7 easy ways to improve your sleep. Why insomnia visits us, how to fall asleep calmly and wake up awake


Insomnia ... What to do?

Sleep occupies a significant part of our life, its value is difficult to overestimate. During sleep, the whole body is restored, the immune system is strengthened, information received during the day is stored and processed.

The modern rhythm of life leaves less time for sleep, but even when a person gets to bed, he cannot close his eyes. Constant stress and overwork do not allow the body to completely relax.

There are many methods to improve sleep and even several types of medication, but the simplest tips remain the most effective.

1. Observe the regime

If a person gets up and goes to bed at the same time every day, a conditioned reflex is formed in the body, which allows faster and less painful transition from the sleep phase to the wakeful phase, and vice versa.

2. Sleep in total darkness

When a person sleeps in bright light, his biological clock is lost, hormones that help the body recover are no longer produced, the stress state is aggravated, which also leads to sleep disturbance.

3. Choose the right mattress

A correctly selected mattress allows you to completely relax during sleep, taking the position of the body in which the spine remains straight, without pinching nerves and without stretching the muscles.

4. Set the optimum air temperature.

At excessively high temperature and stagnant air, it becomes more difficult for a person to breathe, there is a lack of oxygen, which interferes with healthy sleep. The optimal value is 20-22 ° C.

5. Adjust humidity

During the heating period, the air in the room is dried by batteries and heaters. The mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity also become dry, which leads to shortness of breath and even diseases. All these changes directly affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, in modern apartments, air humidifiers are increasingly being used, which help to cope with this problem. However, do not forget that too humid air can also adversely affect health, favoring the development of the fungus.

6. Go in for sports

A sedentary lifestyle is another reason for troubled sleep. High physical activity of the body allows you to fall asleep faster, lengthens the sleep phase, which is responsible for the restoration of the body. Regular exercise is a prophylaxis against many diseases that make sleep superficial and restless. In addition, sports help relieve stress and achieve emotional calm.

7. Reduce Caffeine

Caffeine improves the efficiency of the brain, increases its activity. This effect helps in the morning, but in the evening, drinks containing this product should be discarded. It is recommended to drink a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of cola at least 5 hours before bedtime.

Sleep is extremely important for a person. Its violation can not only worsen the mood, but also cause significant harm to health. Therefore, do not neglect the quality of sleep, because it does not require much effort.


Watch the video: How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy (July 2024).