Does drinking water prevent urinary tract infections?


Miami women who consume 1.5 liters of water daily are less likely to suffer from urinary tract infections. This is shown in a randomized clinical trial of 140 premenopausal women. The results were published in a medical journal published in JAMA.

How common are urinary tract infections?

The number of new cases in 1 year is about 5% in women of a younger age. In old age it rises to 20%.

Elderly people are the group with the highest incidence.

The reasons for this are narrowing of the urinary tract due to uterine disorders.

Nosocomial transmission is one of the most common causes of infection. A study in Germany in the 1990s found that the proportion of urinary tract infections inside the hospital was over 40%.

Does regular drinking water prevent urinary tract infections?

All participating women experienced at least 3 episodes of cystitis last year and usually drank quite a bit of water (<1.5 liters). During the 12-month study period, 70 women drank 1.5 liters of water per day. The control group consumed no more than 1.5 liters of water.

There were a total of 327 bladder infections: 111 in the water group and 216 in the control group. Thus, women who drink water reported about 50% less urinary tract infections. Patients who did not drink the liquid most often suffered from infectious diseases.

Another observation confirming the effect of drinking water was that fewer antibiotics were prescribed. The average time interval between episodes of cystitis was 142.8 versus 84.4 days, with an average difference of 58.4 days.

According to scientists, an increase in urine volume, more frequent visits to the toilet and a decrease in urine osmolality reduces the bacterial load on the bladder.

For decades, drinking has been shown to help prevent or treat urinary tract infections. However, recent studies have not been convincing enough.

Many scientists note that the study was not blind, which weakens the significance of the results. The study was also funded by Danone, from which water came. According to Grady, drinking tap water should have the same effect as bottled water.

Other prevention methods

One of the simplest measures for the prevention of cystitis is regular washing of the genitals. Patients who regularly go to the bathroom reduce the risk of bacteria entering the urinary tract. If your child doesn’t like to wash constantly, it is recommended to purchase soft and damp toilet paper.

Although a relaxing bath with fragrances is pleasant, it is recommended to avoid perfumed products. According to studies, this helps prevent a bladder infection by 30-35%.

It is also recommended to avoid using flavored soap in the genital area. Young women should use clean water or delicate, non-flavored products.

If you want to prevent re-infection of the urinary tract, you should also pay attention to underwear. Replaceable nylon and synthetic underwear that supports bacterial growth should be replaced with cotton. It is recommended to avoid tight pants and jeans for the same reason.

Many people use alternative medicine methods to prevent urinary tract infections. Probiotics and cranberry juice have little effect, as clinical studies show.

Prevention of cystitis is not always successful. If a woman or a family member has symptoms of the disease, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water and consult a doctor.

Usually an uncomplicated urinary tract infection heals without consequences in a few days. Although typical symptoms - burning, increased urination, or pain in the lower abdomen - persist for 2-3 days.

Every 5 urinary tract infections return despite therapy. A possible cause is improper prevention of the disorder.


Watch the video: Urinary Tract Infection. How To Prevent UTI 2018 (July 2024).