The cat wants the cat what to do: surgery, medications, folk remedies and psychological techniques


Cats have a tearing cycle - a difficult period not only for the pet itself, but for the whole family. The estrus lasts about two weeks twice a year. If the reproductive period of your cat is expressed only in excessive tenderness and gentle purrs - this is a rare case and you are incredibly lucky.

Typically, estrus in cats is accompanied by impulsive behavior, endless round-the-clock noise, spoiled wallpaper and sofas, and an unpleasant odor. When patience ends, the question becomes acute, how to stop the pet and return life to its former calm. So, a cat wants a cat, what should the owner do?

A cat wants a cat, what to do: surgical intervention

In fact, cats should give birth once a year or a year and a half. But such frequent births undoubtedly affect the life expectancy and worsen the health of the pet. Especially if the owner is not a professional breeder.

The best way to extend the life of a cat and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of heat is sterilization. This is the only way to stop this regular hormonal disruption without serious harm to your pet.

In addition, sterilization is the only effective prevention of pyometers (purulent endometritis), breast and uterine cancer, ovarian tumors and other diseases of the reproductive system.

Sterilization is best done at the age of six months, but it is best to consult a doctor.

Cat wants a cat what to do: medications

Hormonal bursts are a strong physical and psychological stress that depletes a cat, it begins to feel helpless. Regular stress undermines both the immune system and the nervous system. The veterinarian may recommend various medicines:

Sedatives They do not change or stop the cycle, but they act soothingly on the nervous system. It is more effective to give the drug a few days before estrus or at the very beginning, since such drugs do not act immediately, but have a cumulative effect.

· Herbal dropspositively affecting the nervous system and having a mild sedative effect.

· Preparations for the regulation of sexual function. These are hormonal agents that regulate and dull the onset of estrus. Despite their effectiveness, such medications do not completely positively affect the health of the pet: the likelihood of ovarian and mammary gland cyst formation, the onset of suppression of diabetes and problems with the adrenal glands increase.

The cat wants a cat what to do: folk remedies

There are herbs that can help calm your restless cat. They are usually more effective and healthy.

Herbal combinations can be used, but the correct ratio must be observed. Cats may be sensitive to certain plants or have allergies, so it is best to consult your veterinarian. Herbs such as catnip, valerian, St. John's wort and chamomile are most effective.

Many people drink soothing chamomile tea before bedtime, these same anti-stress properties are also effective for cats. Studies have shown that chamomile contains substances that act on the same parts of the brain and nervous system as sedatives. The effect promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Essential oils can also be used. Be sure to use a diffuser or moisten the fabric and put it in the bed to the cat. Particularly effective are orange oil, lavender and chamomile oil. They can also be used in a spray bottle mixed with a small amount of distilled water.

It is important to remember that some oils, such as tea tree oil, can be toxic to cats.

A cat wants a cat what to do: psychological techniques

Psychological methods in many cases help to make the cat a little calmer and bring some relief to both the pet and the owner. And most importantly - they are absolutely harmless to the health of the cat.

· The constant meow can be stopped if you wash your pet. After bathing, the cat will not only give the family a few hours of silence, but also become calmer, because a bath reduces stress. Bathe your pet only if the apartment is warm and there are no drafts.

· Active games with new interesting toys, jumps and climbing can help the cat get rid of its overwhelming energy. Involve your pet in the games and take an active part in them.

· Feeding in small portions good for cat digestion and helps minimize stress. Let the cat enjoy the snacks that you specially prepared for it.

· Owner attention gives confidence and reduces nervousness. You can even talk with a cat, strok her head and scratch her tummy. Put the pet on your lap and enjoy chatting with each other. In no case can a cat be ignored in this difficult period, our smaller brothers also need support.

· A cat’s leak ends faster if lower light level during the whole day. You can use curtains.

· Pheromone Sprays of Happiness for cats will help minimize stress. Sold at veterinary pharmacies and pet stores.

Separately worth saying about music therapy. You may be surprised, but not only people can benefit from their music for their nervous system. It helps to reduce heart rate, breathing rate, reduce anxiety, and also provide peace and tranquility during a difficult period for a cat. The most effective music - classical - has a slow speed and consists of lower tones. Playing the right soothing music in your home helps reduce stress and create a soothing environment.

Thus, music therapy can help in a variety of situations, including when a cat asks for a cat, and is a very useful form to soothe your pet.


Watch the video: 5 Home Remedies For Cat Vomiting (July 2024).