Abstinence allows you to conceive a baby faster? Truth and myths about the relationship of sexual activity with the onset of pregnancy


Conception is an unpredictable process. Despite the success of reproductologists and doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the genital area, female and male, to achieve control over the timing of conception and the possibility itself is still not possible. However, there are lots of recommendations on how to achieve results faster. They come from both doctors and acquaintances, they oozing Internet resources, periodicals of varying degrees of "freshness."

Abstinence as a principle is put forward almost everywhere. If you believe the conventional wisdom, this is almost the key to a successful pregnancy. But is it really so?

Is it necessary to refrain a woman?

Female hormonal background depends on the frequency and quality of sexual activity. Whatever opponents of sexuality say, this is an established fact. There are many studies on the topic. Irregularity of sexual contacts provokes sharp jumps in estrogen and progesterone. This is especially noticeable during the period of peak sexual activity, which in the weaker sex falls on years in a little over 30. Options are possible, since the maturation rate is different for everyone.

Abstinence, if you consider it from this position, will provoke another jump in hormone levels and reduce the likelihood of conception. Is this true? Yes and no. It all depends on sexual temperament. The individual need for the frequency of sexual intercourse. But in general, insignificant breaks of several days do not play a big role and do not affect the likelihood of conception.

Not all women know about their temperament and sufficiently understand the signals of their own body, therefore, in preparation for conception, you need to focus on those very few days. And take into account the characteristics of the male reproductive system, for which these few days play a big role.

Thus, female abstinence does not make much sense when it comes to moderate sexual temperament. The hormonal background in this case may remain normal for months.

Sexually active women with high needs are not recommended for such breaks. This will reduce the chance of conception. Recovery will take time, and possibly the help of doctors.

You also need to consider the day of the cycle for planning pregnancy. According to statistics, the greatest probability of conception is in the middle of cyclical changes.

Should a man abstain from sexual intercourse?

The issue of male abstinence is much more fundamental. Spermatogenesis, the process of seed formation - is not so fast.

The formation of high-quality sperm takes, on average, from 2 to 5 days. More often along the lower border. Unripe seminal fluid contains an insufficient number of germ cells, and therefore the probability of conception is significantly lower than potentially possible for a particular representative of the stronger sex.

Therefore, it makes no sense to try to conceive every day, no. This will lead to a diametrically opposite result. Frequent sexual intercourse will lead to the fact that at the time of ejaculation, the liquid secretion of the prostate will leave, having a minimum amount of seed.

The converse is also true. If a man abstains for too long, stagnant processes in the testes and prostate gland will begin. This, in turn, causes inflammatory processes.

Sometimes even invisible to the patient himself. Hence all sorts of violations of the quality of the seed. Basically, asthenozoospermia (low mobility and activity of germ cells), less often teratozoospermia (sperm mutations: there are a lot of formally, but they are not able to fertilize an egg), necrosoospermia. Complete or predominant absence of germ cells in semen.

It is advisable to determine the question in advance, even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Take a spermogram, assess the dependence of the maturation period of germ cells on the duration of abstinence. But not necessarily. It is enough to adhere to the rule - 1-2 sexual intercourse per day after abstinence for 2-3 days.

It must be borne in mind that sexual abstinence involves a complete rejection of sexual activity. Masturbation, other forms of manual exposure are strictly prohibited. For obvious reasons. Like interrupted sexual intercourse. Because even before the onset of ejaculation, most men secrete a pre-ejaculate, which may contain sperm.

Thus, male abstinence is necessary, it significantly affects the quality of sperm and the possibility of pregnancy. But you must adhere to such a regime within reasonable limits. 2 to 4 days, rarely up to 5.

What recommendations besides abstinence will help to accelerate conception?

Abstinence has a beneficial effect on the chances of pregnancy. You can consider the process more broadly. So, in addition to reducing sexual activity, dietary correction is necessary. During the same few days it is not recommended to eat fatty foods, salty foods, sweets, processed foods and canned foods, sour and alkaline fruits, vegetables, fried foods, smoked meats. Such products reduce the quality of the seed in men and increase the aggressiveness of the environment in the female genital passages. The benefits of dietary correction are obvious for both sexes.

The same applies to smoking, drinking alcohol. It is impossible to succumb to bad habits during the preparation for conception.

It is necessary to maintain emotional calm. Avoid physical overload, intense mental stress. In order not to provoke the release of hormones of the adrenal cortex and catecholamines, which have a detrimental effect on sex hormones and reduce the chances of success.

It must be borne in mind that all of the above is true with a sufficient level of reproductive system health. If there are pathologies of any nature, you must first undergo treatment, only then think about conception. Because counting on the onset of pregnancy in this case is almost impossible.

Abstinence is good for both man and woman. But with some reservations. Compliance with the simple rules mentioned above will increase the chances of conception.


Watch the video: Top 3 PROVEN Tips to get pregnant fast naturally (June 2024).