Pumpkin dishes are quick and easy. Proven recipes for first courses with pumpkin, quick side dishes and desserts with it


What they don’t cook from pumpkin! The flesh of the vegetable is baked in the oven, getting a sweet dessert or a full light side dish, added to the roast and goulash. The first dishes are good from pumpkin, they make sauces, pastries, casseroles from it. It is impossible to list in total. Pumpkin pulp is so tender that any dish with it is cooked without any hassle in literally half an hour.

Quick pumpkin dishes - general cooking principles

It is important to choose the right pumpkin. The main criterion that you should pay attention to is the size, the pumpkin should not be large. The pulp of an overripe vegetable is usually loose, with an unpleasant aftertaste. Pumpkins with soft or spoiled sides are also not recommended, taking dishes from them may have a soapy aftertaste.

The pulp is used in the preparation. Seeds must be removed along with the surrounding fibers. The peel is cut off with a thick layer, removing the greenish layer, often located directly below it. Such pulp does not bring any benefit, but it can spoil the taste of the dish with its grassy flavor.

Pumpkin Dishes Fast: Meatball Soup


a pound of pumpkin;

potatoes - 400 gr.;

green onions;

200 gr. salted feta cheese;

large onion head;

two full spoons of "Traditional" oil;

200 gr. mixed minced meat;

a tablespoon of spicy mustard;

one egg;

one fruit of red bell pepper;

250 ml of filtered water;

bread crumbs.

Cooking method:

We cut the peel from the potatoes and pumpkins, from the last we select the seeds along with the fibers. Cut the pumpkin pulp and potatoes into small cubes.

Remove seeds from pepper, rinse. Cut the pulp into narrow slices.

Cut the onion. We cut one part into quarters of rings, the other half into small pieces.

We set a deep stewpan on medium heat and lower the butter into it. As soon as it melts, put the potatoes in the stewpan, pieces of pumpkin pulp, onion strips and slices of pepper. Stir frying for about seven minutes.

Pour the vegetables with water, cover and leave on moderate-low heat for about ten minutes.

Mix the minced meat with mustard and egg. Add 4 tablespoons of breading, a little ground pepper and chopped onion. Pour the egg into the meat mass, add and knead thoroughly.

Scooping the minced meat with a teaspoon, we form small balls. Dip them in the soup and cook for ten minutes from boiling.

Turn off the pumpkin soup, stand for a quarter of an hour and serve.

Pumpkin dishes quickly: the easiest garnish


fully ripened pumpkin - 500 gr.;


high-quality sunflower oil;

"Provencal" spices - a ready-made set.

Cooking method:

Cut the peel from the pulp, cut into non-thick slices of arbitrary shape.

Put the pieces in a bowl, pour oil.

Crush and put a teaspoon of garlic to the pumpkin, sprinkle with Provencal herbs and mix thoroughly.

We spread the slices of pumpkin pulp on a baking sheet and for half an hour put the roasting pan in the oven. Cooking, heating to 180 degrees.

Such a side dish is good for cutlets, sausages, toasted cooked sausage.

Dishes with pumpkin fast: a simple recipe for meat goulash


pulp of pork or beef - 800 gr.;

three medium onion heads;


ginger root - a three-centimeter slice;

five fresh tomatoes;

a pound of pumpkin pulp;

three tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;

a glass of red wine, any dry variety;

two tablespoons of thick GOST tomato;

ground hot pepper - 1/4 tsp;

thyme and parsley - three branches each.

Cooking method:

We wash the meat and always dry with towels. Cut into oblong slices.

Cut the pulp of a pumpkin in the form of medium-sized cubes. We try to get pieces of the same size.

We wash the washed tomatoes into four or six parts and select the seeds with a spoon.

We clean the ginger root, onions and garlic, from the calculation to get a spoonful of chopped. Finely tiny.

Pour oil into a deep pan, place on medium heat. In a sufficiently warmed fat, dip the pieces of meat and fry on all sides, until a slight blush appears. Season the pork with pepper, mix and put in a bowl.

In the remaining fat in the pan, spread the garlic, tomatoes, ginger and onions. Stir frying until the tomatoes are completely soft.

We spread tomato and meat to vegetables, add hot pepper. We add the wine diluted with water. Stew under the lid for half an hour.

Add the slices of pumpkin and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes. In a matter of minutes before cooking, add the goulash, stir in the finely chopped greens.

Dishes with pumpkin are quick and easy: spaghetti with orange pumpkin sauce and almonds

The versatility of the vegetable allowed culinary specialists to create sauces from it for second courses. Spaghetti with pumpkin and orange juice sauce under almonds is extremely tasty.


pumpkin pulp - 600 gr.;

salad onion;

high-fat butter - 2 tbsp. l .;

150 ml of orange juice;

spaghetti from high-quality flour - 400 gr.;

two tablespoons of almond petals;

a pinch of nutmeg (grated).

Cooking method:

We chop the onion finely, cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes.

In a thick-walled pan with high sides, dissolve the oil with medium heating and heat the onion in it until transparent.

Add the pumpkin, simmer under the lid for about five minutes.

Pour orange juice and a glass of drinking water into the pan. Bringing to a boil, we continue to warm at a moderate temperature for a quarter of an hour.

While the pumpkin is cooked, fry the almond petals in a dry frying pan. As soon as you feel a pleasant nutty aroma, we shift the almonds into a plate.

In a large volume of salted water, cook spaghetti until tender. Then we discard them in a colander, spill abundantly with warm water and let it drain well. Spaghetti in a large bowl.

Season the boiled pumpkin with nutmeg, add to taste and add a little crushed pepper. Spread the pumpkin mass to the spaghetti. Stir well, sprinkle with almonds and serve immediately.

Children's dishes with pumpkin: cottage cheese casserole

Airy cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole, very tender and sweet. According to the recipe, the dish is prepared with slices of pumpkin. If you want to get a bright orange color, grind the softened pulp with cottage cheese through a sieve.


kilogram of 9 percent cottage cheese;

200 gr. brightly colored pumpkin pulp;

one and a half glasses of semolina;

six eggs;

liter of milk;

a glass of sugar;

150 grams of sour cream;

half a spoonful of grated cinnamon;

gram of vanilla powder;

butter, 72 percent, butter - 100 gr. base and 20 gr. for the form.

Cooking method:

We set the pan with milk on a "fast" fire. Immediately after boiling, stirring the milk intensively, pour a little semolina. Boil for about a minute, turn off the heat and completely cool.

We clean the pumpkin pulp from seeds and peel, cut into medium-sized cubes. Fry in butter until completely softened and cool.

In the cooled semolina porridge, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the pumpkin. We pour five eggs here, pour three fourths of sugar from the norm. Sprinkle with cinnamon and vanilla, add a little salt and knead well using a spoon.

We cover the refractory form from the inside with a layer of butter and put the cooked mass into it, level it.

Lubricate the surface of the future casserole with a beaten egg and place in the oven for 25 minutes. Cook the casserole at 180 degrees.

Pumpkin dishes fast: gnocchi with mushrooms


high gluten flour - 2.5 cups in the dough and a little for breading;

fresh, medium-sized champignons - 250 gr.;

small onion;

refined oil;

pumpkin - 350 grams, peeled pulp;

parsley - 5-6 branches with medium-sized leaves.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the pumpkin in the shape of the pieces. We chop the pulp with a blender to a state of mashed potatoes.

Sift the flour into the vegetable mass, add a little salt and knead a thick, but not cool dough.

Having washed well, we roll it into a sausage and cut into rings. Giving the pieces an oval shape, roll them well in flour.

In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil. Dip the gnocchi into the bubbling liquid. After boiling again, boil over a small fire, waiting for them to emerge. Put the finished gnocchi on a colander to dry.

Finely chop the onion, cut the champignons with half-centimeter cubes.

In vegetable oil, pass the onions until soft. Add the mushrooms and mix well, cook until the moisture evaporates.

We spread the fried gnocchi to the fried champignons, fry everything together for two minutes and remove from the stove.

Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Pumpkin dishes quickly: a light dessert of pulp in lemon caramel

This healthy dessert, easy for the cook and for the eater, is very tender. It can be served as sweets for tea or coffee, as a complement to any milk porridge. This pumpkin with oatmeal is especially good. If the pulp baked in this way is mashed, you get a wonderful filling for sand baskets or cake.


a spoonful of refined sugar;

2 grams of powdered cinnamon;

a small lemon;

350 gr pumpkin pulp;


Cooking method:

Peeled pumpkin flesh peeled from peel, seeds and fibers, we cut in cubes, one and a half thick, and up to two and a half centimeters long.

Lubricate the bottom of a broad form with vegetable oil, spread the slices of pumpkin on it. Sprinkle with sugar.

Place the roasting pan in the oven (180 degrees), steam for 25 minutes.

Scald lemon with boiling water and wipe dry. We clean the zest with a fine grater. We cut the lemon and squeeze the juice from both halves.

We remove the roasting pan from the oven, sprinkle cinnamon with pumpkin slices, pour over the lemon juice, mix.

We put the pumpkin back into the oven and bake another 20 minutes. We get it, pour with melted honey.

You can eat such a pumpkin both hot and cold. The cooled pumpkin tastes like marmalade.

Quick pumpkin dishes - cooking tips and tricks

If you are preparing an independent garnish of pumpkin, be sure to use spices and spices. Without them, pumpkin flesh will turn out to be tasteless.

By its nature, pumpkin pulp is very dense and very often it is not easy to remove the peel from it. To facilitate the process, chunks of pumpkin can be blanched a little - the peel will be cut off without much effort.

For the first and second courses, it is recommended to take round varieties of pumpkin. For desserts, pulp of pear-shaped, melon varieties is best suited.


Watch the video: Sweet Potato Souffle - Food Wishes (July 2024).