Quick recipes for vegetable dishes for the oven: zucchini with tomatoes and more! Oven ideas for quick recipes for zucchini and tomatoes in the oven


Vegetable dishes make up more than half the diet of people in the national cuisines of many peoples of the planet. Since the unpretentious vegetables of the pumpkin family appeared in our summer cottages, home cooking has become more diverse.

In this regard, housewives a little more trouble with the search for new and interesting recipes for dishes from zucchini and tomatoes.

Quick recipes for the oven: zucchini with tomatoes - basic technological principles

Zucchini is not only “caviar overseas”, but already a very modern and widespread product, in addition, it has a very valuable mineral and vitamin composition. It is a rich source of potassium and iron, which is rarely found in vegetables, vitamin PP - nicotinic acid, an important component of lipid metabolism, and redox reactions of the body. Therefore, the pumpkin variety must be included in the diet, along with other vegetables.

What to cook from zucchini? In addition to salads, zucchini are great for frying, stewing and baking in the oven. They do not require long-term heat treatment, which makes it easy and quick to cook sauté, vegetable stew, hodgepodge, snacks, even pancakes, vegetable cakes and many other dishes.

The best combination for zucchini - onions, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cheese. Minced meat is a good fit for this product. Zucchini is neutral in taste, so the taste of the dishes from them completely depends on the culinary preferences of the cook.

1. Quick recipes for the oven: zucchini with tomatoes - vegetable casserole with cheese


Cheese, Dutch 280 g

Tomatoes 400 g

Zucchini 500 g

Mayonnaise (30%) 150 g

Oil 50 ml

Tomato puree 150 g

Carrot 350 g

Allspice 12 g

Onion 250 g

Garlic (cloves) 40 g

Cilantro leaves

Clove 3 pcs.


Chile 10 g

Sugar 80 g

Coriander 15 g

Order of preparation:

Wash and peel the vegetables. Zucchini, onions and tomatoes, cut into slices, grate the carrots, coarsely, or cut into long and thin strips.

Heat the pan, pour a little oil, pass the carrots until soft. Transfer it to a bowl, add grated cheese and garlic, mix with mayonnaise and chopped herbs cilantro and parsley.

Squash zucchini with vegetable oil, breaded in flour, fry on both sides until rosy.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment or foil, grease with oil. Put zucchini in it, in one layer, in rows. Sprinkle with cheese and carrots, put the plates of tomatoes.

Add freshly ground spices, sugar and salt to the tomato puree. Warm the sauce in a saucepan until sugar dissolves, taste it. Pour tomatoes into the sauce. On top of tomatoes, put another layer of carrots and cheese, decorate the dish with onion rings. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 ° for fifteen minutes.

When serving, cover with fresh herbs, cut into portions. The appetizer can be served with a side dish of potatoes or rice.

2. Quick recipes for the oven: stuffed zucchini with tomatoes and rice

Product Composition:

Onion 150 g

Thick pulp tomatoes 3 pcs.

Zucchini 4 pcs.

Boiled rice 300 g

Egg 1 pc.

Green basil 70 g

Carrot, red 200 g

Parsley 50 g

Black pepper 10 g

Refined Oil 100 ml

Garlic 25 g

Cheese (55%) 150 g

Cooking Technology:

Choose young zucchini for the dish, 8-10 cm long, cut the stalks, divide the fruits in half lengthwise. Cut the pulp from the inside of the fruit, chop it, fry, salt and pepper, with the addition of vegetable oil.

Cut onions and carrots also finely (carrots can be grated in strips). Sauté the vegetables, combine them with rice, season with spices, mix, adding the egg. Stuff zucchini with rice and vegetables. Cut the small tomatoes into slices, put them in 2-3 pieces on top of the minced meat, for each zucchini separately.

Zucchini shift in a form oiled, put in the oven, heated to medium temperature. Bake for 20 minutes, then remove the form, sprinkle the stuffed zucchini with grated cheese, pour mayonnaise, after adding garlic, chopped parsley and basil to it. Return the zucchini to the oven, brown the dish on top, serve, garnishing with additional fresh basil leaves.

3. Quick recipes for the oven: zucchini with tomatoes and meatballs


Tomatoes 300 g

Vegetable oil 100 ml

Minced pork and beef 600 g

Black pepper

Rice, boiled 300 g

Onion 250 g



Cilantro 70 g

Garlic 30 g

Coriander seeds

Chile to taste

Zucchini 3-4 pcs.

Mayonnaise (30%) 80 g

Carrot 150 g

Mashed Tomato 50 g

Cooking Technology:

Large zucchini cut into thin plates along the fruit. Fry them in a pan, pre-lubricating each piece with oil. Warm the pan strongly so that the vegetables are browned. You can use a frying pan - grill, so that a characteristic pattern forms on one side of the workpieces.

Chop the onions, grate the carrots, and sauté the vegetables until tender. Transfer to a bowl of boiled rice. Put the minced meat in the pan, add the cubes of blanched and peeled tomatoes, finely chopped cilantro, and spices. Stew minced meat with vegetables, combine with rice and vegetables. Mix well and beat. Wrap the resulting filling, in parts of 80-100 g, in zucchini plates. Place the zucchini on the prepared pan, with the seam down.

In mayonnaise, add tomato puree, freshly ground spices, salt, chili, chopped garlic. Kill the sauce in a blender and pour it with stuffed zucchini. Bake at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Serve the dish hot, laying on a lettuce leaf, decorating with fresh leaves of greenery.

4. Quick recipes for the oven: zucchini with tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbage - a vegetable cake


Young zucchini 300-400 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Tomatoes 350 g

Garlic 30 g

Dill, basil, parsley - 50 g each

Mayonnaise 80 g

Flour 90 g

Cauliflower 250 g

Potato 700 g

Broccoli 200 g

Ghee 150 ml

Salt, spices

Sunflower and ghee - for the form and for frying vegetables

Cheese 120 g

Lemon (zest and juice) 1 pc.

Cooking Technology:

Boil potatoes and mash. Add 2 eggs, salt, 2-3 tablespoons of flour to it, mix the dough. Fill it with a form, having previously lined its bottom with foil (or use silicone, for a cake). The thickness of the dough in the mold is no more than 1.5 cm, the diameter of the mold is 26-28 cm. Put the blank for the vegetable cake in the oven heated to 200 ° C, bake until it is rosy, not forgetting to grease the surface with melted butter.

Grate the cheese on a grater, add chopped garlic, ground pepper. Sprinkle potato cake with the mixture.

Zucchini cut into thin strips. Do not use a grater to prevent juice from flowing out of them. Beat one egg, adding salt and pepper, a spoonful of flour. Roll the sliced ​​zucchini in the prepared mixture, put them on a pie blank. Sprinkle with chopped dill, bake in the same way as a potato layer, until rosy.

Disassemble broccoli and cauliflower for inflorescences, boil, drain the water. Put broccoli in ice water for five minutes, and sprinkle white inflorescences with flour, fry in butter.

Peel blanched tomatoes, cut into slices, across, season with a mixture of ground cloves, coriander, salt and sugar.

Not a pie, on top of zucchini, lay in a circle round slices of tomatoes, around the perimeter - inflorescences of broccoli and cauliflower. Sprinkle vegetables with lemon juice and sprinkle with lemon zest. Return the cake to the oven, on the top shelf; increase the temperature to 220 ° C. After 5 minutes, remove the dish, garnish with sprigs of basil or other herbs, mayonnaise.

5. Zucchini in the oven with tomatoes - a quick snack recipe


Boiled eggs 4 pcs.

Mayonnaise 100 g

Soft cheese 200 g

Garlic 10 g

Tomatoes 5 pcs.

Zucchini (medium size) 2 pcs.

Salad pepper (yellow, green) 2 pcs.

Parsley dill


Vegetable oil

Cooking Technology:

Wash zucchini, tomatoes and peppers, cut into rings. Zucchini pre-fry in a pan over high heat. Boiled eggs, grate cheese, add chopped garlic and mayonnaise. Shuffle. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put zucchini. On the zucchini put the rings of pepper, inside - on a spoon of cheese paste, cover it with slices of tomatoes, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 ° C.

6. Quick recipes for the zucchini and tomato oven - stewed vegetables with rice


Sweet pepper 300 g (net)

Tomatoes 350 g

Carrot 200 g

Ketchup "Chili" (or sauce "Krasnodar) 250 g

Garlic 30-40 g

Parsley 50 g

Dill 70 g

Onion 0.5 kg

Olive oil 120 g

Boiled rice, round 600 g

Cooking method:

Cut the washed and peeled vegetables into large cubes, fry in a pan, alternately, and transfer to a ceramic pot or deep baking dish, mix and season with the sauce of your choice. Sprinkle with fresh herbs, put in the oven, covered with a lid. Bake at a moderate temperature for twenty minutes.

The dish can be consumed cold. If the cooked stew is put in cans, covered with lids and put the cans in a cold oven for 2 hours, you get an excellent winter billet. The pasteurization temperature is 180 ° C.

Zucchini with tomatoes in the oven - quick recipes and useful tips

To prepare dishes from zucchini, choose fruits with underdeveloped grains, milk ripeness. They have a more delicate taste. Overripe zucchini have a dense and rough skin. In this case, the peel must be cut off if the vegetables are intended for stewing. For stuffing and baking in the oven, on the contrary, fruits with a dense skin are more suitable than young and tender zucchini.

As for tomatoes, then for baking, try to choose fruits of meaty varieties that are dense, with a lower content of juice and grains. Such tomatoes will keep their shape better. To make the appearance of the dish with tomatoes more attractive, blanch the fruits, remove the skin, remove seeds, leaving only a dense pulp.


Watch the video: Roasted Vegetable Salad Recipe. Quick & Easy Baked Veg Salad. Ruchi's Kitchen (July 2024).