Balanced nutrition: basic principles and menus for the week. What is called a balanced diet, how does it differ


Balanced nutrition is a publicly available dietary recommendation that anyone can take advantage of. The basis of such a menu is a well-thought-out power system.

The essence of balanced nutrition

A balanced diet is not a separate type of diet. The main difference between a balanced diet and a diet is that almost all diets restrict the use of certain foods, and sometimes individual components (for example, fats), which are so necessary for the development and maintenance of health. In the case of a balanced diet, you do not need to limit yourself to anything, you just have to follow certain rules.

The essence of a balanced diet is the right and thoughtful balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, exactly what everyone needs, regardless of height, age, level of physical activity and other physiological parameters.

General principles

The principles that should be followed when creating a balanced nutrition menu for the week:

● Water, water and again water! Rule number 1 to maintain their own health and longevity. Every day you need to drink more than 1.5 liters of water. For about every kilogram of weight per day, you need to drink 40 ml of water. For example, with a weight of 50 kg, you need to drink 2 liters. Juices, alcohol, soda and other drinks are not included in this volume. Only clean water!

● "Get hooked" on fruits and vegetables. As a snack, they are perfect.

● Daily (allowed once every two days, at least) to do exercises or engage in any kind of sports, such as fitness or swimming in the pool. In this case, there should be 1.5 hours before physical activity and an hour after.

● Instead of tea and coffee, use juices, chicory, compote, cocoa. Naturally, all this should be natural with a minimum amount of sugar. Better yet, without it.

● Eat a little, but often. Since a balanced diet involves fractional nutrition, you can not eat the first and second at the same time. Between them it is worth taking a break at least an hour.

Everything that should be reduced to a minimum, or completely excluded from the diet:

● Expired products;

● Sweets - chocolate, ice cream, cakes, etc.,

● Flour products;

● Mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces;

● Fast food, chips, crackers;

● Canned food;

● "Meat" products - sausages, sausages, smoked sausages (the exception is products prepared independently with a minimum of salt and all kinds of seasonings);

● Fatty dairy products - cream and sour cream more than 15%, milk more than 3%;

● Fatty meat;

● Alcohol.

How to balance your diet?

First, learn how to count calories. All calories burned should be fully replenished. No more, no less - exactly as much as was spent. For office workers with low physical activity, the daily calorie count is about 2000 kcal. For athletes and just sports people, this number rises to 3500-4000 kcal.

Percentage of components:

● Proteins - 30%;

● Fats - 10%;

● Carbohydrates - 60%.

We will analyze each of the components separately, what applies to them, what is there, and what should be discarded.

Proteins are divided into two groups - proteins of animal and plant origin. The first group includes fish, meat, dairy products, and the second group includes nuts and beans. Moreover, the percentage of proteins of different types of origin should be approximately 50% to 50%.

Fats are also of two types - vegetable and animal. Vegetable fats are sunflower, olive, peanut oil and other vegetable oils; animal fats - margarine and butter.

You should give your preference to vegetable fats, if only because they do not contain cholesterol. Animal fats can be consumed only in exceptional cases, without subjecting them to heat and any processing.

The lion's share of the daily diet should be given to carbohydrates. They are of two types - fast-digestible and slow-digestible. In a balanced menu for the week, only slowly digestible carbohydrates should be present. These include bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables, nuts, potatoes. Sugar, jam, sweets, sweets are considered fast-digesting carbohydrates. The maximum per day of such foods a person can eat only 5% of the total number of calories. For example, people with a sedentary lifestyle can consume no more than 50 kcal of sweets per day.

Balanced Nutrition for a Week

An approximate menu for a week with a balanced diet.


● Breakfast. 100 gr cottage cheese with nuts, orange, tea.

● Breakfast 2. Peach.

● Lunch. Soup mashed potatoes, buckwheat with cutlet, compote.

● An afternoon snack. A glass of kefir.

● Dinner. Baked chicken with zucchini and tomatoes, cucumber salad, tea.

● Dinner 2. A glass of fermented baked milk.


● Breakfast. Rice porridge with fresh fruits, banana, cocoa.

● Breakfast 2. A handful of grapes.

● Lunch. Light soup, baked chicken, tea.

● An afternoon snack. Orange.

● Dinner. Stewed cabbage with boiled chicken, compote.

● Dinner 2. A glass of kefir.


● Breakfast. 2 boiled eggs, a couple of slices of cheese loaf, tea.

● Breakfast 2. A little cottage cheese (about 50-70 gr).

● Lunch. Cheese soup, baked fish, freshly squeezed juice.

● An afternoon snack. Peach.

● Dinner. Braised cabbage, baked chicken, tea.

● Dinner 2. Orange juice.


● Breakfast. Boiled egg, vegetable salad, natural compote.

● Breakfast 2. Apple.

● Lunch. Pea soup with chicken, a little boiled fish, cucumber, tea.

● An afternoon snack. Peach.

● Dinner. Vegetable stew, tea.

● Dinner 2. Apple juice.


● Breakfast. Cottage cheese with nuts, grapes, tea.

● Breakfast 2. Pear.

● Lunch. Soup puree, cucumber salad, compote.

● An afternoon snack. Peach.

● Dinner. Boiled fish, grated boiled beets, tea.

● Dinner 2. A glass of fermented baked milk.


● Breakfast. Omelet (3 eggs), fruit salad, tea.

● Breakfast 2. Orange.

● Lunch. Cabbage soup with beef and sour cream, banana, milk.

● An afternoon snack. An Apple.

● Dinner. Stewed vegetables with a minimum amount of salt and spices, compote.

● Dinner 2. A glass of kefir.


● Breakfast. Fruit salad with yogurt, nectarine, tea.

● Breakfast 2. 2 pieces of chocolate.

● Lunch. Light soup with a piece of chicken breast, coleslaw, compote.

● An afternoon snack. An Apple.

● Dinner. Cucumber salad, 50 g cottage cheese, cocoa.

● Dinner 2. A glass of fermented baked milk.

Such a balanced diet menu for a week can be made by everyone, taking into account individual taste preferences. It is only important to monitor the calories consumed and remember the percentage of the main components of nutrition.

In conclusion, I want to remind you that a balanced diet is not a diet. It is unlikely to lose weight, but to improve your health and improve your well-being is easy.


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