The extraordinary benefits of tea with oregano. In which cases it is especially important to treat yourself to a cup of herbal drink and which can cause tea with oregano


Oregano herb with a scattering of purple flowers in the dried form loses its color, but retains a captivating aroma and is very tasty in a cup of tea. The positive effect of oregano on human health was known to the healers of antiquity and confirmed by modern scientists.

The origin of the benefits of tea with oregano on the composition of the plant and the features of its use

The second name for oregano is oregano. One of the most common herbaceous plants of the middle strip is loved by gardeners for its decorative effect, cosmetic industry - for essential oils, culinary specialists - for its spicy delicate taste and aroma, marjoram - honey plant, and in herbal medicine it is valued for its beneficial properties.

Like many medicinal plants, oregano can be consumed externally and internally in the form of decoctions and infusions, but in many cases you can combine the desired with the pleasant, that is, benefit from tea with oregano.

Oregano is harvested at the peak of its flowering - in mid-summer, in July. The stems are dried and then the leaves and inflorescences are wiped off. Theoretically, you can brew fresh oregano, but it is believed that the dried richer aroma is revealed, and of course, this is a way to preserve its reserves for a long time.

Oregano goes well with other plants (raspberries, currants, thyme, rose hips, Ivan tea) and with green and black tea.

If desired, you can add honey and lemon to the cup, serve tea with a saucer of jam, and the pouring cream will soften and improve the taste of the drink.

Especially in oregano, vitamin K is needed for the following:

· Normal blood coagulation (by participating in the production of a chemical compound by the liver);

· Formation and regeneration of bones (since K is involved in the synthesis of bone tissue protein and retains calcium in it);

· The functioning of excretory organs (kidneys, liver);

· Neutralization of toxic substances entering the body (for example, with poor-quality food).

Oregano is also highly valued for its easily digestible ascorbic acid content, and it is well known that vitamin C is the basis of strong immunity and a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from malignant neoplasms.

Oregano contains one of the best plant-derived antioxidants - rosmarinic acid. It slows down the aging of the body, restores cell membranes, increases the functional activity of internal organs.

In addition, oregano contains vitamins A and B3, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, tannins, coumarins and flavonoids.

In which cases will the benefits of tea with oregano

Tea with oregano is extremely useful in cold damp weather from colds and hypothermia, in winter - for the prevention of influenza and other viral infections, and when diseases occur, oregano reveals its complex effectiveness:

· Reduces throat pain and swelling;

· Acts as a diaphoretic;

· In relation to the upper respiratory tract acts as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent;

· Promotes cleansing of the nasal sinuses from mucus and facilitates breathing through the nose;

· Being brewed with linden, knocks down heat.

Drinking a cup of tea with oregano in time will help to acclimatize during the trip and, without negative consequences, in plans of physical well-being and psycho-emotional state, tune in to new biorhythms, which may turn out to be important, of course, not only on vacation, but also, for example, when going to work on night shifts.

Oregano is one of the most useful plants for the digestive tract, capable of:

· Improve appetite;

· Activate the work of the small intestine;

· Stimulate the production of gastric juice;

· Support healthy digestion;

· Suppress fermentation processes in the intestine;

· Relieve stomach cramps and intestinal colic, acting gently as an antispasmodic and analgesic;

· Stop nausea and vomiting.

The plant quickly relieves allergy symptoms and also increases the body's resistance to adverse irritating factors, and oregano tea is especially effective for allergies to plant pollen, animal hair and dust.

Tea with oregano, especially when combined with other herbs of the desired spectrum of action (for example, mint, lemon balm) is useful for the nervous system.

He is able to calm down anxiety and irritability that arose as a result of nervous overwork, improve sleep, increase mental activity and stress resistance.

What else is the benefits of tea with oregano

Oregano helps to get rid of a headache, it does not matter if this phenomenon is a one-time or chronic migraine. Partly, in this regard, the plant helps due to the ability to lower intracranial pressure.

Strong oregano tea is good for the oral cavity:

· Heals the gums, relieving swelling and inflammation, reducing bleeding;

· Heals damaged mucous membranes, including effective for stomatitis;

· Reduces toothache;

· Eliminates bad breath.

As part of phytoterparia, oregano tea can be recommended for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. The plant positively affects the functioning of the kidneys, suppresses inflammatory processes, promotes the removal of sand and acts as a mild diuretic.

As a choleretic, tea with oregano is useful for healing the liver.

In the field of women's health, the drink stabilizes the hormonal background, a violation of which can be one of the causes of gynecological diseases and cycle failure.

If a nursing mother likes tea with oregano, she is not in danger of reducing the production of milk, and along with it the baby will benefit from a number of plant properties, so that the child will have a healthier and better sleep and there will be no problems with the tummy.

Also, regular drinking tea with oregano is positively manifested in the following:

· Improving metabolism and overall well-being;

· The removal of slag, toxins, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body;

· Strengthening immunity;

· Rapid healing of wounds;

· Relieving symptoms of diseases such as atherosclerosis and rheumatism;

· Improving heart function, including during intense physical exertion;

· Normalization of blood pressure and strengthening of blood vessels;

· Relieving seizures.

Can there be harm from tea with oregano

Like any plant, oregano is sensitive to the state of the environment and is able to literally absorb its adverse environmental factors, therefore it is allowed to use in any form only that oregano that has grown in a clean area.

Despite the fact that oregano is useful for nursing mothers, it should be avoided during pregnancy, because, theoretically, the plant can provoke a miscarriage.

Since ancient times, oregano has been called "female" grass, not only for the special useful properties mentioned above, but also because men are allowed to drink it a little bit - for them, the harm of tea with oregano is to weaken and inhibit intimate abilities. But, fortunately, this applies only to herbal drinks, decoctions, and not oregano seasoning, which is completely harmless to men.

Also, in order to avoid harm from tea with oregano, it is not worth drinking with:

Increased acidity of gastric juice and with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Chronic arterial hypertension;

Renal failure;

· Serious violations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, because, despite the fact that, in general, tea with oregano improves its functioning, it is also able to worsen the condition with existing diseases.

In the latter case, regarding the harm of oregano tea or the permissibility of its use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


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