Pasta with minced meat: step by step recipes for a hearty dinner. Original pasta dishes with minced meat (step by step)


Pasta and minced meat can serve as the basis for delicious, satisfying and extremely simple dishes, quite suitable for a quick dinner. The most famous variant of execution "Navy Pasta" is a classic dish of the Soviet catering culinary. Baked pasta with minced meat in the form of rolls, stewed in various sauces, pasta even stuffed.

The article selects step-by-step recipes for pasta dishes with minced meat for the daily menu. The availability of products and cooking technology allows them to be recommended to novice housewives.

Dishes of pasta with minced meat (step by step) - general principles of preparation

• In almost every case, you can choose any pasta, unless a specific product is specifically specified in the recipe. Large or small, curly, long or short pasta - in most cases it does not matter. It is important that they are made from flour, ground from coarse wheat. Such pasta does not boil and is more useful in its composition, and dishes from them look more beautiful.

• Pasta can be pre-boiled or used dry. Boil pasta according to the recommendations on the package. Water should be enough for products to float in it. With a lack of liquid, it will be almost impossible to mix without damaging their shape. Pasta is dipped in boiling, slightly salted water and boiled with a slight boil. Duration depends on the type of pasta, and can take from three to seven minutes. Some housewives wash pasta with cold or warm water, and some skip this step. There are no special requirements - cook as you are used to, but it is worth noting that pasta made from low-quality flour is better to rinse, otherwise they may stick together.

• Stuffing can be anything. Most often used mixed meat or chicken. Grinding meat is better for yourself, but if you prefer dishes from a convenience store, such a product is also suitable. There are no clear recommendations on the choice, it is only desirable that it is not too fat. It is better to let the meat mass be dense than viscous. The more "liquid" semi-finished product you are offered, the higher the likelihood that it consists not only of meat. Most of the mass in such cases is an emulsion of skin, offal and ground fat.

• Pasta dishes are prepared with raw and pre-fried minced meat. The meat mass is necessarily added and ground pepper is added to taste. You can use other spices that do not interrupt the taste of the meat itself. Often chopped onions are interfered or fried with it, which gives the dish additional juiciness and taste.

• In the preparation of pasta dishes with minced meat according to step-by-step recipes, tomato paste or sour cream can be used - they are used to make sauces. Tomato paste is optionally replaced or supplemented with fresh tomatoes, sauce or ketchup, and sour cream with mayonnaise.

Pasta with minced meat: a step-by-step recipe for the simplest naval dish

Classics of cooking - a step-by-step recipe for pasta with minced meat, in a navy way. The ground meat is overcooked with onions, and then mixed with boiled pasta. Minced meat is fried in butter, the dish is hearty and high-calorie. You can lower calories using vegetable oil and the selection of more dietary minced meat from chicken, beef, veal.


• white, large onion;

• a pound of mixed minced meat;

• 250 gr. Pasta

• high-quality butter - 70 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion, wash with water and cut into very small cubes. Melt the butter in a pan, dip the onion into it. Fry, stirring regularly until soft and color changes - the slices should lose their matte color and even lightly brown.

2. Put the minced meat in a pan with onions. Add salt and a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper. Stirring, level the pan over the entire bottom and cover with a lid. Fry the minced meat, stirring occasionally, for a quarter of an hour. When frying, pieces of ground meat tend to lump into lumps, in order to get a more homogeneous mass they need to be constantly broken with a fork.

3. Boil pasta. Bringing to a boil one and a half liters of water, dissolve in it half a spoonful of salt. Lower the pasta, stir and wait for boiling again. After reducing heat, cook for seven minutes, until cooked. Macaroni should not creep, therefore we maintain temperature for insignificant boiling. Discard the finished pasta in a colander, rinse well with non-hot water and leave it for five minutes. This time is enough for excess water to come out through the holes.

4. Spread the dried pasta to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Turn on the heat, warm up for at least five minutes over low heat.

Pasta with minced meat: a step by step recipe with mushrooms in a creamy tomato sauce

The proposed step-by-step recipe for pasta with minced meat in a creamy tomato sauce with mushrooms uses dry pasta. The sauce is prepared on the basis of cream diluted with water and tomatoes. Tomatoes, if desired, can be replaced with tomato paste. For a light tomato flavor, three tablespoons of pasta are enough for the recommended amount of food.


• mixed minced meat - 400 grams, can be replaced with chicken;

• tomatoes - 800 gr. fresh or canned in their own juice;

• medium-sized raw champignons - 250 gr.;

• garlic;

• sweet ground paprika, oregano, dry thyme, basil - to taste;

• 200-gram glass of cream, fat content up to 22%;

• three tablespoons of refined oil, can be replaced with butter.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into small slices.

2. Peel the tomatoes. To remove the peel from fresh tomatoes, they need to be dipped in boiling water for a minute, then quickly cooled under a stream of cold water. It can be removed from canned tomatoes without much difficulty. We cut the tomatoes into slices and chop in a puree with a blender.

3. Pouring three tablespoons of oil into the pan, heat the fat over a small fire, and then lower the minced meat into it. Fry, trying to stir more often, eight minutes. The meat mass will have a more uniform consistency if the meat collected in lumps is crushed with a fork.

4. Put the mushrooms in a pan with minced meat, fry everything together for another five minutes. Pour a liter of drinking water into the pan, add cooked tomato puree. Pour cream, add spices, add salt. Add a small clove of garlic, crushed by a press or crushed on a grater, and carefully mix the sauce. Pour dry pasta into the pan, again mix the contents of the pan well. Cover and let the pasta cook in the sauce over medium heat until cooked.

Pasta roll with minced meat: a step by step recipe

We recommend a simple step-by-step recipe for a hearty pasta roll with minced meat. Boiled pasta is wrapped in a layer of minced meat, the dish is baked in the oven. It is recommended to use a dense meat mass, for an even better bunch of meat pieces, the egg interferes with the minced meat. After kneading, the meat mass should be well beaten so that it becomes more uniform.


• a pound of any minced meat;

• 100 grams of large pasta, ideally take feathers;

• small potato;

• 50 gr. crumb bread;

• large white onion;

• a raw egg;

• two spoons of breadcrumbs;

• 40 gr. sweet cream butter;

• half a glass of sparkling mineral water;

• a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Boil pasta in slightly salted water until tender. We rinse well and recline in a colander so that all excess moisture comes off. It is important not to digest pasta, it is desirable that they retain their shape and do not spill.

2. Put the bread crumb on a plate, fill with water, stand for ten minutes. Spread the minced meat in a bowl. Squeezed bread well squeezed by hand and spread to the minced meat.

3. Peel potatoes and onions. We cut the vegetables into slices, twist in a meat grinder, passing through a wire rack with the smallest holes.

4. Spread the vegetable mass in a bowl with meat. Pour the egg and sparkling water here. Add freshly ground pepper, carefully knead and add salt. Then we collect the whole meat mass with our hands, raise it and sharply throw it on a bowl. Repeat the beating procedure several times. The pieces of ground meat are better fastened together, and the roll will have a more uniform structure.

5. Wet a linen towel with water, squeeze it well and spread it on the table. We spread the minced meat on a damp cloth and level it so that a centimeter-thick rectangular layer is obtained.

6. From the boiled pasta in the center of the layer, lay a neat mound. We do not impose a slide, but, on the contrary, lay out exactly, in separate pasta, in several layers.

7. Having lifted the free sides of the meat layer with a cloth, we wrap them on pasta. With our hands dipped in water, we connect the edges and give the product a neat shape.

8. We put the roll on a towel to a greased baking sheet and carefully transfer it to it. After greasing with melted butter, sprinkle the surface with breadcrumbs and make a few punctures with a fork on it.

9. Let the roll in a hot oven (180 degrees), cook 40 minutes. Cut into pieces and serve.

Pasta with minced meat: a step-by-step recipe for stuffed products in a cream and tomato sauce and cheese

A step-by-step recipe for pasta with minced meat involves the use of special pasta intended for stuffing. It can be large pasta in the form of pipes or shells. Ordinary pasta with large openings is prepared in this way. But they will need to be boiled a little first - this will greatly simplify the stuffing.


• one egg;

• a pound of chicken or mixed meat;

• large onion;

• three tablespoons of adjika;

• 250-300 gr. stuffing pasta;

• tomato paste;

• sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%;

• spices "For minced meat products";

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• 150 gr. cheese, Dutch or Russian.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the filling. We clean the onions, grind on a coarse grater and mix with minced meat. Add one spoonful of adjika, add salt, and season with spices. We break the egg into a bowl with meat mass and mix thoroughly.

2. Pasta, without boiling, fill with minced meat. We fill it, tamping slightly, but not too tightly. We spread the pasta one by one in a thick-walled pan with high sides, it is convenient to use a stewpan for this recipe.

3. Cooking the sauce. We mix sour cream with tomato paste, the proportions can be selected by ourselves. It is optimal to take two tablespoons of tomato per one spoon of sour cream. In the resulting mixture we spread the remainder of adjika, pour the oil, add a few spices, salt. All is well stirred and diluted with a glass of water.

4. Pour the cooked sauce into a pasta pan and, if necessary, add water. Stuffed products should cover completely.

5. Put the pan on moderate heat, cover with a lid. As soon as the sauce begins to boil, set the heat a little lower. When the pasta is soft enough, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and leave it on the stove for another five minutes.

Tips for cooking pasta with minced meat according to step-by-step recipes - tips and tricks

• A step-by-step recipe for pasta with minced meat in the navy, involves frying the minced meat with onions. The dish will be tastier if you initially fry the onions, and then add meat to it. Onion slices need to be well browned, but not dried. It is advisable that by the time the meat is introduced they have a pleasant golden hue. The onions brought to transparency will be stewed in meat juice in the future and will not fry well.

• When frying, twisted meat tends to lump, it is convenient to break it with a fork. The more homogeneous the meat roasting, the tastier and even more outwardly effective the dish will turn out.

• If pasta is not pre-boiled, but cooked in sauce, make sure that it covers them completely. Macaroni quickly and in large volume absorbs moisture and, if there is not enough sauce, they will not boil. Prepare a little more sauce in advance so that you can add it to the cooking dish at any time.


Watch the video: 10 Creamy & Satisfying Pasta Dishes (July 2024).