What are the most healthy fruits - vitaminization in full! Healthy Eating: Choose the Most Healthy Fruits


Of course, all fruits are useful to varying degrees, but they differ in the composition of nutrients. The most healthy fruits are not just an addition to ordinary foods, but a necessary part of the diet, especially in childhood, for proper digestion and strengthening the immune system.

Why eat the most healthy fruits

Fruits must be consumed at any age, it is a natural source of vitamins and carbohydrates for energy. They contain many useful elements:

• various vitamins (groups A, B, C, D, E, P, PP);

• minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine and others);

• vegetable proteins;

• organic acids;

• pectins (polysaccharides) - improve microflora, help the excretory system;

• enzymes (protein enzymes) - participate in intercellular metabolism and improve metabolism.

The most healthy fruits for children and adults

Of course, a lot depends on personal preferences and the region of residence, but you can highlight the most affordable and healthy fruits.

The apples - One of the oldest fruits that people began to cultivate, grows almost everywhere, has many varieties, and crosses well with other plants.

Used for diets and for preparing baby food, rarely cause allergies.

Pears - improve the functioning of the heart muscle, normalize blood tests, helps maintain acceptable blood sugar levels. They contain a lot of iodine and folic acid, are useful for the endocrine system.

Pears are not recommended for use on an empty stomach or mixed with other fruits.

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits - All citrus fruits contain an increased amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which increases immunity and prevents the spread of viral infection.

Folic acid is enough in an orange, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Oranges have a diuretic property and accelerate metabolic processes. It is noticed that if you put fruit slices on the table, then bright, fragrant oranges are eaten first.

Bananas - this is grass up to 16 m high, and bananas are berries of green, yellow, orange, red. There are very dark and even striped shades of bananas. Some varieties (Kluay or Rhino) reach a length of more than 30 cm.

The pulp of bananas reduces the manifestation of heartburn and eliminates the symptoms of gastritis. This is a very satisfying, nutritious fruit due to its high starch content, which quickly saturates and restores strength. Bananas contain tryptophan - a protein that turns into serotonin (a hormone of joy and happiness). So bananas can be consumed as a remedy for depression, they will quickly cheer up.

Pineapples - These tropical fruits have many beneficial properties. Bromelain in the composition of pineapples helps to break down fats, therefore pineapples are recommended for intensive weight loss, for the expected effect, pineapples must be consumed on an empty stomach, otherwise the effect of bromelain is neutralized by other products.

Pineapple fruits lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots. It can be used as an antidepressant - restores the nervous system and improves mood.

Kiwi - contains more vitamin C than the fruits of citrus plants, strengthens the immune system, has a diuretic effect. Helps to get rid of "bad" cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels. Normalizes acidity and improves gastrointestinal tract function

The peel of a kiwi is quite edible, you just need to wash it thoroughly, however, many people prefer to cut it.

Apricots - very useful for vision, improve skin condition, because they contain beta-carotene. Helps to cope with anemia, soothes nerves. From dried apricots, dried apricots are obtained - a favorite type of dried fruits that are used for the preparation of many recipes, for diet and sports nutrition.

• Peaches, nectarines - juicy, sweet fruits that contain relatively few calories, strengthens joints and bones. In these fruits, a high potassium content, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces the manifestation of arrhythmia. They are a natural aphrodisiac, that is, they increase attraction and help your partner like you.

Plums (Prunes) - have a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect, help cleanse the body. Prunes in dried form are among the "three leaders" of dried fruits, used for dietary nutrition, to improve blood tests and increase mental abilities.

Grape - can compete with apples in antiquity of the pedigree, now more than 10,000 grape varieties are known. Grapes - the basis of winemaking, there is a science of wine treatment - wine therapy, or enotherapy. So, a glass of wine before dinner can be drunk to prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Grapes contain almost twenty antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals and prolong the body's youth. Raisins - dried grapes that are added to many recipes, are used for baking and preparing energy mixtures of dried fruits, nuts and honey.

Garnet - Royal fruit in shape and composition, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, helps with anemia and in the recovery period after the disease. Normalizes blood pressure, is useful for cardiovascular diseases. Tannins in the composition of pomegranates directed against pathogenic microbes, the pomegranate peel is used to prepare disinfectant decoctions.

Figs - these are sweet, astringent fruits of a fig tree, they are very soft, are not stored for long, therefore they are harvested in a dried (dried) form. At the same time, figs retain many useful properties - it increases the content of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, cleanses blood vessels and restores health.

Persimmon - Quickly satisfies hunger and energizes for a long time, contains iodine compounds, which are useful for the thyroid gland. Helps the liver and pancreas, removes toxins. Persimmon has more iron than apples, it helps to cope with anemia, overcome apathy and fatigue. Beta-carotene gives the fruit a bright orange color and has an antioxidant effect.

Ways to eat the most healthy fruits

Fruits are consumed fresh or prepared in many ways: dried, frozen, boiled, baked. Their nutritional value depends not only on the method of heat treatment, but also on the method of cultivation. Experts recommend eating primarily fresh, seasonal fruits that did not grow in the greenhouse, but received enough sunlight.

Many consumers doubt the greenhouse and canned fruits, believing that they contain a lot of "chemistry" and artificial additives. The same can be said about other products in supermarkets - the modern mass catering industry is aimed at the rapid cultivation and sale of the resulting products. But however, at the same time, the level and life expectancy are steadily increasing. So, it is quite possible to trust beautiful selected fruits and enjoy the most healthy fruits with pleasure.


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