How to guess: who is the author of the text on the zodiac sign


Long-term practice of working as an editor helps to practically accurately determine who wrote the text.

On duty, I read and edit many different horoscopes.

You can relate differently to horoscopes, but it is worth recognizing that astrologers indicate the basic features of typical representatives of each zodiac sign quite correctly.

Over time, I began to catch myself thinking that having seen the text, we can assume who its author is in the horoscope. I began to take an interest in the authors of their "symbolic affiliation" and it turned out that there really was a match.

I share with you my many years of observation.

If you provide the copywriter, journalist, writer and other writing people with the most free creative task, the following typical signs will appear in the texts.


The author-Aries text is filled with optimism, even if the topic and content does not contribute to optimism. Aries like to start sentences with "A" and "No", to divide one thought into several sentences. Who makes a conclusion for the reader, suggesting the meaning of the written? Most likely this is Aries. Aries are usually very prolific authors. They can work in one edition for a long time.


A creative approach to any, even boring topic, betrays the author-Taurus. He will carefully consider the structure of the article, highlight the main thoughts and draw his opinion through the whole text with a red thread. Taurus usually do not write at once in one breath, but prepare the material in several approaches. Painstakingly checking his texts, Taurus tries. Style errors - this is not about Taurus, but speech and spelling - skip.


Grafomanov most often turn out to be Gemini according to the horoscope. This sign is eloquent. It can equally well write both scientific texts and feuilleton. However, it is difficult for him to write briefly, sentences will be complex, loaded with participial and participial turnovers. Twins like to use allegories, hyperbolization, in general, to inflate from a fly - an elephant. Gemini always loves to teach everyone: do it and don’t do it that way. Gemini writer tries very hard to write correctly, but typos and annoying mistakes in his texts are not uncommon.


Representatives of this sign are quite rare in writing. The texts of the author-Cancer are usually filled with deep meaning. People born under the sign of Cancer love to write in the second person or generally depersonalize the text. Crayfish can be quite educated, but they do not consider their spelling mistakes a tragedy.

a lion

If the author first finds out how much they will pay, and then what needs to be written, then this is Leo. Executive. Erudite. They can write equally well in different styles. Lviv is loyal to the cleanliness of the Russian language, they see nothing wrong with the use of non-standard constructions, words or expressions. All means are good, if only they would like the target audience, say Leo.


Representatives of this sign love and honor the Russian language. If the text is beautifully divided into even paragraphs, the introduction and conclusion are highlighted, there are no colloquial words and constructions - it is most likely that the Virgin wrote. The peculiarity of the authors-Devs in the literal understanding of the task and practicality. It is difficult for them to write analytical texts, materials on scientific or spiritual topics, something better is better ... closer to family and home, specific.


These are the most disciplined authors. They love and honor the Russian language, they are bad at using slang and various neologisms. Libra usually works well on materials about culture, painting, architecture, music and ballet, the beauties of different tourist places. What Libra does not like is time-note. If time is running out, Libra is better off not writing at all than trying to whip up something.


His texts are concise enough. Often, the Scorpio author does not have enough emotions in the text, however, if the material has a negative coloring, then aggression can go off scale and there can be no tolerance. Best of all, Scorpios obtain materials on scientific topics.


For Sagittarius authors, imagination is always on top; these are undoubtedly talented people. Unpredictable stories, the logic of their articles is not always understandable. They can easily start for health, and finish for peace. Sagittarius is often at odds with punctuation, and if you point out errors, they will not even be embarrassed, because this is "the author's punctuation."


The author-Capricorn always takes his place in the quarry, does not like long introductions and introductions. It may seem that the lyrics lack tact, but beauty and artistry are more than enough. The texts of Capricorn always have a lot of arguments, references to authoritative opinions, quotes, etc. Who likes to argue with the editor? Of course, Capricorn!


Introductory words in incredible quantities - the first thing that gives the author-Aquarius. Aquarians are quite free to the rules of the Russian language, they can neglect them, even if they are quite literate. Aquarius loves to smear thought over the text, and then give an unexpected ending.


Representatives of this sign are rarely people writing. To me, at least, they did not meet often. The author-Fish is very meticulous, attentive to the smallest little things, often doubts about any occasion, expresses the author’s position rather “slipperyly”, evading clear formulations. Pisces love writing about themselves more than others.

You may ask, why should the editor know which zodiac sign the author of the text represents? Would the text be of high quality, interesting and useful to readers!

It's like that.

But you must admit, it’s always nice to know who you are dealing with 🙂


Watch the video: All Zodiac Signs Have A Hidden Addiction, Here's Yours (July 2024).