mashed in mashed potatoes. Sugar is added, the puree is brought to a boil. Gelatin, previously soaked in cold water, is added to apples, mixed. To the resulting mass add a teaspoon of lemon juice and pour into a mold, which is removed in the refrigerator until completely solidified.


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