Maine Coon cat breed: the main differences, pros and cons. How many Maine Coons live, is it difficult to maintain them at home?


In our country, these amazing animals have gained very wide popularity. It is believed that they were made famous by the explorer C. Kuhn, who preferred to embark on a long journey in a society consisting of a company of mouse catchers.

Cats, arriving on foreign shores, went to land and met with local beauties. As a result, cubs appeared, absorbing the best features of various breeds. They were distinguished by their large size and thick coat. Animals sharply stood out for their characteristics and were not like other members of the family. Gradually, they received a special name that brings them together.

Maine Coon Exterior

Connoisseurs of the breed confidently claim that it was formed as a result of mixing the blood of a cat and a raccoon. Some of them suggest that there are also traits inherent in lynx.

One way or another, but the animals are of rare beauty. In order to describe in detail the representatives of the Maine Coon clan, it is necessary to pay attention to their characteristic features.

These include the following differences:

• the size of the animals reaches about one hundred and thirty centimeters, growth in height - up to half a meter, and up to four years they rapidly add;
• a well-developed adult Maine Coon cat weighs about ten kilograms, and females weigh about six kilograms;
• the color of animals is the most diverse, the most common is white, spotted, red, gray, black;
• their coat is very thick, long and silky to the touch;

  • slim build. The strong and flexible body is elongated, the legs are large;
  • the bases of the hind limbs are slightly enlarged, so that the cat can stand on its hind legs, not leaning on anything;
  • the tail is long, fluffy and luxurious;

• The appearance of Maine Coons is very attractive. Cats stand out: a large, elongated head, long, movable ears, large, set eyes, on the ears - a thick edge, crowned with tassels on top.

The average life span of animals is up to twenty years.

It is also important to dwell on how the Maine Coon cat differs from the male. First of all, of course, in size. The cat is much larger and has more developed muscles.

But the representatives of the fair sex in the American breed are characterized by unusual tenderness, tenderness, devotion to the owners and other animals living in the house. They are capable of true, sometimes selfless love. They simply idolize a person, but they also maintain invariably friendly relations with their living companions.


Sometimes these animals are compared with dogs, so they are faithful and friendly. Their disposition is full of self-confidence, friendly, playful, restless, inquisitive. This species is distinguished by strength, and often rebellion.

In any photo, the Maine Coon cat looks cheerful and friendly.

It is necessary to tell in detail about the traits of his character.

1. He willingly enters into communication, often casts a voice, does not like to be alone and prefers to sleep on his owner’s lap or close to his brother.

2. The animal’s intellectual data is very developed, the Maine Coon cat assesses the situation, correlates events, quickly makes decisions, is not afraid of anything, easily interacts with the owners and other inhabitants of the apartment. He is good-natured and quickly accustomed to everything.

3. Any event, even a minor one, immediately attracts his attention. He is not lazy to get up and go see what happens.

4. Animals quickly get used to any changes and are not afraid of the new. They do not risk in vain, therefore constant supervision of them is not required.

5. Maine-coon is rarely the instigator of a fight even when several males are kept in the house. During games, he is able to get carried away, but quickly takes control of himself.

6. It is worth knowing that, despite the developed intellect, cats are in no hurry to obey the owners. They fulfill almost all their wishes, but only when they themselves conclude that action is necessary. Shouts on them have no effect.

7. Kittens and adults Maine Coon do not have pronounced characterological differences. Until they are old, they are not tired of playing, looking out the window or catching flies.

8. Animals are affectionate, friendly and complaisant, but they are very reluctant to walk into their arms. They rub on their sides, jump onto their knees or lie on their feet. The cat purrs with pleasure and even licks his hands. As soon as the owner is laid down to lie down, the pet is nearby. In the closed door he will cross and meow loudly, making characteristic sounds with pronounced intonation and resembling trills.

9. Already when viewing the photo, it becomes clear that Maine Coon cats are very mobile and agile. They love to be in motion, so they easily jump onto tall cabinets, climb onto the backs of chairs and can even sit in a chest of drawers. But they will not stay there for long, because they cannot stand loneliness.


Keeping Maine Coon cats in the house is easy.

Despite the length and density of the wool, it does not fall off, and the animals themselves are notable for their rare cleanliness. They not only know how to keep order, but also try to lick their comrades.

It is enough to comb the animal only once a week to make it look especially luxurious. Wash them often is not required for the same reason that has already been mentioned: they are extremely clean. It is necessary to monitor the ears, eyes and jaws of the animal, then it will have a well-groomed appearance. Do not forget about the beauty of his tail.

Do not trust the somewhat predatory look that every Maine Coon in the photo taken has. In former times, representatives of the breed often obtained their food by hunting. Therefore, they retained their fighting appearance and at the same time acquired the features of a cozy domestic cat. It is hard to believe that the contrast between their wild appearance and extraordinary friendliness is so great. If a representative of the Maine Coon breed lives in the house, then they forget about boredom once and for all.


Watch the video: Weight Range for Adult Maine Coons. Maine Coon Cat Care (July 2024).