How to beg a husband for a fur coat? 5 most productive strategies to get what you want from a man


"I spin like a squirrel in a wheel! But at least a squirrel has a fur coat!" - This is one of the typical claims to her husband ...

Not all, but many women dream of a fur coat, believing that it will give them status, significance in the eyes of friends and strangers. And her friends will think: "How does her husband love her if he presented such an expensive gift." Everything will indicate that her husband is generous and good, which means that she herself is also a beautiful wife. And everyone around will know about it thanks to a fur coat or any other expensive and such a welcome purchase.

Sable, mink, mouton, arctic fox, various styles and lengths - the choice of fur coat styles is currently so great that it’s difficult to decide even the most fashionable girl. Dozens of shops and boutiques, a lot of hours spent trying on fitting - and here it is found, that one and only coat that you so dreamed about, and it suits you like that!

It remains the matter, as they say, for the small - to persuade her husband to buy it for you. I would like to immediately emphasize the title of the article - “How to ask a husband for a fur coat?”, So that anyone who can afford to buy a fur coat without her husband participating in it, please refrain from negative thoughts and comments. But at the same time, we recommend that you also read the article - it can be useful not only when buying a fur coat, but also in any other life situations. So, we will consider several options for "persuading" her husband to buy you a fur coat.

Cried out

Sometimes on cars, car owners stick various cool stickers. Stickers like “Cried”, “Cried” are especially touched. Driving cars with such stickers are girls.

Maybe the sticker is cool, but it suggests that if you could “cry” to the car, then you can certainly “cry” enough tears to the fur coat. And then the wife begins to shed tears in front of her husband, lamenting about how she can not live without that very one and only fur coat ...

Some husbands give up - it is easier for them to fulfill the spouse's whim than to see her tears.

But not all men are like that, someone can push away tears. Then another method of persuading her husband to buy a fur coat may come to the rescue.


How stupid and it does not sound, but maybe you just need to ask your husband to buy you a fur coat? After all, everyone knows that men are creatures from Mars, and they simply do not understand us - women, creatures from Venus. Precisely because men from another planet, they cannot understand that transparent hint in the form of a walk for 3-4 hours past the fur salon ... Precisely because we are so different, men do not understand why our mood is at zero when we so wonderful walk around the city, sat in a cafe, chatted with friends ...

And if you just say to your husband: “Honey, I’ve been dreaming of a fur coat for so long. Not some ephemeral fur coat, but about the one I tried on a week ago in that fur salon, which we walked by today. ”

And your husband will mentally slap his hand on the forehead, because he has been tormented by thoughts for a month now - what to give you for your upcoming birthday. And believe me, the bulk of men are just that - they do not understand hints, they need to voice their desires directly and aloud, without any hints.


You can go on a conditionally called adventure - ask your husband for a bank card to buy something you need, and buy a fur coat yourself.

To answer all my husband’s questions: “I don’t know how it happened”, “Some kind of turbidity came over me” or “She herself (a fur coat) somehow bought it.”

At the same time, one must sincerely be surprised and be sure to bring the matter to a fitting before the spouse, so that he understands how this coat suits you, you are so elegant and elegant in it.

And when he says the long-awaited “Leave, do not take it back to the store”, be sure to thank him.


You can also provoke a spouse to buy you a fur coat. A couple of times to say inadvertently that you need a fur coat. Then, under any pretext, come to the store, which is located next to the fur salon, to buy something necessary for him, for children or for the whole family. Be sure to stay in this store for long, because men don’t like to go shopping so much. They just might end their patience, and then all your actions will be in vain.

After leaving the store, you need to look around and as if inadvertently see a fur salon. To tell her husband: “since we’re nearby, but I still need a fur coat, why don’t we go into the salon and just see the prices?”

If you don’t have any urgent business (and you don’t have any business, because you planned everything in advance), then your husband will have to agree to stop by for only five minutes in the salon. In the cabin, you must first try on a pair, but no more, of fur coats, which are fabulously expensive and also do not suit you at all. After that, you can try on the coat that you looked closely.

The husband should see how beautiful you are in this fur coat. And you should also please him by voicing the price, which is an order of magnitude lower than those prices for fur coats that you tried on before. And after all this, her husband will have no choice but to get his wallet and joyfully pay for the purchase.


Why diplomacy? What is diplomacy? Let's look into the dictionaries and see: diplomacy is the art of subtle relationships with people.

We’ll try to do just that - diplomatically persuade my husband to buy a fur coat. It is necessary to make it so that the husband thinks that it is completely his idea - to give you a fur coat. But you need to do this unobtrusively: tell about friends who husbands have already bought fur coats; ask a couple of questions about what he thinks - which fur coat style will suit you, and which fur will look most advantageous to you?

Be sure to ask about the practicality of the fur coat - the husband must understand that this is not just your whim, but a forced and very necessary purchase, as necessary as, for example, paying utility bills, tutors for children or buying underwear. Of course, you can do without all of the above, but then your life will not be calm and as comfortable as it is now, when you pay and buy everything on time.

Remember the golden rule - water sharpens a stone. Never rush your spouse. He himself must come to the thought of the need to buy you a fur coat. You only occasionally mention a fur coat, not letting your husband forget about your desire.

Bear with a little, and your husband himself will say the long-awaited phrase: "darling, but would you buy a fur coat?" And you, having modestly lowered your eyes, say: “yes, you could buy it” ... And in the very near free time, take your husband by the arm and lead to the fur salon, where your ideal fur coat is waiting for you.

Here are just some of the tips on how to persuade your husband to give you a fur coat. You have the right to use them, or, having slightly changed, to come up with your own way to persuade your spouse to buy you a fur coat. Each wife knows her husband so much that she can pull the right strings at the right time and push him to buy.

But remember, men also have problems - in business or at work, with finances or with the health of someone close to them. And therefore, there is not always money for an expensive purchase right now. Yes, now there is no money, but they may appear later, and the spouse will certainly fulfill your desire - because he loves you so much and, if he had the opportunity, he would be ready to please you every day, every hour ...

Remember this, respect your husband and make his choice and his decisions. And, most importantly, love your husband, no matter how and when he gives you presents.


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