What to do if the baby is worried about colic Rating of the most effective drugs against colic


Colic very often occurs in infants in the first months of life and causes a lot of discomfort. Increased gas formation causes pain, which haunt both the baby and parents.

For this, special drugs have been developed whose action is aimed at suppressing such a symptom. It does not matter to remember that only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug after examining the baby.


This is a carminative, which is presented in the form of drops. It is this drug that is optimal in the ratio of quality and price. Doctors prescribe this remedy for babies with excessive gas formation and in preparation for an examination of the abdominal cavity. After receiving the emulsion, flatulence is significantly reduced. But it is forbidden to give medication to children up to a month.

According to the instructions, it is also forbidden to give the drug with excessive sensitivity to its components in the composition. There is a likelihood of allergic reactions. If colic occurs in babies, then give funds after feeding. First, the bottle must be shaken. The usual dose is 8 drops four times a day. It is allowed to mix the product with boiled water or baby food.

Sub Simplex

This is the most popular and best cure for colic. It has a very pleasant vanilla-raspberry flavor. Doctors prescribe this remedy for excessive flatulence and in the case of preparing for an examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. There are no carbohydrates in the composition, so the drug is great for children with diabetes.

The tool should be taken while eating or at the end of feeding the baby. How to take the drug and in what dosage only the attending physician will say. Usually 15 drops are added to a hard food. The minuses include a short-term effect.


Many pediatricians believe that Espumisan is the best cure for colic. The effect of the drug is aimed at the collapse of the formed gas bubbles in the lumen of the intestine. The product is eliminated from the body along with feces in its unchanged form. Sugar and lactose are not observed in the composition; therefore, it can be taken by children with diabetes mellitus and with lactose deficiency.

The medicine is dispensed in the form of drops. The kit has a measuring cup, thanks to which you can quickly measure the dosage. The recommended dose is 25 drops for each baby when feeding. The drug is safe for health, but before treatment, get the permission of a pediatrician.


This is a very effective tool that is prescribed to reduce colic. The components of the drug lower the surface tension of gas bubbles in the intestine. The preparation is in the form of a suspension intended for oral administration. It has a pleasant orange flavor. It is characterized by anti-foam action. When ingested, mixed with mucus.

The drug helps to quickly deal with gas. It has a systemic effect. It is eliminated from the body unchanged. Pediatricians prescribe a drug to eliminate colic, pain, discomfort. It is forbidden to use the drug with excessive susceptibility to the components in the composition, peptic ulcer, island-inflammatory bowel disease. Allergic reactions in the form of rashes, redness, and fever may occur.


This is an effective carminative, the action of which is aimed at the intimidation of increased gas formation, pain. Breasts are shown Carly with a yellowish tinge. The drug helps to very quickly eliminate pain, remove gas from the intestines, eliminate their bloating.

Pediatricians appointed:

• excessive gas formation in the intestines;

• swallowing air;

• stool disorders, nausea, vomiting.

This tool is very often prescribed after operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to carry out therapy with a strong sensitivity to the components in the composition of the product. After treatment, an allergic reaction may occur, which fails in the form of rashes and redness.


Doctors often advise Bebicalm's parents, as the drug helps to quickly eliminate the excessive formation of gas and pain. The medication is characterized by a very mild disinfecting effect. Helps in a short time to eliminate mild pain. Significantly improves the functionality of the food glands. Anise composition can cause allergic reactions.

Assign a remedy for intestinal colic, flatulence, increased gas formation. Also convert is indicated for pancreatic enzyme deficiency.


It is related to herbal medicine. The medication is absolutely harmless to infants. The medicine is indicated to improve the digestive system, as well as to eliminate gaziki children under four years old. The drug is released in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution. They are taken orally.

The drug helps to very quickly deal with pain. It is forbidden to use with lactase deficiency, a syndrome of impaired glucose absorption, a strong hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of the product. After a series of experiments and studies, it was found that the drug is more effective in treating children who are breast-fed. Newborns are usually prescribed 2.5 sachets, as this is the optimal dosage. Use the product should be between meals or at the end of feeding. To prepare the therapeutic composition, a sachet of the drug will need to be filled in with 100 ml of liquid. Stir until the granules completely dissolve. Unlike other drugs, the cost of this medicine is quite high.


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