New and traditional pear jelly recipes. Delicious pear jelly with gelatin for the winter, sugar free, original desserts with an unusual taste


There are many varieties of sweet dishes and desserts based on pears. Including jelly from pears. Depending on the set of ingredients and the processing technology of the products, pear jelly turns out to be different in taste combinations and appearance. The majority of recipes for such a fruit dessert combines simplicity of preparation.

How to make jelly from pears: general rules

Pear jelly is made from pieces of boiled fruit, mashed potatoes, juice. In some desserts, for presentation beauty, pears are left whole, pouring them with jelly from transparent juice.

The most commonly used gelling element is gelatin (plain, leaf or instant) or agar-agar. Gelatin in advance (40-60 minutes) is soaked according to the instructions on the bag. Before combining with the other components of pear jelly, they are heated (but never boiled!) Until completely dissolved in a liquid and filtered through cheesecloth (sieve).

You can also make jelly from pears without a gelling agent. Such blanks are usually made for the winter. In this case, the thickener of the dessert is sugar, lemon or apple juice.

Quick Pear Jelly Recipe

To make such a delicious light dessert you will need a minimum of products. Cooking time takes a maximum of 40 minutes. Thanks to gelatin, the dessert freezes very quickly.


Fresh pears - 500 g;

Sugar - 100 g;

Water - 375 ml;

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l


1. Gelatin is poured into 125 ml of water. Leave for half an hour to swell.

2. Washed pears without tails with a peel are cut into 4 parts, put in a pan. Pour water so that 1 cm liquid covers the fruit.

3. Put the container on medium heat. Pears are boiled until soft.

4. Hot boiled fruits are ground through a sieve, separating the bones, the hard skin.

5. Pear puree diluted with a glass of water. Pour sugar. Mixed.

6. Put the mass on fire and wait for the moment of boiling.

7. Fruit puree with sugar is removed from the stove. Gelatin is introduced. Warm up for 5 minutes in a water bath, not allowing the mass to boil.

Ready jelly from pears is poured into a bowl, cool. Rearrange in the refrigerator for final solidification. After 40-50 minutes, the dessert will be ready to eat.

Pear jelly prepared according to this recipe can be prepared for the winter. To do this, it is still hot, poured into sterilized jars. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator or basement.

Pear Jelly with Lemon

A magnificent dessert in which the honey sweetness of a ripe pear echoes the refreshing sourness of lemon. The gelatin in the recipe can be replaced with gelling sugar. Zest is added as desired.


Pears - 1 kg;

· Lemon - 1 fruit;

· Regular or gelling sugar - 0.5 kg;

Gelatin - 5 g.


1. Gelatin is soaked in water to swell.

2. Pears and lemon are thoroughly washed.

3. Peel is removed from citrus (zest with a white backing). In pears, the core is removed.

4. Cut all the fruits into equal sized slices. Pour into a container for cooking.

5. Pears and lemon are filled with sugar. They put on the stove (small fire) and simmer for 5 minutes under the lid.

6. The flame of the burner is increased to the limit and quickly bring the fruit mixture to a boil.

7. When the juice is released, the fire is reduced to the smallest. Boil the fruit, stirring periodically, 20 minutes.

8. The hot fruit mass is ground through a fine sieve. Return to the stove.

9. Add gelatin. Constantly stirring, warming up, avoiding boiling, a couple of minutes.

Hot pear jelly with lemon is poured into sterilized jars. Cork. Leave to cool, wrapping a blanket. The finished product is transferred to storage in a cold, dry basement.

Gelatin Transparent Pear Jelly

For this recipe, take sweet, honeyed varieties of pears. Therefore, sugar is needed quite a bit. Such a transparent pear jelly, subject to the cooking technology, can be stored in a dark, cool room for several years.


· Ripe sweet pears;

· Ahar - for 1 liter of pear decoction 3 tbsp .;

· Lemon (juice) - 1 fruit;

· Spices (cinnamon, vanilla, cloves) and alcohol (liquor, rum) - optional.


1. Wash pears, thinly cut the peel, remove seeds, tails, stalks. Cut with slices.

2. Pour the fruit into a cooking container and fill it with water so that the liquid has more pears by 3 cm.

3. The pot is put on a strong fire. Cook the fruit until soft.

4. Over a wide container (a basin is suitable), stretch and secure the gauze. Boiled pears are thrown back onto an improvised filter.

5. After 10-14 hours, a transparent decoction drains into the basin - it is used to make jelly. Slices of boiled pears can be used to prepare other desserts. You do not need to squeeze and grind the fruits.

6. When the broth settles, the upper transparent fraction is drained. Add to sugar (3 tbsp. Per 1 liter), lemon juice. Mixed.

7. Pear broth with sugar and lemon juice is boiled over minimal heat until the liquid begins to gel.

To give the jelly a piquant aroma at the very end of boiling, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, a little rum or liquor to the boiling mass.

Pear Jelly with Wine and Spices "Drunk Pear" (sugar free)

According to this recipe, the jelly is so dense that it can be cut with a knife, like marmalade. "Drunk pear" is eaten as an independent dessert, used to decorate cakes and pies, ice cream. In addition, dense pear jelly can be used to prepare a variety of multi-component desserts, cold snacks.


· Juicy ripe pears with dense pulp - 1 kg;

· Stevia (sugar substitute) - to taste;

Agar-agar - 4 tsp;

Dry white wine - 0.75 ml;

· Cinnamon -2 sticks;

Vanilla - 1 pod;

· Rum, brandy or brandy (optional) - 4 tbsp. l


1. Wash pears, peel, cut into 4 slices.

2. Wine is poured into the pan. Add cinnamon and vanilla.

3. Slices of fruit pour into wine with spices. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Periodically stir the mass.

4. Slices of pears get a slotted spoon from wine. They are laid out in the same amount in sterilized jars.

5. The vanilla bean is cut lengthwise and the seeds are scraped with a knife. Return to the wine and pear broth.

6. Add agar-agar to boiling wine. Cook for 1 minute. At the very end (optional) add alcohol. It not only improves the taste of pear jelly, but also serves as an excellent preservative for long-term storage of dessert.

The broth is removed from the stove. Pour them slices of pears in jars. Cork. Store in the refrigerator.

Whole pear jelly in own juice

Very easy to prepare, but incredibly delicious dessert. Outwardly, jelly looks very presentable. Therefore, it can be safely prepared for the festive feast on special occasions. Dessert is served in portions.


· Pears are dense, ripe - 5 fruits;

· Water - 500 ml;

Sugar - 225 g;

Turmeric - 1 tbsp. l with a slide;

· Transparent pear juice 500 ml;

Gelatin - 4 tbsp. l


1. Gelatin is poured with water for swelling (40-50 minutes).

2. Pears are washed, peeled. Ponytails and seeds are left.

3. From water, 125 g of sugar and turmeric are boiled syrup.

4. Peeled whole pears carefully dipped in boiling syrup. Boil over low heat until soft.

5. The gelatin is heated in a steam bath until the granules are completely dissolved.

6. Filter, combine with pear juice. Add 100 g of sugar. Mixed.

7. Cooked soft pears are placed in glasses (bowls) with tails up. Pour juice with gelatin.

8. The jelly is cooled and very carefully transferred to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Before serving, the dessert is decorated with butter cream, slices of candied lemon, chocolate chips.

Pear and cream jelly

A simple but very tasty dessert made from delicate cream and fresh pears stewed in its own juice. Ideal for children's holiday menu.


· Ripe pears - 4 pcs.;

Cream (minimum 20% fat content) - 250 ml;

Sugar - 1 tbsp .;

Gelatin - 3 tbsp. l .;

· Lemon - half the average fruit;



1. Vanillin is diluted with water according to the instructions.

2. Pears are washed, peeled, cut into pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

3. The fruit is covered with sugar and left for 10-20 minutes, until the pears let the juice go.

4. Transfer to a container for cooking along with the allocated juice. Add a pinch of vanillin.

5. Pears put on medium heat. At the time of boiling, the flame of the burner is reduced, the fruits are boiled for 20 minutes.

6. Cream is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil. Remove from heat.

7. To the cream add swollen, strained through cheesecloth gelatin. Stir.

8. Pears stewed in their own juice are combined with cream and gelatin. Mixed.

Jelly from pears and cream is poured into a bowl. Cool and set for freezing in the refrigerator.

For a beautiful serving, a thin layer of colored transparent jelly can be poured over the already frozen cream pear jelly. For example, from cherries, raspberries or kiwi. This dessert looks aesthetically pleasing and appetizing.

Homemade Pear Jelly Tricks

Regardless of the recipe, ripe fruits with dense juicy pulp are selected for the preparation of jelly. Pears with loose texture, greenish or, on the contrary, overripe for gelatinous desserts and winter preparations are not suitable.

All fruits must be intact, without wormholes, spoilage, rot. Wash pears before processing. For jelly, only pulp is used for the winter - the peel must be removed, the core with seeds, ponytails and stalks are removed.

If the recipe indicates alcoholic beverages, but the dessert is intended for children, you can either not add alcohol at all, or pour it into the broth at the very beginning of cooking. Alcohols evaporate at high temperature, so the finished product will be absolutely harmless to the kids.

To check the readiness of gelatin-free jelly, you need to drop a little hot substance on a cold, clean dish. If the mass quickly seizes and thickens, it is time to pour the product into a bowl or sterilized jars (for winter harvesting).

Important! For the preparation of jellies, desserts and sweet preparations of pears, aluminum utensils are never used. Upon contact with the metal, the fruit mass is oxidized, which negatively affects the color and taste of the dish.


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