Do fortune tellers believe why they want to believe? How to distinguish a true fortuneteller from a scammer


Many of us are drawn to know the future, to open the veil of secrecy over the course of future events. Without thinking, is it worth believing fortune-tellers, we go to these people with questions about the most important and hidden.

Women, apparently, are more prone to curiosity in this area than men. Almost everyone either had a fortune-telling experience in life (on ordinary or Tarot cards, runes, a crystal ball, coffee grounds, etc.) or thought about a visit to a specialist.

No less attractive to us seems a trip to a magician or a psychic who promises to predict fate. But are such visits harmless to us, is the knowledge needed so needed? Few people think about it.

It’s not a secret to anyone that at all times there were foretellers whose prophecies came true in detail. These people were often feared and even hated, admired by their gift, when they wanted to hear about a good future, but did not always heed the warnings.

At the courts of the rulers of the whole world were magicians, fortunetellers, interpreters of dreams and fortune tellers. The lords and their nobles turned to them for advice on what to do in a given situation in order to achieve what they wanted. Among these predictors, however, there were many scammers, but it happened that there were real prophets whose words were steadily coming true.

Recall Nostradamus, to this day world famous for his prophecies - he served as a soothsayer at the court of the Medici family. Or the monk Abel, sent to prison for negligence to give the Russian Empress Catherine II disliked forecasts for the future.

Until now, the names of Vanga, Wolf Messing and other psychics who clearly had the talent to see through time have been heard. These were famous personalities who repeatedly confirmed their outstanding abilities.

Fortune telling is not safe

But is it worth believing the fortunetellers and sorcerers who today advertise in hundreds of newspapers and magazines, participate in television programs or create their own websites on the Internet? Thus, the "hereditary sorceresses" who know how to induce or remove damage, rid of the crown of celibacy and the birth curse, return her husband from his mistress and do other miracles?

Only a few of us will be able to figure out whether this is really a specialist or simply a scam whose goal is to pump out as much money from a client as possible. Probably, to consider the presence of clairvoyance in the predictor can only one who himself has psychic abilities.

And even when you get to an adept dedicated to the sacraments of magic, there are no guarantees to protect yourself from the consequences of using dangerous spells or conspiracies. Perhaps, finding out our fate, we ourselves deprive ourselves of the opportunity to choose it. Having believed the assertions of an outsider, we drive ourselves into the framework of the future predicted by him, and we lose our true purpose.

Predictions are true

With rare exceptions, people turn to fortune-tellers if something goes wrong in their life and problems haunt. Or a difficult choice remains to be made, for which one does not want to take responsibility. Fortunetellers, or fraudsters who appear to be such, are usually subtle psychologists who feel good about the emotional mood of their clients. And for a few dropped phrases they are able to compose a complete picture of current life situations.

But, it cannot be denied that in some cases the words of the sorceress amaze with their truthfulness. Sometimes such accurate information about the client’s past is issued that it is difficult to attribute it to a simple guess. Yes, and future events predicted by fortune telling can come true, moreover, at precisely the specified time.

By asking friends about visiting fortune-tellers, healers or witches, you can find out that communicating with them often gives the desired effect. Grandmothers sometimes help where even medicine gives up: they treat enuresis in children, “pour out” fear, heal patients with conspiracies from various diseases, allegedly inspired by spoilage, etc.

Do not be gullible!

But, even having got to the true witch, one cannot trust her good attitude and sincere help. After all, with the filing of a strong psychic, something that could not have been damaged without his intervention could go wrong. For example, a fortuneteller predicts a girl a close separation from her beloved. She believes, begins to be jealous and constantly bring the guy into this rage. They really break up, but would it happen if the maid didn’t visit the witch? Probably, but not necessarily.

When planning to visit a clairvoyant, a possessor or any fortuneteller, remember that the church categorically does not accept such occupations. Not only practitioners themselves are considered sinful, but also customers who use their services. Everyone's future is in God's hands, and attempts to find out the craft of higher powers are unacceptable. Surely the help of the forces of evil cannot benefit anyone. No wonder it is said that fate can be lost.

Even if the soothsayer uses prayers in his work, this will not make his work charitable. Moreover, if he accepts money from people for help (and this usually happens). So evaluate it sensibly, do you really need to know the future. A trip to a fortuneteller is fraught with the receipt of information that is not always necessary, a waste of time and money, and this is at a visible level. And what can be lost at the spiritual levels - we can only speculate.


Watch the video: The fortune teller. Mariano Mendez. TEDxUniversityofGroningen (June 2024).