The kitten has festering eyes: how to treat? The festering eyes of a kitten can be treated with folk remedies or medicines


A little fluffy creature has appeared in your house. A kitten is also a baby, and he is characterized by all the problems of childhood. One of these problems is eyes that fester.

Caring owners often ask the question: the kitten's eyes are rotten, how can I treat it?

Why does a kitten have festering eyes

The kitten's eyes were rotten. Before answering the question of what to treat, you need to find out why this happened.

The eyes of a kitten fester for the same reason as in humans. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye, not uncommon in humans. Conjunctivitis is understood as a series of various lesions of the conjunctiva of the eye. The cornea is a very vulnerable spot. It is susceptible to the penetration of various foreign elements: bacteria, viruses, fungi. One thing is characteristic - all these lesions are manifested by inflammation. And inflammation gives the same symptoms: tearing, suppuration, burning, itching.

In a small creature that has just been torn from its mother, immunity is weakened. This gives a wide field of activity to infections that primarily affect the eyes. Therefore, purulent discharge from the organ of vision is not so rare in newborn kittens. If the disease is mild, it can be treated at home. If the process is delayed, then you need to contact the clinic and do tests to identify the nature of the disease. Further treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian.

The kitten's eyes are festering: first aid

As soon as you notice that the kitten's eyes are pounding, think not how to treat, but how to provide first aid.

Suppuration of the eyes of a kitten can be so strong that waking up in the morning, he will not be able to open them. This speaks only of severe inflammation, but not of the severe course of the disease.

If you see that the kitten's eyes are festering, you need to give him first aid. For this, the simplest means are suitable.

1. Brew strong black tea in a glass. Let it cool to room temperature. Gently rinse the animal’s eyes with a cotton swab.

2. Dilute a teaspoon of boric acid in a glass of warm water. Rinse the eyes of a kitten with this solution.

3. To remove the first symptoms of the disease with suppuration of the eyes will help a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

These simple home remedies will help your furry baby see the world. Sometimes a few washes are enough to completely get rid of the infection. But, if the kitten's eyes continue to fester, then more effective measures will have to be taken.

Treatment with folk remedies

First aid was provided to a kitten with stubborn eyes than to treat - now this is the main question.

Inflammation of the connective tissue of the eyeball has been known to mankind for so long that people have found many remedies for this disease in the wild. It is known for its anti-inflammatory action of chamomile grass, eye-cornflower, burdock, celandine. Propolis has a very good anti-inflammatory effect.

Here are some simple recipes that can help a kitten.


This plant has long been known as having a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of chamomile, washings, compresses, lotions are done.

For treatment, you need to prepare a decoction of the flowers of this plant. It will take 3 tablespoons of inflorescences. They are poured with boiling water and put in a water bath, in which they boil for 10 minutes. The broth is ready. It can be used for treatment.

Lotions are made from chamomile broth. For this purpose, cotton swabs dipped in a warm broth are applied to the eyes and kept until completely cooled. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. It is better to do before bedtime so that your eyes can rest during the night.

A decoction of chamomile is suitable for a compress. For 100 grams of decoction, add 10 drops of chamomile oil. In a warm solution, moisten cotton swabs, put on a kitten’s eyes, cover with a warm cloth and hold for 10-15 minutes. To carry out this procedure, the animal will have to be picked up and held, stroking and calming to the end.


An ordinary field cornflower has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is successfully used in folk medicine. It is used for rinsing and lotion. 4 tablespoons of inflorescences are brewed with a liter of boiling water and left over low heat for 5 minutes. After removing from the heat, filter and cool. After 2 hours, the broth is ready for use. This broth washed eyes and make lotions. To obtain a high-quality result, the procedure must be repeated 5-6 times a day.

Celandine and Violet

Conjunctivitis is treated with a mixture of these two plants. For treatment, you will need 2 parts of celandine and one part of violet. Mix everything well. 6 teaspoons of the mixture pour half a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour. This time will be enough for the infusion to cool and become acceptable for the procedures. This tool can be used for compresses and for instillation into the eyes.

The kitten's eyes are festering: what else can be treated

How to treat a kitten with rotten eyes, if all folk remedies have been tried, but there is no result?

If the kitten's eyes are festering, and folk remedies do not help, then it will be necessary to treat it with medication.

The simplest and cheapest, but very effective tool is albucid. It is sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.

They bury him in sore eyes. Tetracycline ointment helps well. It is prescribed for severe inflammation of the conjunctiva. She is lubricated with eyes and laid forever.

You can use such drugs as Phloxal, Tobrex. There are infections against which these drugs are powerless. But Levomycetin is effective against bacteria, but it can also destroy viruses. The tool is available in the form of eye drops. But it is able to penetrate into the blood, so its prolonged use is not permissible.

The kitten's eyes are festering: we use drops

It’s not easy to drop a kitten into the eyes. To do this, you need to pick it up and turn it on its back.

Adhesive eyelids rinse with decoctions of medicinal herbs or strong tea.

When the eyes are free of crusts, carefully open the eyelids and drip the medicine into the eye.

The eye must be kept open for half a minute while the medicine spreads throughout the eyeball. Loan the eyelids to close and remove the remaining fluid with a cotton swab.


Watch the video: How to clean and flush an infected kitten or cat eye (June 2024).