Can a puppy be given chicken meat? What kind of chicken (raw, boiled or fried) can be given to a small puppy


For a dog to grow up healthy and physically developed, it needs high-quality and proper feeding. A nutritious diet should consist of half meat.

What kind of chicken do you need to give a puppy

Chicken meat is a very necessary and healthy food for a little puppy. Although it is in the top of the most allergenic products, by the amount of protein contained in it.

Many veterinarians have long disputed this issue and argue that almost all hypoallergenic feeds include chicken. And more often an allergic reaction in puppies happens to beef, soy, eggs and milk protein.

Chicken meat protein has the highest biological value; it supplies the growing body of the dog with amino acids in the required quantities.

Therefore, the developing body needs chicken protein. It is worth knowing that it is highly recommended not to give raw meat, even if it was frozen. Having eaten it, there is a high probability of infection with helminths, because there are types of parasites that can withstand low temperatures and do not die.

Veterinary doctors recommend that you heat-treat the product before giving it to your puppy. Boiled chicken meat, cooled and chopped, in this form it is ready to eat. This is a complete main course.

If we talk about fried or baked chicken, at a young age it is categorically contraindicated. Eating such food is fraught with liver diseases and other ailments.

Already an adult dog, as an additional bait, you can give a couple of pieces of fried meat, but nothing more.

Is it worth giving the puppy chicken stock

It is chicken broth that is considered the most allergenic product. A large concentration of protein accumulates in it, which causes an allergic reaction of the puppy's body.

If the little dog cook soups or cereals on chicken stock, then the first two need to be drained. And only on the third broth is food prepared.

Is it possible to give a puppy chicken liver

The liver of a bird can and should be given. It contains a huge amount of vitamin B12. Do not forget that it is vitamin B that is responsible for the proper development of the nervous system.

Boil the liver and offer the puppy small amounts in the form of bait. You can’t give such a product to the dog every day, just two or three baits per week will be enough.

It is worth remembering that an excess of this vitamin can harm the growing body of the animal, which is fraught with bone deformation. The baby may lose weight or will have an allergy.

Chicken necks in puppy's diet

This product can be started to give the little dog from three months of age. The bones in them are absolutely safe, they are not able to injure the esophagus or the walls of the stomach.

The only feature of the by-product is that with prolonged heat treatment, almost all the nutritional value is lost. Therefore, you do not need to cook them. Boiled neck meat has a structure that can clog the puppy's stomach and intestines.

Consequently, chicken necks are given whole or grinded, but before eating them, it is imperative to douse them with boiling water. This method will kill all microbes and particles of parasites.

Chicken stomachs and hearts

Very easily digestible and low-calorie meat. It is especially suitable for small puppies, as it does not affect the developing liver.

It will be better, before giving offal to the baby, previously grind in a meat grinder and boil.

Small pets should not be given chicken skin. In addition to a large amount of fat, there is nothing nutritious and beneficial for the animal.

Chicken heads in puppy's diet

Such an offal is very useful because it contains brains. The bird’s brain contains a huge amount of useful components necessary for the development of the animal.

Great nutritional value of course in raw chicken heads. But before use, they are necessarily poured with boiling water.

Little puppies of a bird's head need to be grinded. Remove the beak first and inspect so that no sharp parts remain. For older dogs, it is permissible to give the whole head, be sure to chop off the beak before feeding.

Chicken legs

A moot point among dog breeders. Some claim that they feed the pets with paws, without fear for their health. The second are wary of such an offal.

Undoubtedly, the paws are very useful, they contain cartilage and are equal in nutritional value to the heads. But the more dangerous the product is with its claws and tubular bones. Therefore, older dogs can be given paws by chopping off their claws and removing the main tubular bone.

It is useful for puppies to cook jellied poultry, this will only contribute to the strengthening of bones and the development of the skeleton.

Chicken bones

To the question whether it is possible to give puppies chicken meat an unambiguous answer is possible. But other than chicken bones. They are tubular, the puppy will nibble them and will certainly gnaw them.

Shards of tubular bones as sharp as a knife blade. They can easily cut a dog’s esophagus, stomach wall, or intestines. Using them with small dogs is life threatening. Skeletal bones that do not have a tube inside can be given to older puppies of large breed dogs.

Even if the bone is boiled to a soft state, it can clog the baby’s stomach. A broth cooked on bones is quite suitable for cooking porridges and soups for a little dog.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Signs that your dog is allergic to chicken protein include the following symptoms:

· The puppy often begins to itch and lick the paw pads;

· Something like dandruff appears on his skin;

· May be observed to satiate on the skin;

· Wool will begin to pour in, only this happens not totally over the whole body, but in separate places. In these areas bald spots form over time;

· The baby can often sweat or smell bad from his mouth.

Having found such symptoms, it is necessary to take the pet to a veterinary clinic, conduct an examination and establish the cause of the allergy.


Watch the video: Do Dogs Prefer Cooked or Raw Meat? (July 2024).