The best high-yielding, self-pollinated and undersized varieties of cherries for any region of Russia. Top 5 best winter-hardy cherries


Cherry is a very healthy berry, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is used for freezing, processing and fresh consumption. If there is even a small suburban area, you can grow a tree yourself, but do not rush to plant the first variety that comes across. Choose the best cherry that will give maximum yield and adapt perfectly to your climate.

Which of the highest yielding varieties of cherries is better to grow

When purchasing a seedling, pay attention to the indicator of its productivity. Gardeners have identified several varieties, which, in their opinion, are the most productive in the farm:

· "Night";

· "Black large";

· "A toy".

Variety "Night" is considered the highest yielding. From one adult tree, you can collect up to 70 kg of berries. Harvest ripens in early summer, friendly return. The berries are dark red, large, fleshy and sweet. The variety is remarkable not only for its stable harvests, but also for its high threshold of winter hardiness and disease resistance. Recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region and central Russia.

Excellent variety has a variety of "Toy". The tree is very tall, often exceeds 7 m in height. Begins to bear fruit three years after planting. The average yield of adult cherries is up to 50 kg. The berry is large, dark in color, with a pleasant sweet and sour flesh. The skin is thin, the bone is easily separable. The variety has a high threshold of winter hardiness and is not susceptible to drought, but flowers and buds can suffer during a protracted spring.

No less popular is the Black Large Cherry. The tree is medium-sized, bears fruit in mid-summer for the third year after planting. The berries are large, dark cherry in color, soft and tasty. The variety is self-fertile, with good pollinators, the yield reaches 30 kg per tree. The advantage of the variety is high frost resistance, cherries can withstand temperature drops to -35 ° C. With proper agricultural technology can be grown in the northern regions of the country.

The best self-made varieties of cherries for the garden

Recently, self-fertile tree varieties have gained particular popularity. They can significantly save space in the garden and at the same time get a good harvest. Gardeners should pay attention to the following varieties:

· "Garland";

· "Youth";

· "Cinderella".

Variety "Garland" is considered one of the earliest, suitable for cultivation in the northern regions of the country. The tree is fully self-fertile with good productivity, can withstand temperature drops to -35 ° C. On average, from 10 to 20 kg of cherries are harvested from it per season. The berries are large, dark in color, dense, but juicy. Harvest tolerates transportation well and does not lose its presentation for a long time.

Variety of cherries "Youth" is not only self-fertile, but also stunted with a drooping crown. The height of the adult plant does not exceed 2.5 m. The berries are red, sweet and sour in taste, with a small bone that separates well. The advantage of the variety is increased winter hardiness and resistance to disease. The tree painlessly tolerates a drop in temperature to -30 ° C. Productivity of a grade is up to 10-12 kg from a tree.

Among mid-season self-fertile varieties, Cinderella cherry stands out. With good care, it is possible to collect up to 15 kg of cherries. The berries are medium-sized, bright red, taste sweet and sour. The tree does not need treatment from pests and diseases, tolerates low temperatures in winter well.

Best of undersized cherries

Low-growing varieties of cherries have always been appreciated among lovers. The following varieties are especially popular:

· "Chocolate Girl";

· "Lighthouse";

· "Brunette."

Variety "Chocolate Girl" is notable for its fruits of dark chocolate color. The tree does not exceed 2.5 m, fully self-fertile. The berries are medium in size, very tasty, sweet. The pulp is dark red, the bone is small and well separable.

Bush grade "Lighthouse" is used for industrial cultivation. The plant does not exceed 2 m, but requires enough space. Crohn’s sprawling, thick. The berries are large, maroon, peel with a characteristic sheen. The taste of cherries is delicate, sweet. Productivity is up to 15 kg from a bush. Berries ripen in early August. The variety is designed for cultivation in Siberia.

Cherry "Brunette" is popular not only with a small tree height, but also with early maturity, self-fertility and regular harvests. In addition, it is a variety with a high threshold of winter hardiness, recommended for cultivation in the central regions. The berries are dark, medium in size, ripen in mid-summer, sour-sweet to taste. Suitable for processing and fresh consumption. Productivity up to 10 kg per tree.

The most winter-hardy of the best varieties of cherries

Varieties for the northern regions and Siberia are selected especially carefully. Gardeners of this area will like the following varieties of cherries:

· "Ashinskaya";

· "Altai swallow";

· "Generous";

· "Sverdlovchanka";

· "Snowstorm".

Variety "Ashinskaya" is rightfully considered the best among winter-hardy. The shrub tolerates frosts up to - 55 ° C. Its height does not exceed 1.5 m, flowering and fruiting occurs in the fourth year of cultivation. The berries are dark, with a specific astringent taste, with a small bone.

Variety "Altai swallow", although it does not give large yields, but tolerates the harsh climate of this area. The shrub grows to 1.5 m, bears fruit in mid-summer, with good care, it collects up to 5 kg of berries. Cherries of excellent taste, medium in size, dark.

Very popular cherry "Generous" bush type. The plant reaches 2 m in height, unpretentious, bears fruit on last year's growths and bouquet branches. The bush has a medium flowering period, it bears fruiting for 3-4 years of cultivation. Productivity is stable for many years. The bush is self-fertile. Frost resistance up to - 45 ° С. The berries are bright red in color, sweet and sour, do not crack on the branches. Suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

Mid-late varieties include cherry "Metelitsa". The bush grows to 1.5 m, begins to bear fruit early, stable crops. The berries are medium in size, red, with tender and juicy pulp, sourness is present in the taste. Productivity is average, with good agricultural technology they collect up to 5 kg from a bush.

Among the late-ripening varieties for Siberia, the Sverdlovchanka cherry stands out. The tree begins to bear fruit early, gives stable crops every year. Flowers and shoots are not susceptible to return frosts. The tree does not exceed 2 m in height, blooms in late May, is partially self-fertile. For better yield, pollinator varieties are grown nearby. The berries are large, dark cherry in color, sweet, with a dense skin. Transportation is well tolerated, do not lose their presentation. The variety is intended for all types of processing.


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