7 people imitating their own death


The scriptwriters of the television series are terribly fond of first burying their heroes, and then resurrecting them to the great joy of the audience. However, dramatization of deaths is found in real life, and some of them look much more unbelievable that the twists and turns of the telenovelas.

"Unfortunate suicide"

The life of an American writer Ken Kesey, an idol of a hippie generation, was no less fascinating than his works: he could be blamed for anything, but not for following generally accepted rules. And therefore, when he was detained in 1965 for possession of marijuana, the writer, released on bail, did not wait for the trial, but drove to the high and steep shore of the Pacific Ocean, drove the car to the very edge and left a suicide note in it. It only remained to wave to Mexico, which Kesey did, choosing the most extravagant transfer option: in the trunk of a friends car. Perhaps Kesey would have been able to fool the authorities if he had stayed in Mexico for a longer time, but the restless “suicide” returned to the States after only 8 months - and then fell into the tenacious hands of the police. Witty “performance”, as the writer’s trick would be called today, and the court rated his love for marijuana at 5 months in prison. Ken Kesey served time, left, and after 35 years died - already for real.


What do policemen first think about when the husband comes to them and begins, confused in the testimony, to tell that his wife has disappeared somewhere? Of course, that a spouse may be involved in the disappearance of a woman. And if the husband, like the Canadian Martin Johnson, appeared in the department in May 1965, and he has not seen his wife since September 1961, then suspicions instantly grow into confidence. Since Martin naturally denied the murder of his wife (and who does he admit to this?), The police began to search for the main evidence - the body. But to no avail: the body Lucy Johnson never found. Martin was released for lack of evidence, the case was handed over to the archive.

Years passed. The unlucky husband died, and the children with only photos left of their mother grew up and became adults. Everyone was sure that Lucy was long dead, except for her daughter Linda. In 2013, she turned to television, showing an old picture of her mother. Soon, an unknown woman from Yukon called her and said that her mother had exactly the same picture. So after 51 years, the missing person was found. As it turned out, in the 1960s, Lucy did not get along much with her husband, she wanted to divorce, but Martin said that he would not give up the children. Then the woman took and left without them, apparently deciding that there was only one life, and that other children could be born. And for sure: in the new marriage, Lucy gave birth to four more, and if Linda hadn’t found her, the “dead woman” would not have remembered the offspring of the previous relationship.

Shark ate minister

In November 1974, the world media vied with each other about the next shark attack on humans, with the news in the front pages. Still: sharks ate in Miami not an ordinary tourist, but rather a prominent English politician, who at one time served as Minister of Technology. True, the corpse of a 45-year-old John Stonehouse could not be found: only his things were found on the beach.

A few weeks later, employees of a New Zealand bank, where Stonehouse transferred a large sum shortly before his death, discovered that someone was trying to withdraw money from the account, and the police were informed about this. The ambush police expected to come across professional swindlers, but, to their great amazement, the dead man came for the money ... that is, Stonehouse itself. At the trial, Stonehouse explained his action by the desire to escape from debt and fatigue from life. The British Themis decided that 7 years in a cell will return to the former minister the ability to enjoy life, but he only sat for five. Stonehouse died in 1988, and another 20 years later it became known that in the 1960s this gentleman collaborated with Czechoslovak intelligence.

Killed in the fire of civil

In 1987, the wife of a Singaporean businessman Gandarubana Subramanium friends and acquaintances sincerely sympathized. Her husband, for once, got out to his native island of Sri Lanka to see relatives - and went to the hell of a civil war. A stray bullet cut short the life of the father of three children, and even $ 246 thousand received under the insurance policy could not serve as a comfort to the family: it hurts. It hurts too much.

True, after some time, the same friends noticed that the widow, who often went to the grave of Gandaruban, perked up noticeably, and in 1994 she got married again. Her new chosen one was a citizen of Sri Lanka, well, very similar to the deceased first husband. The similarity was not accidental: under a new name, Gandaruban Subramanium himself entered into marriage with his own widow. An imaginary death trick was played with the active help of a brother and wife in order to avoid persecution of creditors. However, in 2007, Gandaruban, who had managed to become a father for the fourth time, and later divorce his wife, was detained at the airport. “Civilian victim” was given 3 years for deceiving an insurance company.

Victim of the attack

Among those who, with bated breath on September 11, 2001, clung to the television screen, looking at the burning towers of the WTC, there was also a native of Hong Kong named Stephen Chin Lune. But it was not the scale of the destruction and suffering of the victims that excited the Chinese: he suddenly realized that his problems with Themis, dissatisfied with Stephen’s attempts to deceive an American passport, could be solved in a completely innovative way. The next day he called his own lawyer, introduced himself as Stephen Chin Lung's brother and, slightly changing his voice, told a heartbreaking story. His little brother, a poor, unlucky little brother who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, came to the office early that morning on that fateful day, and the office was in one of the twin towers. The poor fellow did not even have time to call to say goodbye - he died instantly. So Lun will not come to the district court in Manhattan, for he appeared before another, supreme judge. Amen.

Since 2/3 of the Cantor Fitzgerald personnel died during the attack, at first glance there was nothing mysterious about Lun's death. But the authorities were extremely incredulous. An investigation began, during which in February 2002 the alleged dead man was detained and taken to where he did not want to go - to court. If Lyun had not staged anything, then he would have been threatened in the worst case with a suspended sentence for document fraud. And so the judge became furious for the abuse of the memory of the victims and special cynicism and sent the Hong Kong prisoner for four years.

Girl singing in a church choir

The story of a resident of Florida Alison Matera It is similar to a remake of two texts at once: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “Fight Club”. At first, 27-year-old Alison, exhausted from boredom, like the heroine of the Fight Club, told everyone that she had cancer. The “terrible disease” allowed the girl to otmazatsya from rehearsals of the church choir, in which she and her friends were, and regularly receive huge portions of sympathy and warmth. Almost the year 2006, Alison shared details about the course of treatment: courageous, persistent, not giving up in the face of a mortal threat. And then the priest at the church, in the choir of which she sang “before the illness,” the nurse from the hospice called and said that Alison was dead.

All her friends and acquaintances gathered for the funeral service of Alison, and in the crowded crowd they did not immediately pay attention to the late-dressed woman in a black dress. Her face was hidden by a veil, but the shape of the figure seemed strangely familiar. Like Tom Sawyer, Alison could not resist the temptation to attend her own funeral. Then they exposed her.

The death of a journalist

In the evening of May 29, 2018 and the whole next day, the Runet looked like a scattered anthill: it affected everyone the death of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko who moved to Kiev. According to Ukrainian media, he went out in the evening for bread, but he was not destined to return home: the killer lay in wait for him at the entrance. Journalists, bloggers, and simply curious citizens commented on the circumstances of the murder, put forward all kinds of versions and fiercely argued about who was behind the next death of the journalist.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case, the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs made an official statement right at a meeting of the UN Security Council. The world community was excited, but it did not happen to worry for a long time. Exactly one day later it turned out that Babchenko was alive, and the loud statements and terrible photos that depicted the "corpse of a journalist" are nothing more than a staging of the Ukrainian special services.


Watch the video: People Who Died Recreating These Movie Scenes (July 2024).