Gases in a newborn: causes and symptoms of pathology. Gases in a newborn - what to do and how to treat?


At the age of three weeks to three months, infants are very often found to have gas and colic, with a sharp cry. Such a pathology is not at all dangerous to the baby’s health, but it brings a lot of discomfort.

The causes of gases in a newborn and methods of treatment can be found in the article.

Causes of gas in newborns

It is very simple to make sure that the baby is tormented by gas men. But to help a child is possible only if the cause of the pathology is identified. There may be several:

1. Improper nutrition of the mother. When breastfeeding a mother, it is necessary to remember that a certain number of products promotes the formation of gaziks. Increased gas formation may occur due to the use of the following products:

• bean;

• white cabbage;

• flour products;

• carbonated drinks.

Excessive sugar can contribute to gas production.

2. Incorrect attachment to the chest. When breastfeeding, it is very important to correctly apply the baby to the chest. If applied incorrectly, the child will trap air. It is necessary to pay attention and the pose of the baby. His head should be above the body.

3. If the baby is breast-fed, it is important to ensure that the nipple is always completely filled with the mixture. Otherwise, the baby will trap air, which leads to gas formation.

4. Other causes of the appearance of gases. The cause of the pathology is tight swaddling, too tight elastic on the diaper, crying baby.

Less common causes include:

• difficult emotional atmosphere in the family;

• prematurity;

• complementary foods after applying to the chest;

• poor digestibility of lactose;

• excessively dense artificial nutrition;

• mixture with the wrong composition;

• smoking of the mother during gestation and lactation.

Parents should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disease. Only after this, the doctor will be able to give recommendations.

Symptoms of gas in a newborn

Determining the gases in a child is not so difficult. Typically, pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

• excessive anxiety of the baby;

• preloading the legs, which indicates a sharp pain in the stomach or intestines;

• production of gas jets;

• strong screams for several hours (usually always appear in the late afternoon);

• the appearance of pallor of the skin;

• anxiety occurs immediately after feeding;

• an important sign is green stools or constipation.

If colic occurs, the baby clenches its fists and bends the back. If only the first symptoms of gas appear in a newborn, you should consult a doctor.

Gases in a newborn: what to do and how to help the baby?

In order to avoid the occurrence of gases in the newborn, the doctor will tell you what to do and how to treat it.

But mom must adhere to some rules:

1. Before each feeding the baby, spread on the tummy or on your lap. When spreading after applying to the chest, do this after a couple of hours.

2. After each application, the child must be kept in a column. You can hold the baby not just a column, but press it to your chest.

3. Be sure to massage the baby. It includes stroking the tummy, pulling the legs to the stomach. Keep the legs bent for at least 15 seconds.

If you adhere to such rules, then the baby can be saved from unpleasant symptoms. When occurring, an effective tummy massage. Carry out such procedures by gently stroking the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction. Thanks to this, the air moves to the exit, and the cramps subside. No less effective dill water with colic. It can be replaced with chamomile broth, fennel tea. Peppermint tea is an excellent helper in the fight against increased gas production.

Other methods to combat colic

If the above methods were ineffective in the fight against pathology, then in this case other methods of treatment may come to the rescue. These include:

1. Gas pipe. Sold at the best price in any pharmacy. The tip of the tube must be lubricated with a baby cream or oil. After that, very carefully insert the tube into the anus of the baby. At the same time, babies should lie on their backs for up to six months, with their legs pressed up. Older children should lie on their left side, pressing their legs to their stomach. Before carrying out the manipulations, it is necessary to lay out a waterproof diaper, since when the gas escapes, the baby can defecate. The baby does not get used to the tube. Upon reaching the age of three months, the child will learn to spontaneously release gazikov.

2. Enema. In a newborn baby, very often colic is accompanied by constipation. If the child has not been emptied for more than two days and is too worried, then it is possible to help him with an enema. Such manipulations will help cleanse the intestines. The pharmacy needs to purchase the smallest enema. For the procedure, the water must be heated to 40 degrees. Dial the heated fluid into an enema. Pre-grease the tip with cream or oil. The tip should be inserted into the anus of the baby and squeeze the ass for a couple of seconds. This is necessary so that the feces have time to soften. This method is an extreme measure that should not be abused. The baby’s intestines are very tender.

3. Warmer. As soon as the baby has appeared in the family, it is imperative to purchase a heating pad. It can reduce pain, help gazikam move in the intestines. After that they calmly go out. For the procedure, you need to collect warm water in a heating pad and attach to the tummy. Parents need to be careful when choosing heating pads. More effective are salt warmers and with cherry pits.

All methods are effective, but before using any of them, you must always consult your doctor.

A set of exercises to eliminate colic

If there are gases in the newborn, the causes of which can be very different, then a set of exercises will come to the rescue. The purpose of this complex is the establishment of the digestive system. To carry out manipulations is possible only at rest of the baby. You can not perform actions at the time of colic. Such a session should be carried out a couple of times a day.

1. The hands are resting. The complex begins with the establishment of contact of the hands with the baby’s tummy. It is necessary to remain calm even in case of crying and crying baby. Touching the baby conveys the state of mind of the mother. Especially sensitive, the baby feels a state of anxiety.

2. Bucket or big waves. To stroke the baby’s tummy from top to bottom. Repeat such movements six times. The hand should always be on the stomach of the baby. In this case, the mother is constantly in continuous contact with the baby. Hold down with one hand, and then replace it with the second hand.

3. Knees up and down. The legs of the baby should be joined together. After raising them to the tummy and holding in this position for 10 seconds. This situation will help the jeep to move. Then extend the baby's legs and shake them a little. This will contribute to muscle relaxation.

4. The sun and the moon. With your left hand on the baby’s tummy around the navel, draw a full circle. Be sure to draw in a clockwise direction. To do this, imagine the sun. Draw the moon with your right hand. Repeat such manipulations 6-7 times. It is very important to maintain bodily contact with the newborn.

5. After carrying out such actions, you must repeat the exercise with the knees.

6. Touch of relaxation. To end the session is relaxing movements. They consist in slightly swaying the baby's hips. Such actions will help gazikov quickly move away and relax the newborn.

This set of exercises greatly facilitates the condition of the baby. After carrying out the procedures, the gases easily escape and the feeling of discomfort is eliminated.

If at least one symptom of the pathology appears, the parent urgently needs to contact a specialist to identify the cause of the disease. Only then can competent treatment be prescribed. Do not delay visiting a doctor, as the condition of the child may worsen.


Watch the video: Newborn Gastrointestinal Disorders Part 1 - CRASH! Medical Review Series (June 2024).