King of Parmesan Cheeses - Benefits for a Healthy Lifestyle. What is special in its composition and can there be harm from parmesan


Parmesan is known for excellent flavor and a variety of healthy qualities. It is equally good for enjoying it, improving overall health and even treating serious illnesses.

What distinguishes parmesan and its benefits from other cheeses

To get 1 kg of parmesan, 15 liters of selected cow's milk are required.

This cheese has a spicy, salty-sweet taste with nutty notes and a dense, firm, but brittle structure, it is not easy to cut into thin slices, and often the parmesan is crushed, chopping off a little. In dishes requiring heating, it melts almost without forming characteristic threads, preserves the texture and all the richness of taste.

Parmesan is an excellent choice for pizza, risotto, Caesar salad and many other dishes.

Parmesan ripens for a long time - from 12 to 48 months (but maybe longer), and this is not something like feta cheese - it is simply impossible to create it at home.

In the world, only a certain number of cheese producers in Italy are recognized as original cheese, where they strictly adhere to certain recipes originating in the Middle Ages. This cheese is called parmigiano reggiano (parmigiano reggiano).

Of course, not so expensive gourmet, but also very worthy cheese is made all over the world, but it can be called simply parmesan.

Purchased parmesan at home should be removed from the packaging, wrapped in parchment paper, then - in foil, and so stored in the refrigerator.

The nutritional value of this cheese is beyond praise - in terms of protein composition it is on the same level as red meat (beef, pork), but at the same time it is digested 4-5 times faster, with a significantly lower load on the digestive tract.

No wonder parmesan is so appreciated in vegetarian cuisine.

Protein is a necessary "building material" for the regeneration of body tissues, the production of its biological fluids, immune bodies and hormones.

The benefits of parmesan are largely provided by calcium, and its digestibility is also supported by the vitamin D present in cheese. In general, cheeses are a source of calcium not worse than all other dairy and sour-milk products.

So parmesan is very useful for the skeletal system, it can prevent the development of osteoporosis, improve skeletal formation in childhood, accelerate the healing of fractures and even contribute to a healthy smile with radiant pearls.

There are other minerals and vitamins in Parmesan:

• Vitamin A - improves eyesight in general, and with the support of selenium it supports eye health in conditions of inappropriate lighting (both inadequate and excessively bright lighting are harmful to the eyes);

• Vitamin B2 - participate in energy production and is necessary for cellular respiration;

• iron - increases the stamina and stress resistance of the body, helps to remove toxins and harmful substances;

• magnesium - is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, has an antiseptic effect, lowers blood cholesterol.

The wonderful taste that one wants to return to again and again, parmesan is partly due to the amino acid glutamate (glutamic acid), which during the aging of the cheese, when combined with sodium and water forms sodium glutamate.

The synthetic form of this substance is extremely popular for improving the taste of various foods and drinks, but is far from useful.

But natural glutamate is, in fact, a solid benefit. In particular, this amino acid is indispensable for the healthy functioning of the brain and metabolism.

In addition to parmesan, an equivalent amount of glutamate in bioavailable form is found only in tomatoes and a number of mushrooms (for example, champignons).

How else is the benefits of parmesan

The energy value of parmesan is about 392 kcal per 100 g.

At the same weight, about 35% is distributed to protein, 25% to fats and less than 4% to carbohydrates.

Surprisingly, the calorie content (usual, in comparison with other cheeses) is not an obstacle to adding parmesan to the menu to reduce weight.

Firstly, it belongs to hard cheeses, and they, unlike soft ones, do not bring extra centimeters at the waist.

And secondly, it is blocked by a minimum of carbohydrates and a unique complex of substances that help speed up digestion.

Thanks to unique production technologies (especially when it comes to expensive and real Italian Parmesan), this cheese is not only rich in nutrients, but also in its bioavailability.

Even a small addition of Parmesan to the diet will soon allow you to experience a general improvement in well-being, enjoy a healthy sleep and good mood.

Recent studies suggest a positive effect of parmesan on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract due to the activation of the growth of the population of beneficial microorganisms, which can also serve as a prophylaxis of dysbiosis.

Lactose intolerance is a serious obstacle to planning a healthy and tasty diet, but parmesan, fortunately, along with brie, cheddar and mozzarella, is one of the cheeses allowed in this difficult case.

What do parmesan and all cheeses have in common

In general, the benefit of all cheeses can be represented as a combination of many of the beneficial properties of milk, presented in higher concentrations, as well as the beneficial properties that arise in this raw material under the influence of special microorganisms.

And although one can say something different about the benefits of any cheese, Parmesan is also characterized by properties common in principle for all cheeses, in particular:

• stimulates digestion and improves appetite;

• improves heart function, including normalization of rhythm and organ resistance to physical exertion;

• strengthens the immune system, especially against various infectious diseases;

• improves blood composition, and the benefits of cheese in this regard will be more significant if you use it together with figs, grapes, honey, walnuts.

And, despite the fact that nutritionists unanimously note the benefits of all cheeses in principle, it is recommended that parmesan be included in the diet for people in need of an early restoration of health after serious illnesses, injuries, operations.

What is the harm of parmesan

The main disadvantage and harm of parmesan is the high sodium content (more of it is found only in Roquefort). A 100 gram slice of cheese satisfies the daily requirement for this trace element. Based on this, parmesan should not be carried away with diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system.

And, since its excess in the body is not useful for a healthy person, it is useful to know that Parmesan is not badly replaced in recipes, for example, cheddar and gruyere cheeses.

The same 100 grams of them will provide only half the daily rate of sodium.

Frequent oversaturation with cheese turns into a bright harm to parmesan due to the ingestion of glutamic acid, which can cause migraines.

Also, some harm to parmesan can be noted due to the fair amount of cholesterol in it (compared to other cheeses).

It is recommended to refuse this delicious cheese during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and during a period of particular digestion sensitivity (for example, after food poisoning).


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