What to know about the benefits of honey with nuts. To whom it is especially necessary for them to regale


Not much can be compared with the splendor of taste with honey and nuts. And for a unique set of useful properties - nothing compares. Moreover, this sweetness is recommended to be included in the diet not only of patients, but also of completely healthy people.

The benefits of honey and nuts in general terms and indications for treating them

Honey and nuts - one of the oldest desserts, known as far back as Ancient Mesopotamia, scientists and nutritionists unanimously recognize its comprehensive positive effect on the human body - from the immune system to blood formation processes, from the brain to the reproductive system.

In this dish, the characteristic features of honey and nuts not only combine, but also mutually reinforce each other.

Naturally, the properties of goodies can vary depending on the variety of its ingredients, but still - you can highlight the characteristic features.

Honey belongs to the rare products that are 100% digestible.

And nuts are a source of easily digestible protein, the nutritional value of which is comparable to amino acids from meat, so nuts are involved in the synthesis of "building" body materials, including muscle fibers.

It is also worth noting that honey has excellent antifungal and antitoxic properties, it is able to neutralize many known pathogenic microorganisms (including typhoid and dysentery pathogens), and protect people from radiation.

Most nuts contain healthy fats that are not able to provoke the appearance of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels. Also, many nuts are sources of essential (not synthesized by the body) fatty acids, including the glorified Omega-3, which is significant for:

• delaying aging;

• prevention of cancer;

• regeneration of damaged tissues.

Honey with nuts is used as an independent delicacy, added to fruit salads, layers of cakes, sandwiches, served with cereals, dessert omelettes and pancakes.

To improve the taste (and digestibility!), Many nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts) are recommended to be dried in a pan before mixing with honey.

And also, it is very useful to eat with them not only a simple gift of bees, but also a honey souffle.

The best drinks for this sweet are coffee, green tea and warm milk (the latter will also contribute to a good, good sleep).

The energy value of honey with nuts can exceed 600 kcal per 100 g, but still - in order to get the most benefit from the goodies, nutritionists recommend eating 1-3 tablespoons a day, 3-5 times a week, and so on for 1-3 months.

It is better to adjust the diet in another area but not to refuse nuts in honey, which supply the body with the most significant substances for its healthy functioning.

This treat instantly improves mood and activates mental abilities, tones and improves performance.

He is advised to those who need to recover as soon as possible after an illness, surgery or childbirth, those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

Honey with nuts heals connective tissues, blocks the development of joint diseases.

In cold seasons, periods of viral epidemics, honey with nuts serves as a means of preventing colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, and if you still get sick, it is useful in that:

• reduces pain and swelling in the throat;

• facilitates breathing and prevents the development of pneumonia;

• reduces pain and muscle aches;

• prevents a strong and frequent increase in body temperature;

• promotes perspiration;

• blocks the harmful effects of antibiotics on the body;

• generally speeds up recovery.

How else is the benefits of honey with nuts

Honey is one of the most useful sweets from the dentist's point of view - it strengthens the gums, heals damaged mucous membranes and disinfects the oral cavity, destroying even the causative agents of caries. True, because of the nuts, after eating the goodies, it is still advisable to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after half an hour or an hour.

Also, the regular appearance on the table of honey with nuts, contributes to:

• stimulation of a healthy appetite;

• Improving digestion (including bowel cleansing due to plant fiber of nuts);

• the disappearance of chronic headaches;

• improving liver function;

• easier adaptation when changing climatic conditions or biorhythms;

• normalization of kidney function;

• maintaining eye health, even with significant stress.

Shades of honey with nuts depending on the ingredients

As has already been said, honey with nuts can be different and its properties also differ in some ways, and although this topic is amazingly extensive, you can outline this variety, for example, depending on the varieties of honey:

• lime - improves coordination of movements, reduces the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy;

• mountainous - reduces halitosis, helps with motion sickness in transport;

• acacia - hypoallergenic, yet, in comparison with other varieties, in it the level of fructose content prevails over glucose;

• May - contains a record number of volatile, increases physical endurance;

• field - speeds up the metabolism (especially protein), improves the digestibility of phosphorus from food;

• chestnut - has an anti-inflammatory property, normalizes blood pressure;

• clover - is known for analgesic and antispasmodic properties;

• taiga - treats chronic bronchitis, eliminates constant drowsiness;

• buckwheat - prevents many diseases characteristic of the elderly, promotes the growth of hemoglobin in the blood.

And depending on the types of nuts:

• walnuts - stimulate mental abilities (memory, analysis of new information, concentration of attention), improve heart function;

• cedar - increase the body's natural defense against adverse environmental factors;

• forest (hazelnuts) - improve the condition of the urinary system, increase the strength and elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries;

• cashew - normalize hormonal levels, support spleen health;

• peanuts - they supply manganese to the body, contribute to the set of muscle mass;

• macadamia - improve the condition of the skin (rejuvenate it, even out and refresh the tone), in men - increase sex drive;

• pistachios - they prevent the development of thyroid diseases, improve the digestibility of iron;

• Pecan - they supply “good” cholesterol to the body and are able to act quickly as an energy drink.

The taste and benefits of nuts can be more diverse if you take a little different ones, but it is not recommended to mix different honey in one delicacy - if you want variety, it is better to cook a new portion later.

Can there be harm from honey with nuts

Nuts and honey are traditionally referred to as highly allergenic products, so there is a lot of them and too often it is not recommended - even if there was no allergy, a reaction resembling it may well develop.

But this is not the only consequence of abuse of delicacy, it can also cause:

• deterioration of an overloaded pancreas;

• a vivid manifestation of chronic skin diseases;

• slow digestion;

• gaining excess weight.

In diabetes mellitus, honey with nuts, if they have a low glycemic index, is not strictly contraindicated, but the extent to which it is allowed should be decided by the attending physician.

With great care and again - it is better after consultation with a specialist, honey with nuts is used for:

• asthma;

• gallstone disease;

• acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With dental diseases, the presence of fillings, crowns, braces and the like, nuts in honey should be crushed and eat dessert slowly and accurately.

Without harm, honey and nuts can be eaten by pregnant women and children over 2 years old, but only a little and infrequently.

It is also worth noting that honey in this delicacy will be useful only if it is natural, so you should not save on the quality of the product.

And when it comes to choosing how to use it, it’s better to eat whatever you like (discussed above), but don’t bake rich pastries, cottage cheese casseroles and the like with nuts and honey - when heated above 60 ° C, honey loses its beneficial properties, becomes a carcinogenic product and then, of course, there will be harm from honey with nuts.


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