Mustard in phytohealers recipes. How to apply mustard from various ailments: inside and out


To give the dishes a spicy taste and smell, many use mustard. However, not many people know about the healing properties of this plant.

First, mustard plasters come to mind as a way to combat cough. But mustard is capable of more - this is an excellent antiseptic.

Mustard oil contains vitamins of groups B, E, K - it can be used as a cardioprotector, immunostimulant, anti-atherosclerotic agent. The work of the gall bladder and liver is improved by sulfur, iron, magnesium, potassium. Due to all its beneficial properties, mustard is popular with phytohealers.

Due to the regular intake of mustard, the aging process in the body slows down, while the metabolism improves.

Mustard can be used to combat many diseases: improves appetite, fights constipation, eliminates skin rashes, and lowers glycemia.


• Fresh mustard grains in the amount of up to thirty pieces, washed down with water (once a day). Course: twenty days - helps fight with a breakdown.

• Mustard in powder form, in the amount of thirty grams, is mixed with distilled liquid until a thin slurry is obtained. The mixture can withstand five minutes, and then, moving to a clean cloth, is applied to the base of the skull, to the neck behind the head, for five minutes - stopping head pain.

• In the presence of chronic rhinitis (sinusitis), rub the skin near the eyes, nose, temples with massage movements with mustard oil every morning. Gradually, the disease will recede.

• Relieve symptoms pneumonia the following recipe: moderately fry mustard seeds, then grind them to a powder state, form small-sized tablets (with beans), using honey. Every day, take ten of these pills, washed down with ginger decoction.

• If the results of ultrasound were diagnosed stones in the kidneys, use the old recipe: dissolve one hundred grams of mustard powder in a liter of quality wine. Drink fifty remedies every eight hours.

• In the presence of gouty arthritis, as well as rheumatoid damage to the joints, will facilitate the phytorecept state: one hundred grams of mustard, one hundred grams of salt and purified kerosene are combined until a pulp is rubbed into the affected joint.

Invigorate a bath with mustard infusion will help: pour powder in a volume of ten grams of a liter of freshly boiled water and, after insisting and filtering, pour into a prepared bath.


Watch the video: Health and Beauty Benefits of Mustard Oil for Babies, Kids & Adults - The Controversial Oil (June 2024).