How to accustom a child to a pot: what does the process consist of? How to speed up the process of teaching a child to a potty?


As a child grows older, every mother more often begins to think about how to accustom a child to a pot, because it is sometimes not so simple. Many children are very sensitive to the topic of switching to a pot, so some mothers begin to deal with this issue even before the age of one.

Let's figure out when to start learning and how to do it right?

How to teach a child a potty?

Immediately, it should be noted that to teach children, that diapers were not worn, much easier and faster. As for the kids, who have been wearing diapers all their short lives, everything is much more complicated, and it is unlikely that you can do without puddles and “piles”.

Before starting the process of learning, first of all, you need to make an assessment of its psychological development. For everything to work out, the baby must be aware of why they are trying to seat him on an object unknown to him, why they are pulling on his pants, and what he needs. In some cases, this process can continue for several weeks or even months, so parents will have to stock up on calm and patience.

Next, we will analyze the process of accustoming to the pot in stages, which primarily should be attributed to children in 1.5-2 years, but they are also relevant for one-year-old children.

How to teach a child a pot in stages?

The learning process can be divided into 5 stages.

1. The first thing to do is to show the child a pot and explain its main function. To do this, you can use rubber toys with holes. So, water should be poured into a rubber bear or a baby doll and released into a night vase, while saying that the toy is pissing.

2. You should also plant the child after he woke up, before going to eat and after eating, before and after bedtime, before walking and after, in the end, before bedtime.

3. Next, you need to abandon the use of diapers throughout the day. This will enable the baby to better explore his own body, which requires genitals and a soft spot.

4. Every time the baby asks for a pot and does everything right, he needs to be praised.

5. If you see how the child himself goes to the pot, regardless of the time of day, this means that you did everything right, and the baby is almost ready to visit the pot yourself. To consolidate the final result, it is still recommended to follow the characteristic signs of readiness for the toilet - straining and redness of the face.

How to teach a child to potty: secrets of speeding up the process

To speed up the process of learning, you should learn a few simple recommendations.

1. Before starting training, be sure to have a conversation with the baby, maybe even several times about what the pot is for, how and when it should be used. So, watching the child, you will notice how he behaves before emptying: abruptly subsides, groans or expresses his displeasure. Just such a moment is the best in order to gently and affectionately invite the crumbs to go to the pot. It will be quite good if the parents show by their own example how and where to relieve the need.

2. If the child does not want to sit on the potty, one should not put pressure on it and force it - it is unlikely to bring the desired effect. All that can be achieved this way - the baby will have an aversion to this subject and then the situation will only worsen. If the baby feels quite comfortable on the pot, you can plant it first after he has done his “business” in the diaper. So, the contaminated diaper needs to be changed when the child is seated on the pot, having exponentially laid it in the pot.

3. If the baby has had an “accident”, you don’t need to blame him for it or somehow show that you are disappointed or unhappy. At the moment, it is best to affectionately tell the crumbs that this should be done in a pot.

4. If the child is still not able to fully control himself during the day, do not try to accustom him to this process at night.

5. Do not forget that the situation matters in the commission of "these matters." The presence of unfamiliar people in the room, stress is unlikely to contribute to the complete relaxation of the baby.

6. Each child needs a different time to walk on the potty without reminding. The older the baby, the faster the process. For this, a one-year-old baby needs 1-2 months, for a two-year-old - 1-2 weeks.

How to teach a child a pot: choose a pot

Today, in children's shops there are all kinds of models of pots for children of any age. The color scheme is also pleasing, but you will not be mistaken if you pick up a pot of blue for the boy, and pink for the girl.

There are general recommendations when choosing a pot for a child

1. Not cold. The child is unlikely to appreciate the new subject, and the entire learning process will turn into torment. It is understandable, who wants to sit on something cold, warm booty? Also, the baby, so when making a choice, in no case is it recommended to plant it on a ceramic or iron pot. The best option is plastic models.

2. Convenience is a very important point when choosing a pot. The presence of the back will be very handy here. Today in the market you can find models for every taste, so you are sure to make the right choice.

3. Pay attention to the stability of the pot. If a child suddenly falls off the pot, it may turn out that he will bypass the “danger” side for a long time.

4. The purchase of a model with a removable lid will be very useful when traveling.

5. It is not recommended to buy a pot having musical or lighting effects; the baby will treat it like a toy.

Most experts recommend accustoming the baby to the potty at the age of two, because it was during this period that he was physiologically and psychologically matured for this.


Watch the video: How to Potty Train Your Toddler in One Day (June 2024).