The occurrence of sweating in adults and its treatment at home. What you need to know about the treatment of sweating in adults


The appearance of small vesicles in certain areas of the skin, which sometimes itch, gives reason to suspect the manifestation of sweating. No one is safe from this disease, but people with sensitive and delicate skin, overweight or excessive sweating are most prone to be sick with sweating. Today we’ll talk about how to treat sweating in adults at home.

What is the nature of sweating

Sweating appears due to the fact that the skin sweats, which means it becomes wet. Then it becomes extremely sensitive, including to bacteria. The sweat glands are clogged, and their ducts are stretched, so they can rupture. The appearance of bubbles of flesh or slightly red indicates the formation of the first degree of sweating. Further, such bubbles can burst, resulting in a crust, the skin begins to peel off, because it lacks moisture. Now comes the deep stage of prickly heat with its characteristic inflammatory process, when an infection gets on such a site. All this leads to the formation of eczema. But its treatment may take months, and sometimes even years.

Types of sweating, symptoms

There are several types of prickly heat, depending on the symptoms of each type will be different.

1. Crystal. This type is the most harmless. It is a small pimple on the skin, the size of no more than two millimeters. The color of the rash is pearlescent. Often occurs in connection with increased physical activity. Itching and irritation do not occur with it. It does not require specific treatment; it takes five days, or even less. After this, peeling may remain on the skin.

2. Red. On the skin, it can manifest as the formation of small red spots that merge with each other, vesicles or nodules. Liquid is released from these formations, and it causes itching and pain, burning when touched. Most often manifested in women under the breast and armpits, in men it is the scrotum zone, under the armpits, in the groin. If you apply the right treatment, prickly heat will pass in 1-2 weeks. But if treatment is not given due attention, it will develop into a neglected form, which is the next type.

3. Papular (deep). You can get rid of this form with medication. It is characterized by the appearance of red bubbles up to 2 millimeters in size, inside filled with liquid. Often formed on the skin of the abdomen, chest in women, as well as on the limbs. In addition to the painful sensations from touching the inflamed areas with this form, swelling, fever, and general malaise are possible.

What areas of the skin often cause sweating

Sweating occurs not on the whole body, but on certain areas of it:

· Constantly in contact with clothing: the area under the armpits, ankles, elbows, lower legs, back, in women the chest and the area under it;

· Areas that are under or near the hairline (forehead, temples, neck, head);

· Folds: behind the ears, groin, armpits.

Treatments for adult sweating

If prickly heat has already occurred, try to eliminate the cause of its further spread. Since sweating is the main reason for this phenomenon, we must try to reduce the amount of sweat produced by using external means. You can use such means as formalin, hygienic gels, powders.

One of the reasons for excessive sweating is stress and anxiety. Therefore, in the treatment of sweating in medical institutions, considerable attention is paid to the psychological state of the patient. For this reason, sedatives are prescribed to patients.

If sweating has arisen as a result of allergic reactions, while there are swelling in the places where the rash occurs, antihistamines should be used that will weaken the effect of allergens, which in turn will reduce swelling and itching.

Important! With local treatment of sweating, you can not use drugs with a high percentage of alcohol. This does not lead to treatment, but to the formation of new bleeding wounds. At the same time, treating prickly heat itself becomes even more difficult.

Recently, Botox has been used to treat fever, injections are given. Regarding the fact that the appearance is improving, it really is. But the nerve cells that regulate the sweat glands may be paralyzed. In the event that sweating cannot be controlled by any other means, surgical intervention has to be done.

Is it possible to treat sweating in adults at home

Treatment of sweating with ointments and various drugs is very common. But in addition to this, it is very effective to treat sweating in adults at home with folk remedies. Organizing such a treatment is not difficult at all. First, you only need to find out from the doctor what caused the disease, and according to the results of the consultation, choose and apply appropriate recipes, while fulfilling all the instructions.

Such recipes have accumulated over the years, while their effectiveness has been tested. Only recipes were left, the use of which showed the result, the rest were eliminated and forgotten. Below we will consider examples of recipes, using medicines prepared according to which, you will definitely achieve the result.

Laundry soap - a simple, affordable and effective method of treating adult sweating at home

Everyone knows that laundry soap is used in household chemicals. But in addition to this, it can have an antibacterial and drying effect, therefore it is often used for dermatological diseases.

Use laundry soap and prickly heat. To do this, prepare a strong soapy solution, which treats the skin affected by the rash. Hard-to-reach spots, such as natural folds, should also be carefully crafted. Do not rinse the solution. The effect we get if the soap is absorbed into the skin, dries on it.

Baths with decoctions of herbs as an indispensable way to treat sweating at home

The very use of bathtubs allows the pores to expand, respectively, water will get into them with the addition of medicinal herbs, so they will be able to well affect the affected area with mash. In addition to this, herbs also cleanse the skin and pores, which acts as a prophylaxis of prickly heat.

Choosing herbs for baths is worth those that have the following properties:




In this case, herbs possess and can be used:



· Bay leaf;

· Ledum;

· A series;



· Oak bark.

Important! In some people, individual intolerance may be observed from taking baths with the addition of decoctions of herbs, as a result of which instead of curing from sweating, an allergic reaction is added. In this case, you should immediately abandon the baths using decoctions of herbs.

How to make a decoction

We measure out 5 tablespoons of chopped dry grass, put in a saucepan, pour a liter of boiling water, put on a small fire. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, leave to infuse for at least 2 hours. Strain the broth and can be added to the bath. The duration of such a bath can be from 20 to 40 minutes.

Important! In order for a bath using medicinal herbs to be beneficial, it is necessary to choose a suitable water temperature, and in this case, the water should be cool and comfortable.

Treatment of sweating with popular products

You can treat sweating in adults at home with the following products:

1. Potassium permanganate. It must be added to the water in a small amount until a pale pink hue is obtained.

2. Iodine. 2 drops of it are added to a glass of water, with this solution we wipe the affected areas.

3. Salt or soda. 1 teaspoon should be added to a glass of water, wipe areas with a rash.

Such compresses will help eliminate itching.

Prevention of sweating

Not getting sick with such an unpleasant disease will help knowledge of several rules, the observance of which will not allow the development of sweating.

1. Get rid of excess weight.

2. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing; when choosing, give preference to natural fabrics.

3. If possible, immediately get rid of sweaty clothes.

4. In hot weather, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary physical activity, so as not to provoke excessive sweating.

5. Shower twice a day, after which the skin is drained.

6. Excessive tanning can also cause sweating, since under the influence of the sun the pores narrow, sometimes clog, which increases the risk of sweating.

7. The room should be regularly ventilated, because heat and moisture are the first culprits of sweating.


Watch the video: Why Do I Sweat So Much? (July 2024).