Chicken fricassee - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook fricassee from chicken.


The modern world of cooking is so diverse and interesting that sometimes it seems that not only professionals, but also simple housewives work to improve it. But it is really so, because often in our kitchens over the next masterpiece, each of us tries to add a note to the recipe, which, in our opinion, is appropriate in this or that process. Approximately such actions of the French culinary specialists presented the world with a dish, which as a result was called the beautiful melodic name "Fricassee".

Translated from French, the word "fricassee" means "all kinds of things and comes from the French verb fricasser, that is, stew or fry. Here, this dish is more familiar as a stew of white meat, in an aromatic and delicious white sauce. As a rule, they cook white rabbit meat, chicken meat or veal tenderloin. As you understand, meat should be tender in its structure and, based on this, it takes a little time to cook, but the result of labor is a delicious dish that is loved not only by adults, but and children.

Usually, fricassee is served with a side dish of rice, which is served on a plate, and poured on top with the famous French sauce. But there are also such recipes of its preparation, when rice is cooked with meat at the final stage, creating together that true unique taste of the dish, which is difficult to refuse. Let's try today to make out some recipes for cooking fricassee from chicken. Take note of yourself !!!

Recipe 1: Chicken Fricassee

Fricassee cooked according to this recipe is considered a classic German dish, because most often this dish can be found in German families.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast - 1 kg;

- butter - 2 tbsp. l .;

- broth - 500 ml;

- cream - 3 tbsp. l .;

- flour - 4 tbsp. l .;

- canned asparagus - 1 jar;

- canned mushrooms - 1 jar;

- canned peas - 0.5 jars;

- egg yolk - 1 pc .;

- pickled capers;

- lemon juice,

- salt and sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

To make it, first send the stew chicken breasts. Then cool them down and cut them into sharp cubes with a sharp knife.

Send the butter to a deep frying pan, wait until it has melted, and add flour to it. Constantly stirring with a spoon, pass the flour in butter until it gives a golden hue. Then immediately pour the broth, mix it vigorously so that no lumps form. Whip the egg yolk with cream in a cup and add to the sauce. If you get a little thickish sauce, you can still pour a little broth. Salt, add a little sugar and stir. In the original sauce must acquire a creamy consistency.

Now, when you have already achieved the desired result, add to the sauce cubes of chicken meat, cut into cubes of asparagus, mushrooms and green canned peas. Gently mix, give warm up well, and remove from heat. Fricassee is ready.

Put boiled rice on a plate, and pour wonderful and tasty chicken fricassee on top. The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!!!

Recipe 2: Greek Chicken Fricassee

Mostly rivers use young lamb for its preparation. But, believe me, this fricassee doesn’t lose its savory and special taste with white chicken meat.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast - 1 kg;

- egg - 1 pc .;

- green onions - 1 bunch;

- dill - 1 bunch;

- chicken broth - 1 cup;

- Salad - 3 pcs .;

- lemon juice - from 2 lemons;

- white ground pepper and salt - to taste;

- olive oil.

Cooking method:

First, cut the chicken fillet in half, so that we have two beautiful chops. Pour a little olive oil into a skillet and fry our pieces of meat in it on all sides. Chop the onion and salad. Do not worry that you now have a lot of salad - in the process of cooking it will melt before your eyes. Now, in a handful, slowly spread the sliced ​​salad with onions to the meat. Spread the next handful of lettuce only on the field of how the first one dares, and so on until the end. Fill them with a glass of water, salt and pepper. Cook the dish for about 30-40 minutes on minimal heat. At the end add a chopped bunch of dill.

In a separate bowl, mix the egg with the juice of two lemons and, while constantly beating with a whisk, add hot broth. Now attention! Remove the saucepan with the meat of fire and only now add the cooked sauce! Let stand for 5-10 minutes and can serve Greek fricassee to the table.

Inhale the flavors of Greece and ... enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Chicken Fricassee in the oven

Very interesting recipe fricassee. I suggest you all try the taste of this type of fricassee.

Ingredients Required:

- Chicken fillet - 400 g;

- rice - 350 g;

- fresh champignons - 300-400 g;

- carrot and onion - 1 pc .;

- tomatoes - 3 pcs .;

- hard cheese - 400 g;

- flour - 3 tbsp. l .;

- mayonnaise - 250 g;

- Spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Put rice and chicken fillet in separate pans.

While they are boiling, peel and wash the onions and carrots. Finely chop them with a knife. Pour some olive oil into the pan and set the carrot and onion to saute. Clean the mushrooms and cut into small cubes. Send them to pass to the carrot and onion. Immediately dice our tomatoes. As you understand, in this case it is better to use a fleshy variety of tomatoes. Send them to the pan, mix and pass it all together.

We choose chicken fillets from their pans - do not pour the broth, it will be useful to us further. Figure overturn on a colander. Chicken fillet cut into cubes and together with rice will send to passaged vegetables. All gently mix, season with spices. Add flour only if you have a thinish mass.

Now we take a baking dish and turn on our fantasy. It is very original, if you roll the portion balls from the main mass and place them on a greased baking dish. But in this case, you will definitely need to add flour so that the balls do not fall apart in the process. Beautifully put the balls in shape next to each other. From the given amount of ingredients you should have 2 rows of balls. But, in principle, it all depends on the size of the form.

Option 2. Simply put the prepared mass in the form and smooth it. Choose which option you prefer. Or maybe you yourself will come up with something unique - fantasize. However, this does not affect the taste at all, but the originality of serving the dish ... There is something in it!

Now we rub cheese, we add to it a glass of chicken broth and mayonnaise. Season with white pepper and mix. This will be our sauce, with which we pour fricassee.

The oven we have already warmed up to 180 degrees, and we send our delicious dish for 30 minutes for baking. Top ready dish can be decorated with greens. It is not only tasty, but also original!

Chicken fricassee - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- For cooking fricassee, use only tender meat, that is, chicken fillet, turkey meat, rabbit meat, veal, etc.

- Additional ingredients to the dish can be canned or fresh. BUT! If you use canned ingredients, try not to mix them with fresh, and vice versa.


Watch the video: How to make - Chicken Fricassee. Tasty Chicken Recipe under 20 min (July 2024).